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the adventure of the beryl coronet-第6章

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  〃I think that this should do;〃 said he; glancing into the glass

above the fireplace。 〃I only wish that you could come with me; Watson;

but I fear that it won't do。 I may be on the trail in this matter;

or I may be following a will…o'…the…wisp; but I shall soon know

which it is。 I hope that I may be back in a few hours。〃 He cut a slice

of beef from the joint upon the sideboard; sandwiched it between two

rounds of bread; and thrusting this rude meal into his pocket he

started off upon his expedition。

  I had just finished my tea when he returned; evidently in

excellent spirits; swinging an old elastic…sided boot in his hand。

He chucked it down into a corner and helped himself to a cup of tea。

  〃I only looked in as I passed;〃 said he。 〃I am going right on。〃

  〃Where to?〃

  〃Oh; to the other side of the West End。 It may be some time before I

get back。 Don't wait up for me in case I should be late。〃

  〃How are you getting on?〃

  〃Oh; so so。 Nothing to complain of。 I have been out to Streatham

since I saw you last; but I did not call at the house。 It is a very

sweet little problem; and I would not have missed it for a good

deal。 However; I must not sit gossiping here; but must get these

disreputable clothes off and return to my highly respectable self。〃

  I could see by his manner that he had stronger reasons for

satisfaction than his words alone would imply。 His eyes twinkled;

and there was even a touch of colour upon his sallow cheeks。 He

hastened upstairs; and a few minutes later I heard the slam of the

hall door; which told me that he was off once more upon his

congenial hunt。

  I waited until midnight; but there was no sign of his return; so I

retired to my room。 It was no uncommon thing for him to be away for

days and nights on end when he was hot upon a scent; so that his

lateness caused me no surprise。 I do not know at what hour he came in;

but when I came down to breakfast in the morning there he was with a

cup of coffee in one hand and the paper in the other; as fresh and

trim as possible。

  〃You will excuse my beginning without you; Watson;〃 said he; 〃but

you remember that our client has rather an early appointment this


  〃Why; it is after nine now;〃 answered。 〃I should not be surprised if

that were he。 I thought I heard a ring。〃

  It was; indeed; our friend the financier。 I was shocked by the

change which had come over him; for his face which was naturally of

a broad and massive mould; was now pinched and fallen in; while his

hair seemed to me at least a shade whiter。 He entered with a weariness

and lethargy which was even more painful than his violence of the

morning before; and he dropped heavily into the armchair which I

pushed forward for him。

  〃I do not know what I have done to be so severely tried;〃 said he。

〃Only two days ago I was a happy and prosperous man; without a care in

the world。 Now I am left to a lonely and dishonoured age。 One sorrow

comes close upon the heels of another。 My niece; Mary; has deserted


  〃Deserted you?〃

  〃Yes。 Her bed this morning had not been slept in; her room was

empty; and a note for me lay upon the hall table。 I had said to her

last night; in sorrow and not in anger; that if she had married my boy

all might have been well with him。 Perhaps it was thoughtless of me to

say so。 It is to that remark that she refers in this note:


  'I feel that I have brought trouble upon you; and that if I had

acted differently this terrible misfortune might never have

occurred。 I cannot; with this thought in my mind; ever again be

happy under your roof; and I feel that I must leave you forever。 Do

not worry about my future; for that is provided for; and; above all;

do not search for me; for it will be fruitless labour and an

ill…service to me。 In life or in death; I am ever

                                     〃Your loving 〃MARY。

  〃What could she mean by that note; Mr。 Holmes? Do you think it

points to suicide?〃

  〃No; no; nothing of the kind。 It is perhaps the best possible

solution。 I trust Mr。 Holder; that you are nearing the end of your


  〃Ha! You say so! You have heard something; Mr。 Holmes; you have

learned something! Where are the gems?〃

  〃You would not think L1000 apiece an excessive sum for them?〃

  〃I would pay ten。〃

  〃That would be unnecessary。 Three thousand will cover the matter。

And there is a little reward; I fancy。 Have you your check…book?

Here is a pen。 Better make it out for L4000。〃

  With a dazed face the banker made out the required check。 Holmes

walked over to his desk; took out a little triangular piece of gold

with three gems in it; and threw it down upon the table。

  With a shriek of joy our client clutched it up。

  〃You have it!〃 he gasped。 〃I am saved! I am saved!〃

  The reaction of joy was as passionate as his grief had been; and

he hugged his recovered gems to his bosom。

  〃There is one other thing you owe; Mr。 Holder;〃 said Sherlock Holmes

rather sternly。

  〃Owe!〃 He caught up a pen。 〃Name the sum; and I will pay it。〃

  〃No; the debt is not to me。 You owe a very humble apology to that

noble lad; your son; who has carried himself in this matter as I

should be proud to see my own son do; should I ever chance to have


  〃Then it was not Arthur who took them?〃

  〃I told you yesterday; and I repeat to…day; that it was not。〃

  〃You are sure of it! Then let us hurry to him at once to let him

know that the truth is known。〃

  〃He knows it already。 When I had cleared it all up I had an

interview with him; and finding that he would not tell me the story; I

told it to him; on which he had to confess that I was right and to add

the very few details which were not yet quite clear to me。 Your news

of this morning; however; may open his lips。〃

  〃For heaven's sake; tell me; then; what is this extraordinary


  〃I will do so; and I will show the steps by which I reached it。

And let me to you; first; that which it is hardest for me to say and

for you to hear: there has been an understanding between Sir George

Burnwell and your niece Mary。 They have now fled together。〃

  〃My Mary? Impossible!〃

  〃It is unfortunately more than possible; it is certain。 Neither

you nor your son knew the true character of this man when you admitted

him into your family circle。 He is one of the most dangerous men in

England…a ruined gambler; an absolutely desperate villain; a man

without heart or conscience。 Your niece knew nothing of such men。 When

he breathed his vows to her; as he had done to a hundred before her;

she flattered herself that she alone had touched his heart。 The

devil knows best what he said; but at least she became his tool and

was in the habit of seeing him nearly every evening。〃

  〃I cannot; and I will not; believe it!〃 cried the banker with an

ashen face。

  〃I will tell you; then; what occurred in your house last night。 Your

niece; when you had; as she thought; gone to your room; slipped down

and talked to her lover through the window which leads into the stable

lane。 His footmarks ha
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