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the island pharisees-第13章

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Her uncle's pencil descended on the clause; and he resumed the

reading of the draft; but Shelton could not follow it; he was too

much occupied in considering exactly why Mr。 Paramor had been amused;

and to do this he was obliged to keep his eyes upon him。  Those

features; just pleasantly rugged; the springy poise of the figure;

the hair neither straight nor curly; neither short nor long; the

haunting look of his eyes and the humorous look of his mouth; his

clothes neither shabby nor dandified; his serviceable; fine hands;

above all; the equability of the hovering blue pencil; conveyed the

impression of a perfect balance between heart and head; sensibility

and reason; theory and its opposite。

〃'During coverture;'〃 quoted Mr。 Paramor; pausing again; 〃you

understand; of course; if you don't get on; and separate; she goes on


If they didn't get on!  Shelton smiled。  Mr。 Paramor did not smile;

and again Shelton had the sense of having knocked up against

something poised but firm。  He remarked irritably:

〃If we 're not living together; all the more reason for her having


This time his uncle smiled。  It was difficult for Shelton to feel

angry at that ironic merriment; with its sudden ending; it was too

impersonal to irritate: it was too concerned with human nature。

〃Ifhumit came to the other thing;〃 said Mr。 Paramor; 〃the

settlement's at an end as far as she 's concerned。  We 're bound to

look at every case; you know; old boy。〃

The memory of the play and his conversation with Halidome was still

strong in Shelton。  He was not one of those who could not face the

notion of transferred affectionsat a safe distance。

〃All right; Uncle Ted;〃 said he。  For one mad moment he was attacked

by the desire to 〃throw in〃 the case of divorce。  Would it not be

common chivalry to make her independent; able to change her

affections if she wished; unhampered by monetary troubles?  You only

needed to take out the words 〃during coverture。〃

Almost anxiously he looked into his uncle's face。  There was no

meanness there; but neither was there encouragement in that

comprehensive brow with its wide sweep of hair。  〃Quixotism;〃 it

seemed to say; 〃has merits; but〃  The room; too; with its wide

horizon and tall windows; looking as if it dealt habitually in

common…sense; discouraged him。  Innumerable men of breeding and the

soundest principles must have bought their wives in here。  It was

perfumed with the atmosphere of wisdom and law…calf。  The aroma of

Precedent was strong; Shelton swerved his lance; and once more

settled down to complete the purchase of his wife。

〃I can't conceive what you'rein such a hurry for; you 're not going

to be married till the autumn;〃 said Mr。 Paramor; finishing at last。

Replacing the blue pencil in the rack; he took the red rose from the

glass; and sniffed at it。  〃Will you come with me as far as Pall

Mall?  I 'm going to take an afternoon off; too cold for Lord's; I


They walked into the Strand。

〃Have you seen this new play of Borogrove's?〃 asked Shelton; as they

passed the theatre to which he had been with Halidome。

〃I never go to modern plays;〃 replied Mr。 Paramor; 〃 too d…d


Shelton glanced at him; he wore his hat rather far back on his head;

his eyes haunted the street in front; he had shouldered his umbrella。

〃Psychology 's not in your line; Uncle Ted?〃

〃Is that what they call putting into words things that can't be put

in words?〃

〃The French succeed in doing it;〃 replied Shelton; and the Russians;

why should n't we?〃

Mr。 Paramor stopped to look in at a fishmonger's。

〃What's right for the French and Russians; Dick;〃 he said 〃is wrong

for us。  When we begin to be real; we only really begin to be false。

I should like to have had the catching of that fellow; let's send him

to your mother。〃  He went in and bought a salmon:

〃Now; my dear;〃 he continued; as they went on; 〃do you tell me that

it's decent for men and women on the stage to writhe about like eels?

Is n't life bad enough already?〃

It suddenly struck Shelton that; for all his smile; his uncle's face

had a look of crucifixion。  It was; perhaps; only the stronger

sunlight in the open spaces of Trafalgar Square。

〃I don't know;〃 he said; 〃I think I prefer the truth。〃

〃Bad endings and the rest;〃 said Mr。 Paramor; pausing under one of

Nelson's lions and taking Shelton by a button。  〃Truth 's the very


He stood there; very straight; his eyes haunting his nephew's face;

there seemed to Shelton a touching muddle in his optimisma muddle

of tenderness and of intolerance; of truth and second…handedness。

Like the lion above him; he seemed to be defying Life to make him

look at her。

〃No; my dear;〃 he said; handing sixpence to a sweeper; 〃feelings are

snakes! only fit to be kept in bottles with tight corks。  You won't

come to my club?  Well; good…bye; old boy; my love to your mother

when you see her〃; and turning up the Square; he left Shelton to go

on to his own club; feeling that he had parted; not from his uncle;

but from the nation of which they were both members by birth and

blood and education。



He went into the library of his club; and took up Burke's Peerage。

The words his uncle had said to him on hearing his engagement had

been these: 〃Dennant!  Are those the Holm Oaks Dennants ?  She was a


No one who knew Mr。 Paramor connected him with snobbery; but there

had been an 〃Ah! that 's right; this is due to us〃 tone about the


Shelton hunted for the name of Baltimore: 〃Charles Penguin; fifth

Baron Baltimore。  Issue: Alice; b。  184…; m。 186… Algernon Dennant;

Esq。; of Holm Oaks; Cross Eaton; Oxfordshire。〃  He put down the

Peerage and took up the 'Landed Gentry': 〃Dennant; Algernon Cuffe;

eldest son of the late Algernon Cuffe Dennant; Esq。; J。 P。; and

Irene; 2nd daur。 of the Honble。 Philip and Lady Lillian March Mallow;

ed。 Eton and Ch。 Ch。; Oxford; J。 P。 for Oxfordshire。  Residence; Holm

Oaks;〃 etc。; etc。  Dropping the 'Landed Gentry'; he took up a volume

of the 'Arabian Nights'; which some member had left reposing on the

book…rest of his chair; but instead of reading he kept looking round

the room。  In almost every seat; reading or snoozing; were gentlemen

who; in their own estimation; might have married Penguins。  For the

first time it struck him with what majestic leisureliness they turned

the pages of their books; trifled with their teacups; or lightly

snored。  Yet no two were alikea tall man…with dark moustache; thick

hair; and red; smooth cheeks; another; bald; with stooping shoulders;

a tremendous old buck; with a grey; pointed beard and large white

waistcoat; a clean…shaven dapper man past middle age; whose face was

like a bird's; a long; sallow; misanthrope; and a sanguine creature

fast asleep。  Asleep or awake; reading or snoring;
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