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oedipus the king-第3章

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Successor to his throne; his bed; his wife;
(And had he not been frustrate in the hope
Of issue; common children of one womb
Had forced a closer bond twixt him and me;
But Fate swooped down upon him); therefore I
His blood…avenger will maintain his cause
As though he were my sire; and leave no stone
Unturned to track the assassin or avenge
The son of Labdacus; of Polydore;
Of Cadmus; and Agenor first of the race。
And for the disobedient thus I pray:
May the gods send them neither timely fruits
Of earth; nor teeming increase of the womb;
But may they waste and pine; as now they waste;
Aye and worse stricken; but to all of you;
My loyal subjects who approve my acts;
May Justice; our ally; and all the gods
Be gracious and attend you evermore。

The oath thou profferest; sire; I take and swear。
I slew him not myself; nor can I name
The slayer。  For the quest; 'twere well; methinks
That Phoebus; who proposed the riddle; himself
Should give the answerwho the murderer was。

Well argued; but no living man can hope
To force the gods to speak against their will。

May I then say what seems next best to me?

Aye; if there be a third best; tell it too。

My liege; if any man sees eye to eye
With our lord Phoebus; 'tis our prophet; lord
Teiresias; he of all men best might guide
A searcher of this matter to the light。

Here too my zeal has nothing lagged; for twice
At Creon's instance have I sent to fetch him;
And long I marvel why he is not here。

I mind me too of rumors long ago
Mere gossip。

               Tell them; I would fain know all。

'Twas said he fell by travelers。

                                   So I heard;
But none has seen the man who saw him fall。

Well; if he knows what fear is; he will quail
And flee before the terror of thy curse。

Words scare not him who blenches not at deeds。

But here is one to arraign him。  Lo; at length
They bring the god…inspired seer in whom
Above all other men is truth inborn。
'Enter TEIRESIAS; led by a boy。'

Teiresias; seer who comprehendest all;
Lore of the wise and hidden mysteries;
High things of heaven and low things of the earth;
Thou knowest; though thy blinded eyes see naught;
What plague infects our city; and we turn
To thee; O seer; our one defense and shield。
The purport of the answer that the God
Returned to us who sought his oracle;
The messengers have doubtless told theehow
One course alone could rid us of the pest;
To find the murderers of Laius;
And slay them or expel them from the land。
Therefore begrudging neither augury
Nor other divination that is thine;
O save thyself; thy country; and thy king;
Save all from this defilement of blood shed。
On thee we rest。  This is man's highest end;
To others' service all his powers to lend。

Alas; alas; what misery to be wise
When wisdom profits nothing!  This old lore
I had forgotten; else I were not here。

What ails thee?  Why this melancholy mood?

Let me go home; prevent me not; 'twere best
That thou shouldst bear thy burden and I mine。

For shame! no true…born Theban patriot
Would thus withhold the word of prophecy。

_Thy_ words; O king; are wide of the mark; and I
For fear lest I too trip like thee。。。

                                        Oh speak;
Withhold not; I adjure thee; if thou know'st;
Thy knowledge。  We are all thy suppliants。

Aye; for ye all are witless; but my voice
Will ne'er reveal my miseriesor thine。 '2'

What then; thou knowest; and yet willst not speak!
Wouldst thou betray us and destroy the State?

I will not vex myself nor thee。  Why ask
Thus idly what from me thou shalt not learn?

Monster! thy silence would incense a flint。
Will nothing loose thy tongue?  Can nothing melt thee;
Or shake thy dogged taciturnity?

Thou blam'st my mood and seest not thine own
Wherewith thou art mated; no; thou taxest me。

And who could stay his choler when he heard
How insolently thou dost flout the State?

Well; it will come what will; though I be mute。

Since come it must; thy duty is to tell me。

I have no more to say; storm as thou willst;
And give the rein to all thy pent…up rage。

Yea; I am wroth; and will not stint my words;
But speak my whole mind。  Thou methinks thou art he;
Who planned the crime; aye; and performed it too;
All save the assassination; and if thou
Hadst not been blind; I had been sworn to boot
That thou alone didst do the bloody deed。

Is it so?  Then I charge thee to abide
By thine own proclamation; from this day
Speak not to these or me。  Thou art the man;
Thou the accursed polluter of this land。

Vile slanderer; thou blurtest forth these taunts;
And think'st forsooth as seer to go scot free。

Yea; I am free; strong in the strength of truth。

Who was thy teacher? not methinks thy art。

Thou; goading me against my will to speak。

What speech? repeat it and resolve my doubt。

Didst miss my sense wouldst thou goad me on?

I but half caught thy meaning; say it again。

I say thou art the murderer of the man
Whose murderer thou pursuest。

                              Thou shalt rue it
Twice to repeat so gross a calumny。

Must I say more to aggravate thy rage?

Say all thou wilt; it will be but waste of breath。

I say thou livest with thy nearest kin
In infamy; unwitting in thy shame。

Think'st thou for aye unscathed to wag thy tongue?

Yea; if the might of truth can aught prevail。
With other men; but not with thee; for thou
In ear; wit; eye; in everything art blind。

Poor fool to utter gibes at me which all
Here present will cast back on thee ere long。

Offspring of endless Night; thou hast no power
O'er me or any man who sees the sun。

No; for thy weird is not to fall by me。
I leave to Apollo what concerns the god。

Is this a plot of Creon; or thine own?

Not Creon; thou thyself art thine own bane。

O wealth and empiry and skill by skill
Outwitted in the battlefield of life;
What spite and envy follow in your train!
See; for this crown the State conferred on me。
A gift; a thing I sought not; for this crown
The trusty Creon; my familiar friend;
Hath lain in wait to oust me and suborned
This mountebank; this juggling charlatan;
This tricksy beggar…priest; for gain alone
Keen…eyed; but in his proper art stone…blind。
Say; sirrah; hast thou ever proved thyself
A prophet?  When the riddling Sphinx was here
Why hadst thou no deliverance for this folk?
And yet the riddle was not to be solved
By guess…work but required the prophet's art;
Wherein thou wast found lacking; neither birds
Nor sign from heaven helped thee; but _I_ came;
The simple Oedipus; _I_ stopped her mouth
By mother wit; untaught of auguries。
This is the man whom tho
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