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the trachiniae-第5章

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    But; when this bride was to be won; who were the valiant rivals

that entered the contest for her hand? Who went forth to the ordeal of

battle; to the fierce blows and the blinding dust?


    One was a mighty river…god; the dread form of a horned and

four…legged bull; Achelous; from Oeniadae: the other came from

Thebe; dear to Bacchus; with curved bow; and spears; and brandished

club; the son of Zeus: who then met in combat; fain to win a bride:

and the Cyprian goddess of nuptial joy was there with them; sole

umpire of their strife。


    Then was there clatter of fists and clang of bow; and the noise of

bull's horns therewith; then were there close…locked grapplings; and

deadly blows from the forehead; and loud deep cries from both。

    Meanwhile; she; in her delicate beauty; sat on the side of a

hill that could be seen afar; awaiting the husband that should be


    So the battle rages; as I have told; but the fair bride who is the

prize of the strife abides the end in piteous anguish。 And suddenly

she is parted from her mother; as when a heifer is taken from its dam。

    (DEIANEIRA enters from the house alone; carrying in her arms a

casket containing a robe。)


    Dear friends; while our visitor is saying his farewell to the

captive girls in the house; I have stolen forth to you;… partly to

tell you what these hands have devised; and partly to crave your

sympathy with my sorrow。

    A maiden;… or; methinks; no longer a maiden; but a mistress;… hath

found her way into my house; as a freight comes to a mariner;… a

merchandise to make shipwreck of my peace。 And now we twain are to

share the same marriage…bed; the same embrace。 Such is the reward that

Heracles hath sent me;… he whom I called true and loyal;… for guarding

his home through all that weary time。 I have no thought of anger

against him; often as he is vexed with this distemper。 But then to

live with her; sharing the same union… what woman could endure it? For

I see that the flower of her age is blossoming; while mine is

fading; and the eyes of men love to cull the bloom of youth; but

they turn aside from the old。 This; then; is my fear;… lest

Heracles; in name my spouse; should be the younger's mate。

    But; as I said; anger ill beseems a woman of understanding。 I will

tell you; friends; the way by which I hope to find deliverance and

relief。 I had a gift; given to me long ago by a monster of olden time;

aid stored in an urn of bronze; a gift which; while yet a girl; I took

up from the shaggy…breasted Nessus;… from his life…blood; as he lay

dying; Nessus; who used to carry men in his arms across the deep

waters of the Evenus; using no oar to waft them; nor sail of ship。

    I; too; was carried on his shoulders;… when; by my father's

sending; first went forth with Heracles as his wife; and when I was in

mid…stream; he touched me with wanton hands。 I shrieked; the son of

Zeus turned quickly round; and shot a feathered arrow; it whizzed

through his breast to the lungs; and; in his mortal faintness; thus

much the Centaur spake:…

    'Child of aged Oeneus; thou shalt have at least this profit of

my ferrying;… if thou wilt hearken;…because thou wast the last whom

I conveyed。 If thou gatherest with thy hands the blood clotted round

my wound; at the place where the Hydra; Lerna's monstrous growth; hath

tinged the arrow with black gall;… this shall be to thee a charm for

the soul of Heracles; so that he shall never look upon any woman to

love her more than thee。'

    I bethought me of this; my friends… for; after his death; I had

kept it carefully locked up in a secret place; and I have anointed

this robe; doing everything to it as he enjoined while he lived。 The

work is finished。 May deeds of wicked daring be ever far from my

thoughts; and from my knowledge;… as I abhor the women who attempt

them! But if in any wise I may prevail against this girl by

love…spells and charms used on Heracles; the means to that end are

ready;…unless; indeed; I seem to be acting rashly: if so; I will

desist forthwith。


    Nay; if these measures give any ground of confidence; we think

that thy design is not amiss。


    Well; the ground stands thus;… there is a fair promise; but I have

not yet essayed the proof。


    Nay; knowledge must come through action; thou canst have no test

which is not fanciful; save by trial。


    Well; we shall know presently:… for there I see the man already at

the doors; and he will soon be going。… Only may my secret be well kept

by you! While thy deeds are hidden; even though they be not seemly;

thou wilt never be brought to shame。

                                       (LICHAS enters from the house。)


    What are thy commands? Give me my charge; daughter of Oeneus;

for already I have tarried over long。


    Indeed; I have just been seeing to this for thee; Lichas; while

thou wast speaking to the stranger maidens in the house;… that thou

shouldest take for me this long robe; woven by mine own hand; a gift

to mine absent lord。

    And when thou givest it; charge him that he; and no other; shall

be the first to wear it; that it shall not be seen by the light of the

sun; nor by the sacred precinct; nor by the fire at the hearth;

until he stand forth; conspicuous before all eyes; and show it to

the gods on a day when bulls are slain。

    For thus had I vowed;… that if I should ever see or hear that he

had come safely home; I would duly clothe him in this robe; and so

present him to the gods; newly radiant at their altar in new garb。

    As proof; thou shalt carry a token; which he will quickly

recognise within the circle of this seal。

    Now go thy way; and; first; remember the rule that messengers

should not be meddlers; next; so bear thee that my thanks may be

joined to his doubling the grace which thou shalt win。


    Nay; if I ply this herald…craft of Hermes with any sureness; I

will never trip in doing thine errand: I will not fail to deliver this

casket as it is; and to add thy words in attestation of thy gift。


    Thou mayest be going now; for thou knowest well how things are

with us in the house。


    I know; and will report; that all hath prospered。


    And then thou hast seen the greeting given to the stranger

maiden…thou knowest how I welcomed her?


    So that my heart was filled with wondering joy。


    What more; then; is there for thee to tell? I am afraid that it

would be too soon to speak of the longing on my part; before we know

if I am longed for there。

                   (LICHAS departs with the casket

                and DEIANEIRA retires into the house。)

  CHORUS  (Singing)

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