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the trachiniae-第10章

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no creature that had the breath of life; but by one that had passed to

dwell with Hades。 So I have been slain by this savage Centaur; the

living by the dead; even as the divine will had been foretold。

    And I will show thee how later oracles tally therewith; confirming

the old prophecy。 I wrote them down in the grove of the Selli;

dwellers on the hills; whose couch is on the ground; they were given

by my Father's oak of many tongues; which said that; at the time which

liveth and now is; my release from the toils laid upon me should be

accomplished。 And I looked for prosperous days; but the meaning; it

seems; was only that should die; for toil comes no more to the dead。

    Since; then; my son; those words are clearly finding their

fulfilment; thou; on thy part; must lend me thine aid。 Thou must not

delay; and so provoke me to bitter speech: thou must consent and

help with a good grace; as one who hath learned that best of laws;

obedience to a sire。


    Yea; father;… though I fear the issue to which our talk hath

brought me;… I will do thy good pleasure。


    First of all; lay thy right hand in mine。


    For what purpose dost thou insist upon his pledge?


    Give thy hand at once… disobey me not!


    Lo; there it is: thou shalt not be gainsaid。


    Now; swear by the head of Zeus my sire!


    To do what deed? May this also be told?


    To perform for me the task that I shall enjoin。


    I swear it; with Zeus for witness of the oath。


    And pray that; if thou break this oath; thou mayest suffer。


    I shall not suffer; for I shall keep it:… yet so I pray。


    Well; thou knowest the summit of Oeta; sacred to Zeus?


    Ay; I have often stood at his altar on that height。


    Thither; then; thou must carry me up with thine own hands; aided

by what friends thou wilt; thou shalt lop many a branch from the

deep…rooted oak; and hew many a faggot also from the sturdy stock of

the wild…olive; thou shalt lay my body thereupon; and kindle it with

flaming pine…torch。

    And let no tear of mourning be seen there; no; do this without

lament and without weeping; if thou art indeed my son。 But if thou

do it not; even from the world below my curse and my wrath shall

wait on thee for ever。


    Alas; my father; what hast thou spoken? How hast thou dealt with



    I have spoken that which thou must perform; if thou wilt not; then

get thee some other sire; and be called my son no more!


    Woe; woe is me! What a deed dost thou require of me; my

father;…that I should become thy murderer; guilty of thy blood!


    Not so; in truth; but healer of my sufferings; sole physician of

my pain!


    And how; by enkindling thy body; shall I heal it?


    Nay; if that thought dismay thee; at least perform the rest。


    The service of carrying thee shall not be refused。


    And the heaping of the pyre; as I have bidden?


    Yea; save that I will not touch it with mine own hand。 All else

will I do; and thou shalt have no hindrance on my part。


    Well; so much shall be enough。… But add one small boon to thy

large benefits。


    Be the boon never so large; it shall be granted。


    Knowest thou; then; the girl whose sire was Eurytus?


    It is of Iole that thou speakest; if I mistake not。


    Even so。 This; in brief; is the charge that I give thee; my son。

When am dead; if thou wouldest show a pious remembrance of thine

oath unto thy father; disobey me not; but take this woman to be thy

wife。 Let no other espouse her who hath lain at my side; but do

thou; O my son; make that marriage…bond thine own。 Consent: after

loyalty in great matters; to rebel in less is to cancel the grace that

bad been won。


    Ah me; it is not well to be angry with a sick man: but who could

bear to see him in such a mind?


    Thy words show no desire to do my bidding。


    What! When she alone is to blame for my mother's death; and for

thy present plight besides? Lives there the man who would make such

choice; unless he were maddened by avenging fiends?

    Better were it; father; that I too should die; rather than live

united to the worst of our foes!


    He will render no reverence; it seems; to my dying prayer。… Nay;

be sure that the curse of the gods will attend thee for disobedience

to my voice。


    Ah; thou wilt soon show; methinks; how distempered thou art!


    Yea; for thou art breaking the slumber of my plague。


    Hapless that I am! What perplexities surround me!


    Yea; since thou deignest not to hear thy sire。


    But must I learn; then; to be impious; my father?


    'Tis not impiety; if thou shalt gladden my heart。


    Dost thou command me; then; to do this deed; as a clear duty?


    I command thee;… the gods bear me witness!


    Then will I do it; and refuse not;… calling upon the gods to

witness thy deed。 I can never be condemned for loyalty to thee; my



    Thou endest well; and to these words; my son; quickly add the

gracious deed; that thou mayest lay me on the pyre before any pain

returns to rend or sting me。

    Come; make haste and lift me! This; in truth; is rest from

troubles; this is the end; the last end; of Heracles!


    Nothing; indeed; hinders the fulfilment of thy wish; since thy

command constrains us; my father。

  HERACLES  (chanting)

    Come; then; ere thou arouse this plague; O my stubborn soul;

give me a curb as of steel on lips set like stone to stone; and let no

cry escape them; seeing that the deed which thou art to do; though

done perforce; is yet worthy of thy joy!

  HYLLUS  (chanting)

    Lift him; followers! And grant me full forgiveness for this; but

mark the great cruelty of the gods in the deeds that are being done。

They beget children; they are hailed as fathers; and yet they can look

upon such sufferings。

                    (The attendants raise HERACLES

          on the litter and move slowly off; as HYLLUS chants

                 to the CHORUS in the closing lines。)

    No man foresees the future; but the present is fraught with

mourning for us; and with shame for the powers above; and verily

with anguish beyond compare for him who endures this doom。

    Maidens; come ye also; nor linger at the house; ye who have lately

seen a dread death; with sorrows manifold and strange: and in all this

there is nought but Zeus。

                                   …THE END…

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