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oedipus the king-第25章

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Not to connive at disobedience。

No man is mad enough to court his death。

The penalty _is_ death:  yet hope of gain
Hath lured men to their ruin oftentimes。
'Enter GUARD'

My lord; I will not make pretense to pant
And puff as some light…footed messenger。
In sooth my soul beneath its pack of thought
Made many a halt and turned and turned again;
For conscience plied her spur and curb by turns。
〃Why hurry headlong to thy fate; poor fool?〃
She whispered。  Then again; 〃If Creon learn
This from another; thou wilt rue it worse。〃
Thus leisurely I hastened on my road;
Much thought extends a furlong to a league。
But in the end the forward voice prevailed;
To face thee。  I will speak though I say nothing。
For plucking courage from despair methought;
'Let the worst hap; thou canst but meet thy fate。'

What is thy news?  Why this despondency?

Let me premise a word about myself?
I neither did the deed nor saw it done;
Nor were it just that I should come to harm。

Thou art good at parry; and canst fence about
Some matter of grave import; as is plain。

The bearer of dread tidings needs must quake。

Then; sirrah; shoot thy bolt and get thee gone。

Well; it must out; the corpse is buried; someone
E'en now besprinkled it with thirsty dust;
Performed the proper ritualand was gone。

What say'st thou?  Who hath dared to do this thing?

I cannot tell; for there was ne'er a trace
Of pick or mattockhard unbroken ground;
Without a scratch or rut of chariot wheels;
No sign that human hands had been at work。
When the first sentry of the morning watch
Gave the alarm; we all were terror…stricken。
The corpse had vanished; not interred in earth;
But strewn with dust; as if by one who sought
To avert the curse that haunts the unburied dead:
Of hound or ravening jackal; not a sign。
Thereat arose an angry war of words;
Guard railed at guard and blows were like to end it;
For none was there to part us; each in turn
Suspected; but the guilt brought home to none;
From lack of evidence。  We challenged each
The ordeal; or to handle red…hot iron;
Or pass through fire; affirming on our oath
Our innocencewe neither did the deed
Ourselves; nor know who did or compassed it。
Our quest was at a standstill; when one spake
And bowed us all to earth like quivering reeds;
For there was no gainsaying him nor way
To escape perdition:  _Ye_are_bound_to_tell_
_The_King;_ye_cannot_hide_it_; so he spake。
And he convinced us all; so lots were cast;
And I; unlucky scapegoat; drew the prize。
So here I am unwilling and withal
Unwelcome; no man cares to hear ill news。

I had misgivings from the first; my liege;
Of something more than natural at work。

O cease; you vex me with your babblement;
I am like to think you dote in your old age。
Is it not arrant folly to pretend
That gods would have a thought for this dead man?
Did they forsooth award him special grace;
And as some benefactor bury him;
Who came to fire their hallowed sanctuaries;
To sack their shrines; to desolate their land;
And scout their ordinances?  Or perchance
The gods bestow their favors on the bad。
No! no! I have long noted malcontents
Who wagged their heads; and kicked against the yoke;
Misliking these my orders; and my rule。
'Tis they; I warrant; who suborned my guards
By bribes。  Of evils current upon earth
The worst is money。  Money 'tis that sacks
Cities; and drives men forth from hearth and home;
Warps and seduces native innocence;
And breeds a habit of dishonesty。
But they who sold themselves shall find their greed
Out…shot the mark; and rue it soon or late。
Yea; as I still revere the dread of Zeus;
By Zeus I swear; except ye find and bring
Before my presence here the very man
Who carried out this lawless burial;
Death for your punishment shall not suffice。
Hanged on a cross; alive ye first shall make
Confession of this outrage。  This will teach you
What practices are like to serve your turn。
There are some villainies that bring no gain。
For by dishonesty the few may thrive;
The many come to ruin and disgrace。

May I not speak; or must I turn and go
Without a word?

                    Begone! canst thou not see
That e'en this question irks me?

                                   Where; my lord?
Is it thy ears that suffer; or thy heart?

Why seek to probe and find the seat of pain?

I gall thine earsthis miscreant thy mind。

What an inveterate babbler! get thee gone!

Babbler perchance; but innocent of the crime。

Twice guilty; having sold thy soul for gain。

Alas! how sad when reasoners reason wrong。

Go; quibble with thy reason。  If thou fail'st
To find these malefactors; thou shalt own
The wages of ill…gotten gains is death。
'Exit CREON'

I pray he may be found。  But caught or not
(And fortune must determine that) thou never
Shalt see me here returning; that is sure。
For past all hope or thought I have escaped;
And for my safety owe the gods much thanks。

(Str。 1)
Many wonders there be; but naught more wondrous than man;
Over the surging sea; with a whitening south wind wan;
Through the foam of the firth; man makes his perilous way;
And the eldest of deities Earth that knows not toil nor decay
Ever he furrows and scores; as his team; year in year out;
With breed of the yoked horse; the ploughshare turneth about。

(Ant。 1)
The light…witted birds of the air; the beasts of the weald and the wood
He traps with his woven snare; and the brood of the briny flood。
Master of cunning he:  the savage bull; and the hart
Who roams the mountain free; are tamed by his infinite art;
And the shaggy rough…maned steed is broken to bear the bit。

(Str。 2)
Speech and the wind…swift speed of counsel and civic wit;
He hath learnt for himself all these; and the arrowy rain to fly
And the nipping airs that freeze; 'neath the open winter sky。
He hath provision for all: fell plague he hath learnt to endure;
Safe whate'er may befall: yet for death he hath found no cure。

(Ant。 2)
Passing the wildest flight thought are the cunning and skill;
That guide man now to the light; but now to counsels of ill。
If he honors the laws of the land; and reveres the Gods of the State
Proudly his city shall stand; but a cityless outcast I rate
Whoso bold in his pride from the path of right doth depart;
Ne'er may I sit by his side; or share the thoughts of his heart。

          What strange vision meets my eyes;
          Fills me with a wild surprise?
          Sure I know her; sure 'tis she;
          The maid Antigone。
          Hapless child of hapless sire;
          Didst thou recklessly conspire;
          Madly brave the King's decree?
          Therefore are they haling thee?
'Enter GUARD bringing ANTIGONE'

Here is the culprit taken in the act
Of giving burial。  But where's the King?

There from the palace he returns in time。
'Enter CREON'

Why is my presence timely?  What has chanced?

No man; my lord; should make a vow; for if
He ever swears he will not do a 
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