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the trachiniae-第1章

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                                     430 BC

                                 THE TRACHINIAE

                                  by Sophocles

                           transalated by R。 C。 Jebb

                     CHARACTERS IN THE PLAY





  LICHAS; the herald of HERACLES




                            THE TRACHINIAE

          (SCENE:… At Trachis; before the house of HERACLES。

      Enter DEIANEIRA from the house; accompanied by the NURSE。)


THERE is a saying among men; put forth of old; that thou canst not

rightly judge whether a mortal's lot is good or evil; ere he die。

But I; even before I have passed to the world of death; know well that

my life is sorrowful and bitter; I; who in the house of my father

Oeneus; while yet I dwelt at Pleuron; had such fear of bridals as

never vexed any maiden of Aetolia。 For my wooer was a river…god;

Achelous; who in three shapes was ever asking me from my sire;… coming

now as a bull in bodily form; now as serpent with sheeny coils; now

with trunk of man and front of ox; while from a shaggy beard the

streams of fountain…water flowed abroad。 With the fear of such a

suitor before mine eyes; I was always praying in my wretchedness

that I might die; or ever I should come near to such a bed。

    But at last; to my joy; came the glorious son of Zeus and Alcmena;

who dosed with him in combat; and delivered me。 How the fight was

waged; I cannot clearly tell; I know not; if there be any one who

watched that sight without terror; such might speak: I; as I sat

there; was distraught with dread; lest beauty should bring me sorrow

at the last。 But finally the Zeus of battles ordained well;… if well

indeed it be: for since I have been joined to Heracles as his chosen

bride; fear after fear hath haunted me on his account; one night

brings a trouble; and the next night; in turn; drives it out。 And then

children were born to us; whom he has seen only as the husbandman sees

his distant field; which he visits at seedtime; and once again at

harvest。 Such was the life that kept him journeying to and fro; in the

service of a certain master。

    But now; when he hath risen above those trials;… now it is that my

anguish is sorest。 Ever since he slew the valiant Iphitus; we have

been dwelling here in Trachis; exiles from our home; and the guests of

stranger; but where he is; no one knows; I only know that he is

gone; and hath pierced my heart with cruel pangs for him。 I am

almost sure that some evil hath befallen him; it is no short space

that hath passed; but ten long months; and then five more;… and

still no message from him。 Yes; there has been some dread

mischance;… witness that tablet which he left with me ere he went

forth: oft do I pray to the gods that I may not have received it for

my sorrow。


    Deianeira; my mistress; many a time have I marked thy bitter tears

and lamentations; as thou bewailedst the going forth of Heracles;

but now;… if it be meet to school the free…born with the counsels of a

slave; and if I must say what behoves thee;… why; when thou art so

rich in sons; dost thou send no one of them to seek thy lord;… Hyllus;

before all; who might well go on that errand; if he cared that there

should be tidings of his father's welfare? Lo! there he comes;

speeding towards the house with timely step; if; then; thou deemest

that I speak in season; thou canst use at once my counsel; and the


                                      (HYLLUS comes in from the side。)


    My child; my son; wise words may fall; it seems; from humble lips;

this woman is a slave; but hath spoken in the spirit of the free。


    How; mother? Tell me; if it may be told。


    It brings thee shame; she saith; that; when thy father hath been

so long a stranger; thou hast not sought to learn where he is。


    Nay; I know;… if rumour can be trusted。


    And in what region; my child; doth rumour place him?


    Last year; they say; through all the months; he toiled as

bondman to Lydian woman。


    If he bore that; then no tidings can surprise。


    Well; he has been delivered from that; as I hear。


    Where; then; is he reported to be now;… alive or dead?


    He is waging or planning a war; they say; upon Euboea; the realm

of Eurytus。


    Knowest thou; my son; that he hath left with me sure oracles

touching that land?


    What are they; mother? I know not whereof thou speakest。


    That either he shall meet his death; or; having achieved this

task; shall have rest thenceforth; for all his days to come。

    So; my child; when his fate is thus trembling in the scale; wilt

thou not go to succour him? For we are saved; if he find safety; or we

perish with him。


    Ay; I will go; my mother; and; had I known the import of these

prophecies; I had been there long since; but; as it was; my father's

wonted fortune suffered me not to feel fear for him; or to be

anxious overmuch。 Now that I have the knowledge; I will spare no pains

to learn the whole truth in this matter。


    Go; then; my son; be the seeker ne'er so late; he is rewarded if

he learn tidings of joy。

    (HYLLUS departs as the CHORUS OF TRACHINIAN MAIDENS enters。 They

are free…born young women of Trachis who are friends and confidantes

of DEIANEIRA。 She remains during their opening choral song。)

  CHORUS  (singing)

                                                             strophe 1

    Thou whom Night brings forth at the moment when she is despoiled

of her starry crown; and lays to rest in thy splendour; tell me;

pray thee; O Sun…god; tell me where abides Alcmena's son? Thou

glorious lord of flashing light; say; is he threading the straits of

the sea; or hath he found an abode on either continent? Speak; thou

who seest as none else can see!

                                                         antistrophe 1

    For Deianeira; as I hear; hath ever an aching heart; she; the

battle…prize of old; is now like some bird lorn of its mate; she can

never lull her yearning; nor stay her tears; haunted by a sleepless

fear for her absent lord; she pines on her anxious; widowed couch;

miserable in her foreboding of mischance。

                                                             strophe 2

    As one may see billow after billow driven over the wide deep by

the tireless south…wind or the north; so the trouble of his life;

stormy as the Cretan sea; now whirls back the son of Cadmus; now lifts

him to honour。 But some god ever saves him from the house of death;

and suffers him not to fail。

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