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the beasts of tarzan-第53章

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sun rose on a grisly sight upon the deck of the unhappy

Cowrie; but this time the blood which stained her white

planking was the blood of the guilty and not of the innocent。

Tarzan brought forth the men who had hidden in the forecastle;

and without promises of immunity from punishment forced them

to help work the vesselthe only alternative was immediate death。

A stiff breeze had risen with the sun; and with canvas

spread the Cowrie set in toward Jungle Island; where a few

hours later; Tarzan picked up Gust and bid farewell to Sheeta

and the apes of Akut; for here he set the beasts ashore to

pursue the wild and natural life they loved so well; nor did

they lose a moment's time in disappearing into the cool depths

of their beloved jungle。

That they knew that Tarzan was to leave them may be doubted

except possibly in the case of the more intelligent Akut;

who alone of all the others remained upon the beach as the

small boat drew away toward the schooner; carrying his savage

lord and master from him。

And as long as their eyes could span the distance; Jane and

Tarzan; standing upon the deck; saw the lonely figure of

the shaggy anthropoid motionless upon the surf…beaten sands

of Jungle Island。

It was three days later that the Cowrie fell in with H。M。

sloop…of…war Shorewater; through whose wireless Lord Greystoke

soon got in communication with London。  Thus he learned that

which filled his and his wife's heart with joy and thanksgiving

little Jack was safe at Lord Greystoke's town house。

It was not until they reached London that they learned the

details of the remarkable chain of circumstances that had

preserved the infant unharmed。

It developed that Rokoff; fearing to take the child aboard the

Kincaid by day; had hidden it in a low den where nameless infants

were harboured; intending to carry it to the steamer after dark。

His confederate and chief lieutenant; Paulvitch; true to the

long years of teaching of his wily master; had at last

succumbed to the treachery and greed that had always marked

his superior; and; lured by the thoughts of the immense ransom

that he might win by returning the child unharmed; had

divulged the secret of its parentage to the woman who

maintained the foundling asylum。  Through her he had arranged

for the substitution of another infant; knowing full well that

never until it was too late would Rokoff suspect the trick that

had been played upon him。

The woman had promised to keep the child until Paulvitch

returned to England; but she; in turn; had been tempted to

betray her trust by the lure of gold; and so had opened

negotiations with Lord Greystoke's solicitors for the return

of the child。

Esmeralda; the old Negro nurse whose absence on a vacation

in America at the time of the abduction of little Jack

had been attributed by her as the cause of the calamity;

had returned and positively identified the infant。

The ransom had been paid; and within ten days of the date

of his kidnapping the future Lord Greystoke; none the worse

for his experience; had been returned to his father's home。

And so that last and greatest of Nikolas Rokoff's many

rascalities had not only miserably miscarried through the

treachery he had taught his only friend; but it had resulted

in the arch…villain's death; and given to Lord and Lady Greystoke

a peace of mind that neither could ever have felt so long as

the vital spark remained in the body of the Russian and his

malign mind was free to formulate new atrocities against them。

Rokoff was dead; and while the fate of Paulvitch was unknown;

they had every reason to believe that he had succumbed to the

dangers of the jungle where last they had seen himthe

malicious tool of his master。

And thus; in so far as they might know; they were to be

freed for ever from the menace of these two menthe only

enemies which Tarzan of the Apes ever had had occasion to

fear; because they struck at him cowardly blows; through

those he loved。

It was a happy family party that were reunited in Greystoke

House the day that Lord Greystoke and his lady landed upon

English soil from the deck of the Shorewater。

Accompanying them were Mugambi and the Mosula

woman whom he had found in the bottom of the canoe that

night upon the bank of the little tributary of the Ugambi。

The woman had preferred to cling to her new lord and master 

rather than return to the marriage she had tried to escape。

Tarzan had proposed to them that they might find a home

upon his vast African estates in the land of the Waziri; where

they were to be sent as soon as opportunity presented itself。

Possibly we shall see them all there amid the savage romance

of the grim jungle and the great plains where Tarzan

of the Apes loves best to be。

Who knows?

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