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the trachiniae-第4章

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    Accursed; above other evil…doers; be the man whom deeds of

treachery dishonour!


    Ah; maidens; what am I to do? These latest tidings have bewildered



    Go and inquire from Lichas; perchance he will tell the truth; if

thou constrain him to answer。


    Well; I will go; thy counsel is not amiss。


    And I; shall I wait here? Or what is thy pleasure?


    Remain;… here he comes from the house of his own accord; without

summons from me。

                                                        (Enter LICHAS)


    Lady; what message shall I bear to Heracles? Give me thy commands;

for; as thou seest; I am going。


    How hastily thou art rushing away; when thy visit had been so long

delayed;… before we have had time for further talk。


    Nay; if there be aught that thou would'st ask; I am at thy



    Wilt thou indeed give me the honest truth?


    Yes; be great Zeus my witness;… in anything that I know;


    Who is the woman; then; whom thou hast brought?


    She is Euboean; but of what birth; I cannot say。


    Sirrah; look at me:… to whom art thou speaking; think'st thou?


    And thou… what dost thou mean by such a question?


    Deign to answer me; if thou comprehendest。


    To the royal Deianeira; unless mine eyes deceive me;… daughter

of Oeneus; wife of Heracles; and my queen。


    The very word that I wished to hear from thee:… thou sayest that

she is thy queen?


    Yes; as in duty bound。


    Well; then; what art thou prepared to suffer; if found guilty of

failing in that duty?


    Failing in duty? What dark saying is this?


    'Tis none; the darkest words are thine own。


    I will go; I was foolish to hear thee so long。


    No; not till thou hast answered a brief question。


    Ask what thou wilt; thou art not taciturn。


    That captive; whom thou hast brought home… thou knowest whom mean?


    Yes; but why dost thou ask?


    Well; saidst thou not that thy prisoner… she; on whom thy gaze now

turns so vacantly… was Iole; daughter of Eurytus?


    Said it to whom? Who and where is the man that will be thy witness

to hearing this from me?


    To many of our own folk thou saidst it: in the public gathering of

Trachinians; a great crowd heard thus much from thee。


    Ay… said they heard…but 'tis one thing to report a fancy; and

another to make the story good。


    A fancy! Didst thou not say on thine oath that thou wast

bringing her us a bride for Heracles?


    I? bringing a bride?… In the name of the gods; dear mistress; tell

me who this stranger may be?


    One who heard from thine own lips that the conquest of the whole

city was due to love for this girl: the Lydian woman was not its

destroyer; but the passion which this maid has kindled。


    Lady; let this fellow withdraw: to prate with the brainsick befits

not sane man。


    Nay; I implore thee by Zeus whose lightnings go forth over the

high glens of Oeta; do not cheat me of the truth! For she to whom thou

wilt speak is not ungenerous; nor hath she yet to learn that the human

heart is inconstant to its joys。 They are not wise; then; who stand

forth to buffet against Love; for Love rules the gods as he will;

and me; and why not another woman; such as I am? So I am mad indeed;

if I blame my husband; because that distemper hath seized him; or this

woman; his partner in a thing which is no shame to them; and no

wrong to me。 Impossible! No; if he taught thee to speak falsely;

'tis not a noble lesson that thou art learning; or if thou art thine

own teacher in this; thou wilt be found cruel when it is thy wish to

prove kind。 Nay; tell me the whole truth。 To a free…born man; the name

of liar cleaves as a deadly brand。 If thy hope is to escape detection;

that; too; is vain; there are many to whom thou hast spoken; who

will tell me。

    And if thou art afraid; thy fear is mistaken。 Not to learn the

truth;…that; indeed; would pain me; but to know it… what is there

terrible in that? Hath not Heracles wedded others ere now;… ay; more

than living man;… and no one of them hath bad harsh word or taunt from

me; nor shall this girl; though her whole being should be absorbed

in her passion; for indeed I felt a profound pity when I beheld her;

because her beauty hath wrecked her life; and she; hapless one; all

innocent; hath brought her fatherland to ruin and to bondage。

    Well; those things must go with wind and stream。… To thee I

say;…deceive whom thou wilt; but ever speak the truth to me。


    Hearken to her good counsel; and hereafter thou shalt have no

cause to complain of this lady; our thanks; too; will be thine。


    Nay; then; dear mistress;… since I see that thou thinkest as

mortals should think; and canst allow for weakness;… I will tell

thee the whole truth; and hide it not。 Yes; it is even as yon man

saith。 This girl inspired that overmastering love which long ago smote

through the soul of Heracles; for this girl's sake the desolate

Oechalia; her home; was made the prey of his spear。 And he;… it is

just to him to say so;… never denied this;… never told me to conceal

it。 But I; lady; fearing to wound thy heart by such tidings; have

sinned; if thou count this in any sort a sin。

    Now; however; that thou knowest the whole story; for both your

sakes;… for his; and not less for thine own;… bear with the woman; and

be content that the words which thou hast spoken regarding her

should bind thee still。 For he; whose strength is victorious in all

else; hath been utterly vanquished by his passion for this girl。


    Indeed; mine own thoughts move me to act thus。 Trust me; I will

not add a new affliction to my burdens by waging a fruitless fight

against the gods。

    But let us go into the house; that thou mayest receive my

messages; and; since gifts should be meetly recompensed with gifts;…

that thou mayest take these also。 It is not right that thou

shouldest go back with empty hands; after coming with such a goodly


          (Exit MESSENGER; as LICHAS and DEIANEIRA go into the house。)

  CHORUS  (singing)


    Great and mighty is the victory which the Cyprian queen ever bears

away。 I stay not now to speak of the gods; I spare to tell how she

beguiled the son of Cronus; and Hades; the lord of darkness; or

Poseidon; shaker of the earth。

    But; when this bride was to be won; who were the valiant rivals

that entered the contest for her h
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