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new york-第1章

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New York

by James Fenimore Cooper

THE increase of the towns of Manhattan; as; for the sake of

convenience; we shall term New York and her adjuncts; in all that

contributes to the importance of a great commercial mart; renders

them one of the most remarkable places of the present age。 Within

the distinct recollections of living men; they have grown from a

city of the fifth or sixth class to be near the head of all the

purely trading places of the known world。 That there are

sufficient causes for this unparalleled prosperity; will appear

in the analysis of the natural advantages of the port; in its

position; security; accessories; and scale。

The State of New York had been steadily advancing in population;

resources; and power; ever since the peace of 1785。 At that time

it bore but a secondary rank among what were then considered the

great States of the Confederacy。 Massachusetts; proper and

singly; then outnumbered us; while New England; collectively;

must have had some six or seven times our people。 A very few

years of peace; however; brought material changes。 In 1790; the

year in which the first census under the law of Congress was

taken; the State already contained 340;120 souls; while New

England had a few more than a million。 It is worthy of remark

that; sixty years since; the entire State had but little more

than half of the population of the Manhattanese towns at the

present moment! Each succeeding census diminished these

proportions; until that of l830; when the return for the State of

New York gave 1;372;812; and for New England 1;954;709。 At this

time; and for a considerable period preceding and succeeding it;

it was found that the proportion between the people of the State

of New York and the people of the city; was about as ten to one。

Between 1830 and 1840; the former had so far increased in numbers

as to possess as many people as ALL New England。 In the next

decade; this proportion was exceeded; and the late returns show

that New York; singly; has passed ahead of all her enterprising

neighbors in that section of the Union。 At the same time; the old

proportion between the State and the townor; to be more

accurate; the TOWNS on the Bay of New York and its watershas

been entirely lost; five to one being near the truth at the

present moment。 It is easy to foresee that the time is not very

distant when two to one will be maintained with difficulty; as

between the State and its commercial capital。

Bold as the foregoing prediction may seem; the facts of the last

half century will; we think; justify it。 If the Manhattan towns;

or Manhattan; as we shall not scruple to term the several places

that compose the prosperous sisterhood at the mouth of the

Hudsona name that is more ancient and better adapted to the

history; associations; and convenience of the place than any

othercontinue to prosper as they have done; ere the close of

the present century they will take their station among the

capitals of the first rank。 It may require a longer period to

collect the accessories of a first…class place; for these are the

products of time and cultivation; though the facilities of

intercourse; the spirit of the age; and the equalizing sentiment

that marks the civilization of the epoch; will greatly hasten

everything in the shape of improvement。

New York will probably never possess any churches of an

architecture to attract attention for their magnitude and

magnificence。 The policy of the country; which separates religion

from the state; precludes this; by confining all the expenditures

of this nature to the several parishes; few of which are rich

enough to do more than erect edifices of moderate dimensions and

cost。 The Romish Church; so much addicted to addressing the

senses; manifests some desire to construct its cathedrals; but

they are necessarily confined to the limits and ornaments suited

to the resources of a branch of the church that; in this country;

is by no means affluent。 The manner in which the Americans are

subdivided into sects also conflicts with any commendable desire

that may exist to build glorious temples in honor of the Deity:

and convenience is more consulted than taste; perhaps; in all

that relates to ecclesiastical architecture。 Nevertheless; a

sensible improvement in this respect has occurred within the last

few years; to which we shall elsewhere advert。

It will be in their trade; their resources; their activity; and

their influence on the rest of the world; as well as in their

population; that the towns of Manhattan will be first entitled to

rank with the larger capitals of Europe。 So obvious; rapid; and

natural has been the advance of all the places; that it is not

easy for the mind to regard anything belonging to them as

extraordinary; or out of rule。 There is not a port in the whole

country that is less indebted to art and the fostering hand of

Government than this。 It is true; certain forts; most of them of

very doubtful necessity; have been constructed for defence; but

no attack having ever been contemplated; or; if contemplated;

attempted; they have been dead letters in the history of its

progress。 We are not aware that Government has ever expended one

cent in the waters of Manhattan; except for the surveys;

construction of the aforesaid military works; and the erection of

the lighthouses; that form a part of the general provision for

the safe navigation of the entire coast。 Some money has been

expended for the improvement of the shallow waters of the Hudson;

but it has been as much; or more; for the advantage of the upper

towns; and the trade coastwise; generally; than for the special

benefit of New York。

The immense natural advantages of the bays and islands at the

mouth of the Hudson have; in a great degree; superseded the

necessity of such assistance。 Nature has made every material

provision for a mart of the first importance: and perhaps it has

been fortunate that the towns have been left; like healthful and

vigorous children; managed by prudent parents; to take the

inclination and growth pointed out to them by this safest and

best of guides。

London is indebted to artificial causes; in a great degree; for

its growth and power。 That great law of trade; which renders

settling places indispensable; has contributed to her prosperity

and continued ascendency; long after the day when rival ports are

carrying away her fleets and commerce。 She is a proof of the

difficulty of shaking a commercial superiority long established。

Scarce a cargo that enters the ports of the kingdom that does not

pay tribute to her bankers or merchants。 But London is a

political capital; and that in a country where the representation

of the Government is more imposing; possessing greater influence;

than in any other Christian nation。 The English aristocracy;

which wields the real authority of the state; here makes its

annual exhibition of luxury and w
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