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the trachiniae-第9章

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thus! Alas; my destiny!

                                                         antistrophe 2

    Again; again the cruel pest leaps forth to rend me; the fierce

plague with which none may cope!

    O Pallas; Pallas; it tortures me again! Alas; my son; pity thy

sire;… draw a blameless sword; and smite beneath my collar…bone; and

heal this pain wherewith thy godless mother hath made me wild! So

may I see her fall;… thus; even thus; as she hath destroyed me!

                                                         antistrophe 3

    Sweet Hades; brother of Zeus; give me rest; give me rest;… end

my woe by a swiftly…sped doom!


    I shudder; friends; to hear these sorrows of our lord; what a

man is here; and what torments afflict him!


    Ah; fierce full oft; and grievous not in name alone; have been the

labours of these hands; the burdens borne upon these shoulders! But no

toil ever laid on me by the wife of Zeus or by the hateful

Eurystheus was like unto this thing which the daughter of Oeneus; fair

and false; hath fastened upon my back;… this woven net of the

Furies; in which I perish! Glued to my sides; it hath eaten my flesh

to the inmost parts; it is ever with me; sucking the channels of my

breath; already it hath drained my fresh lifeblood; and my whole

body is wasted; a captive to these unutterable bonds。

    Not the warrior on the battle…field; not the Giants' earth…born

host; nor the might of savage beasts; hath ever done unto me thus;…

not Hellas; nor the land of the alien; nor any land to which I have

come as a deliverer: no; a woman; a weak woman; born not to the

strength of man; all alone hath vanquished me; without stroke of sword

    Son; show thyself my son indeed; and do not honour a mother's name

above a sire's: bring forth the woman that bare thee; and give her

with thine own hands into my hand; that I may know of a truth which

sight grieves thee most;… my tortured frame; or hers; when she suffers

her righteous doom!

    Go; my son; shrink not… and show thy pity for me; whom many

might deem pitiful;… for me; moaning and weeping like a girl;… and the

man lives not who can say that he ever saw me do thus before; no;

without complaining I still went whither mine evil fortune led。 But

now; alas; the strong man hath been found a woman。

    Approach; stand near thy sire; and see what a fate it is that hath

brought me to this pass; for I will lift the veil。 Behold! Look; all

of you; on this miserable body; see how wretched; how piteous is my


    Ah; woe is me!

    The burning throe of torment is there anew; it darts through my

sides… I must wrestle once more with that cruel; devouring plague!

    O thou lord of the dark realm; receive me! Smite me; O fire of

Zeus! Hurl down thy thunderbolt; O King; send it; O father; upon my

head! For again the pest is consuming me; it hath blazed forth; it

hath started into fury! O hands; my hands; O shoulders and breast

and trusty arms; ye; now in this plight; are the same whose force of

old subdued the dweller in Nemea; the scourge of herdsmen; the lion; a

creature that no man might approach or confront; ye tamed the Lernaean

Hydra; and that monstrous host of double form; man joined to steed;

a race with whom none may commune; violent; lawless; of surpassing

might; ye tamed the Erymanthian beast; and the three…headed whelp of

Hades underground; a resistless terror; offspring of the dread

Echidna; ye tamed the dragon that guarded the golden fruit in the

utmost places of the earth。

    These toils and countless others have I proved; nor hath any man

vaunted a triumph over my prowess。 But now; with joints unhinged and

with flesh torn to shreds; I have become the miserable prey of an

unseen destroyer;… I; who am called the son of noblest mother;… I;

whose reputed sire is Zeus; lord of the starry sky。

    But ye may be sure of one thing:… though I am as nought; though

I cannot move a step; yet she who hath done this deed shall feel my

heavy hand even now: let her but come; and she shall learn to proclaim

this message unto all; that in my death; as in my life; I chastised

the wicked!


    Ah; hapless Greece; what mourning do I forsee for her; if she must

lose this man


    Father; since thy pause permits an answer; hear me; afflicted

though thou art。 I will ask thee for no more than is my due。 Accept my

counsels; in a calmer mood than that to which this anger stings

thee: else thou canst not learn how vain is thy desire for

vengeance; and how causeless thy resentment。


    Say what thou wilt; and cease; in this my pain I understand nought

of all thy riddling words。


    I come to tell thee of my mother;… how it is now with her; and how

she sinned unwittingly。


    Villain! What… hast thou dared to breathe her name again in my

hearing;… the name of the mother who hath slain thy sire?


    Yea; such is her state that silence is unmeet。


    Unmeet; truly; in view of her past crimes。


    And also of her deeds this day;… as thou wilt own。


    Speak;… but give heed that thou be not found a traitor。


    These are my tidings。 She is dead; lately slain。


    By whose hand? A wondrous message; from a prophet of ill…omened



    By her own hand; and no stranger's。


    Alas; ere she died by mine; as she deserved!


    Even thy wrath would be turned; couldst thou hear all。


    A strange preamble; but unfold thy meaning。


    The sum is this;… she erred; with a good intent。


    Is it a good deed; thou wretch; to have slain thy sire?


    Nay; she thought to use a love…charm for thy heart; when she saw

the new bride in the house; but missed her aim。


    And what Trachinian deals in spells so potent?


    Nessus the Centaur persuaded her of old to inflame thy desire with

such a charm。


    Alas; alas; miserable that I am! Woe is me; I am lost;… undone;

undone! No more for me the light of day! Alas; now I see in what a

plight stand! Go; my son;… for thy father's end hath come;… summon;

I pray thee; all thy brethren; summon; too; the hapless Alcmena; in

vain the bride of Zeus;… that ye may learn from my dying lips what

oracles know。


    Nay; thy mother is not here; as it chances; she hath her abode

at Tiryns by the sea。 Some of thy children she hath taken to live with

her there; and others; thou wilt find; are dwelling in Thebe's town。

But we who are with thee; my father; will render all service that is

needed; at thy bidding。


    Hear; then; thy task: now is the time to show what stuff is in

thee; who art called my son。

    It was foreshown to me by my Sire of old that I should perish by

no creature that had the breath of lif
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