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the adventure of the beryl coronet-第8章

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to you? I knew that you went out little; and that your circle of

friends was a very limited one。 But among them was Sir George

Burnwell。 I had heard of him before as being a man of evil

reputation among women。 It must have been he who wore those boots

and retained the missing gems。 Even though he knew that Arthur had

discovered him; he might still flatter himself that he was safe; for

the lad could not say a word without compromising his own family。

  〃Well; your own good sense will suggest what measures I took next。 I

went in the shape of a loafer to Sir George's house; managed to pick

up an acquaintance with his valet; learned that his master had cut his

head the night before; and; finally; at the expense of six

shillings; made all sure by buying a pair of his cast…off shoes。

With these I journeyed down to Streatham and saw that they exactly

fitted the tracks。〃

  〃I saw an ill…dressed vagabond in the lane yesterday evening;〃

said Mr。 Holder。

  〃Precisely。 It was I。 I found that I had my man; so I came home

and changed my clothes。 It was a delicate part which I had to play

then; for I saw that a prosecution must be avoided to avert scandal;

and I knew that so astute a villain would see that our hands were tied

in the matter。 I went and saw him。 At first; of course; he denied

everything。 But when I gave him every particular that had occurred; he

tried to bluster and took down a life…preserver from the wall。 I

knew my man; however; and I clapped a pistol to his head before he

could strike。 Then he became a little more reasonable。 I told him that

we would give him a price for the stones he held…L1000 apiece。 That

brought out the first signs of grief that he had shown。 'Why; dash

it all!' said he; 'I've let them go at six hundred for the three!' I

soon managed to get the address of the receiver who had them; on

promising him that there would be no prosecution。 Off I set to him;

and after much chaffering I got our stones at L1000 apiece。 Then I

looked in upon your son; told him that all was right; and eventually

got to my bed about two o'clock; after what I may call a really hard

day's work。〃

  〃A day which has saved England from a great public scandal;〃 said

the banker; rising。 〃Sir; I cannot find the words to thank you; but

you shall not find me ungrateful for what you have done。 Your skill

has indeed exceeded all that I have heard of it。 And now I must fly to

my dear boy to apologize to him for the wrong which I done him。 As

to what you tell me of poor Mary; it goes to my very heart。 Not even

your skill can inform me where she is now。〃

  〃I think that we may safely say;〃 returned Holmes; 〃that she is

wherever Sir George Burnwell is。 It is equally certain; too; that

whatever her sins are; they will soon receive a more than sufficient


                                    THE END

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