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new york-第7章

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nature; and they do not seem to be accompanied by the same danger

here as elsewhere。 The people have yet to discover that the

seeming throes of liberty are nothing but the breath of their

masters; the demagogues; and that at the very moment when they

are made to appear to have the greatest influence on public

affairs; they really exercise the least。 Here; in our view; is

the great danger to the countrywhich is governed; in fact; not

by its people; as is pretended; but by factions that are

themselves controlled most absolutely by the machinations of the

designing。 A hundred thousand electors; under the present system

of caucuses and conventions; are just as much wielded by command

as a hundred thousand soldiers in the field; and the wire…pullers

behind the scenes can as securely anticipate the obedience of

their agents; as the members of the bureaux in any cabinet in

Europe can look with confidence to the compliance of their

subordinates。 Party is the most potent despot of the times。 Its

very irresponsibility gives it an energy and weight that

overshadows the regular action of government。 And thus it is;

that we hear men; in their places in the national legislature;

boasting of their allegiance to its interests and mandates;

instead of referring their duties to the country。

All large commercial towns are; in their nature; national in

feeling。 The diversity and magnitude of their interests are

certain to keep them so; and; as we have already said; New York

forms no exception to the rule。 She belongs already more to the

country than she does to the State; and every day has a tendency

to increase this catholic disposition among the votaries of


That some extravagant notions; in which interest has thrown its

mists before the reason of our people; exist; is; we think

undeniable; and we concede that the two recently promulgated

figments of the equilibrium and the rights of persons over the

property and Territory of the United States have a character of

feebleness and obvious delusion that would excite our wonder; did

we not have so many occasions to observe and comment on the

frailty of human judgment when warped by motives of this nature。

To us it would seem; that the people of any particular State have

just the same claim to use the ships of war; and forts; and

public buildings of the United States; as they have; unpermitted

by the sovereign power; to occupy any of its lands。 That which is

the property of the public is no more the property of

individuals; in law or reason; than the estate of any one man is

the estate of his neighbor。 Carry out the doctrine in spirit; and

it would lead to general confusion; and a state of things so

impracticable as to disorganize society。 If the people are thus

intrinsically masters and owners of all around them; why are they

not the proprietors of the banks and other corporations created

by themselves? They made the government; if you will; though in a

very limited capacity; and they made these corporations; much

more directly and unequivocally; and; admitting the truth of this

copartnership principle; in which every man is so far a member of

the firm that he may take his share of the assets; we cannot see

that he is not equally entitled to lay his hands on all the other

progeny of the popular will。 In a word; the doctrine would seem

to be not only weak; but absurd; and we find a difficulty in

believing that any cool…headed and reflecting man can feel the

necessity for refuting it。

{just the same claim = Cooper is again ridiculing John C。

Calhoun's assertion that; because the new Territories of the West

acquired from Mexico belonged to the people rather than the

Federal Government; Southerners had an inherent right to bring

and keep their slaves in them regardless of Federal law}

But other dangers undeniably beset the country; that have no

connection with this question of Slavery。 However repugnant it

may be to the pride of human nature; or the favorite doctrines of

the day; there can be little question that the greatest sources

of apprehension of future evil to the people of this country; are

to be looked for in the abuses which have their origin in the

infirmities and characteristics of human nature。 In a word; the

people have great cause to distrust themselves; and the numerous

and serious innovations they are making on all sides; on not only

the most venerable principles in favor with men; but on the

divine law; must cause every reflecting man to forbode a state of

things; far more serious than even that which would arise from a

separation of the States into isolated parts。

The particular form in which this imminent danger is now; for the

first time seriously since the establishment of the Government;

beginning to exhibit itself; is through the combinations of the

designing to obtain a mercenary corps of voters; insignificant as

to numbers; but formidable by their union; to hold the balance of

power; and to effect their purposes by practising on the wilful;

blind; wayward; and; we might almost add; fatal obstinacy of the

two great political parties of the country。 Here; in our view; is

the danger that the nation has most to apprehend。 The result is

as plain as it is lamentable。 In effect; it throws the political

power of the entire Republic into the hands of the intriguer; the

demagogue; and the knave。 Honest men are not practised on by such

combinations; but; with a fatality that would seem to be the very

sport of demons; there they stand; drawn up in formidable array;

in nearly equal lines of open and deriding hostility; leading

those who no longer conceive it necessary to even affect the

semblance of respect to many of the plainest and most important

of the principles of social integrity that have ever been

received among men。

Anyone familiar with the condition of Europe must know; that

under the pressure of society in that quarter of the world; and

toward which we are fast tending by a rapid accumulation of

numbers; the present institutions of America; exercised under the

prevalent opinions of the day; could not endure a twelvemonth。

That which is now seen in France rendering real political liberty

a mere stalking…horse for the furtherance of the projects of the

boldest adventurers; would inevitably be seen here; the bayonet

alone would be relied on for the preservation of the nearest and

dearest of human rights。 There could and would be no other

security for the peace of society; and that circle of power

which; rising in the masses; ends in the sceptre of the single

despot; would once more be made as it might be in derision of all

our efforts to be free。

{now seen in France = following the French Revolution of 1848

Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (1808…1873); nephew of the first Emperor

Napoleon; had been elected as President of France and was

consolidating his powerin December 1851; shortly after Cooper's

death; he would proclaim h
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