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door of her carriage。 It flew open; and she stepped out; the light
fell upon her dear face; and he could see that she smiled as she
thanked them; and appeared quite overcome。 Knud looked straight in her face; and she looked at him; but she did not recognize him。 A man; with a glittering star on his breast; gave her his arm; and people
said the two were engaged to be married。 Then Knud went home and
packed up his knapsack; he felt he must return to the home of his
childhood; to the elder…tree and the willow。 〃Ah; under that
willow…tree!〃 A man may live a whole life in one single hour。

The old couple begged him to remain; but words were useless。 In
vain they reminded him that winter was coming; and that the snow had already fallen on the mountains。 He said he could easily follow the track of the closely…moving carriages; for which a path must be kept clear; and with nothing but his knapsack on his back; and leaning on his stick; he could step along briskly。 So he turned his steps to
the mountains; ascended one side and descended the other; still
going northward till his strength began to fail; and not a house or
village could be seen。 The stars shone in the sky above him; and
down in the valley lights glittered like stars; as if another sky were
beneath him; but his head was dizzy and his feet stumbled; and he felt
ill。 The lights in the valley grew brighter and brighter; and more
numerous; and he could see them moving to and fro; and then he
understood that there must be a village in the distance; so he exerted
his failing strength to reach it; and at length obtained shelter in
a humble lodging。 He remained there that night and the whole of the
following day; for his body required rest and refreshment; and in
the valley there was rain and a thaw。 But early in the morning of
the third day; a man came with an organ and played one of the melodies of home; and after that Knud could remain there no longer; so he started again on his journey toward the north。 He travelled for many days with hasty steps; as if he were trying to reach home before all whom he remembered should die; but he spoke to no one of this longing。

No one would have believed or understood this sorrow of his heart; the deepest that can be felt by human nature。 Such grief is not for the
world; it is not entertaining even to friends; and poor Knud had no
friends; he was a stranger; wandering through strange lands to his
home in the north。

He was walking one evening through the public roads; the country
around him was flatter; with fields and meadows; the air had a
frosty feeling。 A willow…tree grew by the roadside; everything
reminded him of home。 He felt very tired; so he sat down under the
tree; and very soon began to nod; then his eyes closed in sleep。 Yet
still he seemed conscious that the willow…tree was stretching its
branches over him; in his dreaming state the tree appeared like a
strong; old man… the 〃willow…father〃 himself; who had taken his
tired son up in his arms to carry him back to the land of home; to the
garden of his childhood; on the bleak open shores of Kjoge。 And then he dreamed that it was really the willow…tree itself from Kjoge; which had travelled out in the world to seek him; and now had found him and carried him back into the little garden on the banks of the
streamlet; and there stood Joanna; in all her splendor; with the
golden crown on her head; as he had last seen her; to welcome him
back。 And then there appeared before him two remarkable shapes;
which looked much more like human beings than when he had seen them in his childhood; they were changed; but he remembered that they were the two gingerbread cakes; the man and the woman; who had shown their best sides to the world and looked so good。

〃We thank you;〃 they said to Knud; 〃for you have loosened our
tongues; we have learnt from you that thoughts should be spoken
freely; or nothing will come of them; and now something has come of
our thoughts; for we are engaged to be married。〃 Then they walked
away; hand…in…hand; through the streets of Kjoge; looking very
respectable on the best side; which they were quite right to show。

They turned their steps to the church; and Knud and Joanna followed
them; also walking hand…in…hand; there stood the church; as of old;
with its red walls; on which the green ivy grew。

The great church door flew open wide; and as they walked up the
broad aisle; soft tones of music sounded from the organ。 〃Our master
first;〃 said the gingerbread pair; making room for Knud and Joanna。 
As they knelt at the altar; Joanna bent her head over him; and cold;
icy tears fell on his face from her eyes。 They were indeed tears of
ice; for her heart was melting towards him through his strong love;
and as her tears fell on his burning cheeks he awoke。 He was still
sitting under the willow…tree in a strange land; on a cold winter
evening; with snow and hail falling from the clouds; and beating
upon his face。

〃That was the most delightful hour of my life;〃 said he; 〃although
it was only a dream。 Oh; let me dream again。〃 Then he closed his
eyes once more; and slept and dreamed。

Towards morning there was a great fall of snow; the wind drifted
it over him; but he still slept on。 The villagers came forth to go
to church; by the roadside they found a workman seated; but he was
dead! frozen to death under a willow…tree。



Written By Anderson

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