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the trachiniae-第7章

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herald; Lichas; came to him from home; bearing thy gift; the deadly

robe; which he put on; according to thy precept; and then began his

offering with twelve bulls; free from blemish; the firstlings of the

spoil; but altogether he brought a hundred victims; great or small; to

the altar。

    At first; hapless one; he prayed with serene soul; rejoicing in

his comely garb。 But when the blood…fed flame began to blaze from

the holy offerings and from the resinous pine; a sweat broke forth

upon his flesh; and the tunic clung to his sides; at every joint;

close…glued; as if by a craftsman's hand; there came a biting pain

that racked his bones; and then the venom; as of some deadly; cruel

viper; began to devour him。

    Thereupon he shouted for the unhappy Lichas;… in no wise to

blame for thy crime;… asking what treason had moved him to bring

that robe; but he; all…unknowing; hapless one; said that he had

brought the gift from thee alone; as it had been sent。 When his master

heard it; as a piercing spasm clutched his lungs; he caught him by the

foot; where the ankle turns in the socket; and hurled him at a

surf…beaten rock in the sea; and he made the white brain to ooze

from the hair; as the skull was dashed to splinters; and blood

scattered therewith。

    But all the people lifted up a cry of awe…struck grief; seeing

that one was frenzied; and the other slain; and no one dared to come

before the man。 For the pain dragged him to earth; or made him leap

into the air; with yells and shrieks; till the cliffs rang around;

steep headlands of Locris; and Euboean capes。

    But when he was spent with oft throwing himself on the ground in

his anguish; and oft making loud lament;… cursing his fatal marriage

with thee; the vile one; and his alliance with Oeneus;… saying how

he had found in it the ruin of his life;… then from out of the

shrouding altar…smoke; he lifted up his wildly…rolling eyes; and saw

me in the great crowd; weeping。 He turned his gaze on me; and called

me: 'O son; draw near; do not fly from my trouble; even though thou

must share my death。 Come; bear me forth; and set me; if thou canst;

in a place where no man shall see me; or; if thy pity forbids that; at

least convey me with all speed out of this land; and let me not die

where I am。'

    That command sufficed; we laid him in mid…ship; and brought

him…but hardly brought him… to this shore; moaning in his torments。

And ye shall presently behold him; alive; or lately dead。

    Such; mother; are the designs and deeds against my sire whereof

thou hast been found guilty。 May avenging justice and the Erinys visit

thee for them! Yes; if it be right; that is my prayer: and right it

is;… for I have seen thee trample on the right; by slaying the noblest

man in all the world; whose like thou shalt see nevermore!

                                  (DEIANEIRA moves towards the house。)


    Why dost thou depart in silence? Knowest thou not that such

silence pleads for thine accuser?

                                        (DEIANEIRA goes in the house。)


    Let her depart。 A fair wind speed her far from my sight! Why

should the name of mother bring her a semblance of respect; when she

is all unlike a mother in her deeds? No; let her go;… farewell to her;

and may such joy as she gives my sire become her own!

                                        (Exit HYLLUS; into the house。)

  CHORUS  (singing)

                                                             strophe 1

    See; maidens; how suddenly the divine word of the old prophecy

hath come upon us; which said that; when the twelfth year should

have run through its full tale of months; it should end the series

of toils for the true…born son of Zeus! And that promise is wafted

surely to its fulfilment。 For how shall he who beholds not the light

have toilsome servitude any more beyond the grave?

                                                         antistrophe 1

    If a cloud of death is around him; and the doom wrought by the

Centaur's craft is stinging his sides; where cleaves the venom which

Thanatos begat and the gleaming serpent nourished; how can he look

upon tomorrow's sun;… when that appalling Hydra…shape holds him in its

grip; and those murderous goads; prepared by the wily words of

black…haired Nessus; have started into fury; vexing him with

tumultuous pain?

                                                             strophe 2

    Of such things this hapless lady had no foreboding; but she saw

great mischief swiftly coming on her home from the new marriage。 Her

own hand applied the remedy; but for the issues of a stranger's

counsel; given at a fatal meeting;… for these; I ween; she makes

despairing lament; shedding the tender dew of plenteous tears。 And the

coming fate foreshadows a great misfortune; contrived by guile。

                                                         antistrophe 2

    Our streaming tears break forth: alas; a plague is upon him more

piteous than any suffering that foemen ever brought upon that glorious


    Ah; thou dark steel of the spear foremost in battle; by whose

might yonder bride was lately borne so swiftly from Oechalia's

heights! But the Cyprian goddess; ministering in silence; hath been

plainly proved the doer of these deeds。


    Is it fancy; or do I hear some cry of grief just passing through

the house? What is this?


    No uncertain sound; but a wail of anguish from within: the house

hath some new trouble。


    And mark how sadly; with what a cloud upon her brow; that aged

woman approaches; to give us tidings。

                                        (Enter NURSE; from the house。)


    Ah; my daughters; great; indeed; were the sorrows that we were

to reap from the gift sent to Heracles!


    Aged woman; what new mischance hast thou to tell?


    Deianeira hath departed on the last of all her journeys;

departed without stirring foot。


    Thou speakest not of death?


    My tale is told。


    Dead; hapless one?


    Again thou hearest it。


    Hapless; lost one! Say; what was the manner of her death?


    Oh; a cruel deed was there!


    Speak; woman; how hath she met her doom?


    By her own hand hath she died。


    What fury; what pangs of frenzy have cut her off by the edge of

a dire weapon? How contrived she this death; following death;… all

wrought by her alone?


    By the stroke of the sword that makes sorrow。


    Sawest thou that violent deed; poor helpless one?


    I saw it; yea; I was standing near。


    Whence came it? How was it done? Oh; speak


    'Twas the work of her own mind and her own hand。


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