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new york-第10章

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not believe any more in the superior innocence and virtue of a

rural population than in that of the largest capitals; perfectly

conscious of the appalling accumulation of vice; and sin; and

crime that is to be found in such places as London and Paris; and

even in New York。 We cannot shut our eyes to the numberless evils

of the same general character of disobedience to the law of God;

that are to be found even in the forest and the most secluded

dales of the country。 If there be incentives to wrong…doing in

the crowded population of a capital town; there are many

incentives to refinement; public virtue; and even piety; that are

not to be met with elsewhere。 In this respect we apprehend that

good and evil are more nearly balanced among us than is commonly

supposed; and we doubt if it were possible to render the laws a

dead letter in the streets of New York; as has been done around

the bell of the Capitol at Albany; and strictly among its rural

population; directly beneath the eyes of the highest authority of

the State。 The danger to valuable and movable property would be

too imminent; and those who felt an interest in its preservation

would not fail to rally in its defence。 It is precisely on this

principle that in the end property will protect itself as against

the popular inroads which are inevitable; should the present

tendencies receive no check。 Calm; disinterested; and judicious

legislation is a thing not to be hoped for。 It never occurs in

any state of society except under the pressure of great events;

and this for the very simple reason that men; acting in factions;

are never calm; judicious; or disinterested。

{around the bell of the Capitol = Cooper is alluding to the

public ferment in upstate New York; during the 〃anti…rent wars〃

of the 1840s; resulting in laws infringing; in Cooper's view; on

the legal contractual and property rights of landowners}

Nevertheless; the community will live on; suffer; and be deluded:

it may even fancy itself almost within reach of perfection; but

it will live on to be disappointed。 There is no such thing on

earth; and the only real question for the American statesman is

to measure the results of different defective systems for the

government of the human race。 We are far from saying that our

own; with all its flagrant and obvious defects; will be the

worst; more especially when considered solely in connection with

whole numbers; though we cannot deny; nor do we wish to conceal;

the bitterness of the wrongs that are so frequently inflicted by

the many on the few。 This is; perhaps; the worst species of

tyranny。 He who suffers under the arbitrary power of a single

despot; or by the selfish exactions of a privileged few; is

certain to be sustained by the sympathies of the masses。 But he

who is crushed by the masses themselves; must look beyond the

limits of his earthly being for consolation and support。 The

wrongs committed by democracies are of the most cruel character;

and though wanting in that apparent violence and sternness that

marks the course of law in the hands of narrower governments; for

it has no need of this severity; they carry with them in their

course all the feelings that render injustice and oppression


We think that the towns of America; generally; will suffer less

from these popular abuses than the rural districts。 As has been

already said; associated wealth will take care of itself。 It may

make; and probably will make; in the earlier stages of these

political changes; some capital mistakes; and there cannot be a

question that in the rapacity of private efforts to accumulate;

some of the most obvious and natural expedients of protection

will be overlooked; until the neglect compels recourse possibly

even to the use of the strong hand。 Still property will

eventually protect itself。 For; in an age like this; when even

the bayonet must be carried ordinarily in its sheath; and when

men get to be accustomed from infancy to the inbred recognition

of many of the most important principles of government; society

starts; as it might be; far in advance of the point which it

reached in the ages of pure military and arbitrary sway。 The

celebrated saying of Napoleon; 〃L'Europe sera; dans cinquante

ans; ou republicaine ou cossaque;〃 has a profound signification;

yet it must be greatly qualified to be received with safety。 The

〃cossaque〃 of the close of the nineteenth century will be a very

different thing from the 〃cossaque〃 of the days of Paul。 It now

means little more than conservatism; and this; too; a

conservatism that is not absolutely without that principle of

concession to the spirits and wants of the passing moment。 These

quarrels and bitter conflicts of which we hear so much in the Old

World; like some of our own; have their rise in abstractions

quite as much as in actual oppression; and the alternative

offered by change half the time amounts to but little more than

the substitution of King Stork for King Log。 It may not be

agreeable to the pride; recollections; and national traditions of

the Hungarian; or the Italian; to submit to the sway of a German;

but it may well be questioned if the substitutes they would offer

for the present form of government would greatly tend to the

amelioration of the respective people。

{L'Europe sera。。。。 = Europe will; in fifty years; be either

republican or cossack 'French'; Paul = Paul I; Tsar of Russia

from 1796 to 1801; King Stork for King Log = from Aesop's Fables}

What is true in the Old World will; in the end; be found to be

true here。 To us; it would seem that the portion of the people of

this country; whom we should term the disinterested; or those who

have no direct connection with slavery; on the one hand; or with

fanaticism; and its handmaid demagogism; on the other; should

turn their attention solely to the achievement of a single

object。 They have the strength to do it; if they only had the

will。 By compelling the disturbers of the public peace to submit

to the control of the government; and to cease their meddling and

wanton invasion of the security and property of their brothers

and neighbors; the question of slavery would soon take care of

itself。 A single generation would; probably; see it confined in a

great measure to the extreme Southern and Southwestern States;

for; under the present emigration from Europe; it cannot be long

before the upper counties of even the Carolinas and Georgia will

make the discovery that the introduction of a single white man

will be really of more importance to them than that of a dozen

negroes。 Could Virginia be made to see her true interests in this

behalf; the glory of the Old Dominion would speedily revive; and

her fine population of gentlemen would shortly take its place

again where it so properly belongs; in the foremost ranks of the

nation。 We require an exchange with that quarter of the country;

for we could give that which she greatly needs;
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