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the malay archipelago-1-第49章

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。 I was quite sure all the time that no such order had been sent or received; and that we were in perfect safety。 This was well shown shortly afterwards; when an American sailor ran away from his ship on the east side of the island; and made his way on foot and unarmed across to Ampanam; having met with the greatest hospitality on the whole route。 Nowhere would the smallest payment be taken for the food and lodging which were willingly furbished him。 On pointing out this fact to Manuel; he replied; 〃He one bad man;run away from his shipno one can believe word he say;〃 and so I was obliged to leave him in the uncomfortable persuasion that he might any day have his throat cut。

A circumstance occurred here which appeared to throw some light on the cause of the tremendous surf at Ampanam。 One evening I heard a strange rumbling noise; and at the same time the house shook slightly。 Thinking it might be thunder; I asked; 〃What is that?〃 〃It is an earthquake;〃 answered Inchi Daud; my host; and he then told me that slight shocks were occasionally felt there; but he had never known them to be severe。 This happened on the day of the last quarter of the moon; and consequently when tides were low and the surf usually at its weakest。 On inquiry afterwards at Ampanam; I found that no earthquake had been noticed; but that on one night there had been a very heavy surf; which shook the house; and the next day there was a very high tide; the water having flooded Mr。 Carter's premises; higher than he had ever known it before。 These unusual tides occur every now and then; and are not thought much of; but by careful inquiry I ascertained that the surf had occurred on the very night I had felt the earthquake at Labuan Tring; nearly twenty miles off。 This would seem to indicate; that although the ordinary heavy surf may be due to the swell of the great Southern Ocean confined in a narrow channel; combined with a peculiar form of bottom near the shore; yet the sudden heavy surfs and high tides that occur occasionally in perfectly calm weather; may be due to slight upheavals of the ocean…bed in this eminently volcanic region。



HAVING made a very fine and interesting collection of the birds of Labuan Tring; I took leave of my kind host; Inchi Daud; and returned to Ampanam to await an opportunity to reach Macassar。 As no vessel had arrived bound for that port; I determined to make an excursion into the interior of the island; accompanied by Mr。 Ross; an Englishman born in the Keeling Islands; and now employed by the Dutch Government to settle the affairs of a missionary who had unfortunately become bankrupt here。 Mr。 Carter kindly lent me a horse; and Mr。 Ross took his native groom。

Our route for some distance lay along a perfectly level country bearing ample crops of rice。 The road was straight and generally bordered with lofty trees forming a due avenue。 It was at first sandy; afterwards grassy; with occasional streams and mudholes。 At a distance about four miles we reached Mataram; the capital of the island and the residence of the Rajah。 It is a large village with wide streets bordered by a magnificent avenue of trees; and low houses concealed behind mud walls。 Within this royal city no native of the lower orders is allowed to ride; and our attendant; a Javanese; was obliged to dismount and lead his horse while we rode slowly through。 The abodes of the Rajah and of the High Priest are distinguished by pillars of red brick constructed with much taste; but the palace itself seemed to differ but little from the ordinary houses of the country。 Beyond Mataram and close to it is Karangassam; the ancient residence of the native or Sassak Rajahs before the conquest of the island by the Balinese。

Soon after passing Mataram the country began gradually to rise in gentle undulations; swelling occasionally into low hills towards the two mountainous tracts in the northern and southern parts of the island。 It was now that I first obtained an adequate idea of one of the most wonderful systems of cultivation in the world; equalling all that is related of Chinese industry; and as far as I know surpassing in the labour that has been bestowed upon it any tract of equal extent in the most civilized countries of Europe。 I rode through this strange garden utterly amazed and hardly able to realize the fact that in this remote and little known island; from which all Europeans except a few traders at the port are jealously excluded; many hundreds of square miles of irregularly undulating country have been so skillfully terraced and levelled; and so permeated by artificial channels; that every portion of it can be irrigated and dried at pleasure。 According as the slope of the ground is more or less rapid; each terraced plot consists in some places of many acres; in others of a few square yards。 We saw them in every state of cultivation; some in stubble; some being ploughed; some with rice…crops in various stages of growth。 Here were luxuriant patches of tobacco; there; cucumbers; sweet potatoes; yams; beans or Indian…corn varied the scene。 In some places the ditches were dry; in others little streams crossed our road and were distributed over lands about to be sown or planted。 The banks which bordered every terrace rose regularly in horizontal lines above each other; sometimes rounding an abrupt knoll and looking like a fortification; or sweeping around some deep hollow and forming on a gigantic scale the seats of an amphitheatre。 Every brook and rivulet had been diverted from its bed; and instead of flowing along the lowest ground; were to be found crossing our road half…way up an ascent; yet bordered by ancient trees and moss…grown stones so as to have all the appearance of a natural channel; and bearing testimony to the remote period at which the work had been done。 As we advanced further into the country; the scene was diversified by abrupt rocky bills; by steep ravines; and by clumps of bamboos and palm… trees near houses or villages; while in the distance the fine range of mountains of which Lombock Peak; eight thousand feet high; is the culminating point; formed a fit background to a view scarcely to be surpassed either in human interest or picturesque beauty。

Along the first part of our road we passed hundreds of women carrying rice; fruit; and vegetables to market; and further on; an almost uninterrupted line of horses laden with rice in bags or in the car; on their way to the port of Ampanam。 At every few miles along the road; seated under shady trees or slight sheds; were sellers of sugar…cane; palm…wine; cooked rice; salted eggs; and fried plantains; with a few other native delicacies。 At these stalls a hearty meal may be made for a penny; but we contented ourselves with drinking some sweet palm…wine; a most delicious beverage in the heat of the day。 After having travelled about twenty miles we reached a higher and drier region; where; water being scarce; cultivation was confined to the little fiats bordering the streams。 Here the country was as beautiful as before; but of a different character; consisting of undulating downs of short turf interspersed with fine clumps of trees and bushes; some
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