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the beasts of tarzan-第43章

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the night he aided her to escape was the only one that had

been aboard the Kincaid since she lay at Dover。

Chapter 18

Paulvitch Plots Revenge

As Jane and Tarzan stood upon the vessel's deck recounting

to one another the details of the various adventures

through which each had passed since they had parted in their

London home; there glared at them from beneath scowling

brows a hidden watcher upon the shore。

Through the man's brain passed plan after plan whereby

he might thwart the escape of the Englishman and his wife;

for so long as the vital spark remained within the vindictive

brain of Alexander Paulvitch none who had aroused the enmity

of the Russian might be entirely safe。

Plan after plan he formed only to discard each either as

impracticable; or unworthy the vengeance his wrongs demanded。  

So warped by faulty reasoning was the criminal mind of

Rokoff's lieutenant that he could not grasp the real

truth of that which lay between himself and the ape…man and

see that always the fault had been; not with the English lord;

but with himself and his confederate。

And at the rejection of each new scheme Paulvitch arrived

always at the same conclusionthat he could accomplish

naught while half the breadth of the Ugambi separated him

from the object of his hatred。

But how was he to span the crocodile…infested waters? 

There was no canoe nearer than the Mosula village; and

Paulvitch was none too sure that the Kincaid would still be

at anchor in the river when he returned should he take the

time to traverse the jungle to the distant village and return

with a canoe。  Yet there was no other way; and so; convinced

that thus alone might he hope to reach his prey; Paulvitch;

with a parting scowl at the two figures upon the Kincaid's

deck; turned away from the river。

Hastening through the dense jungle; his mind centred upon

his one fetichrevengethe Russian forgot even his terror

of the savage world through which he moved。

Baffled and beaten at every turn of Fortune's wheel;

reacted upon time after time by his own malign plotting;

the principal victim of his own criminality; Paulvitch

was yet so blind as to imagine that his greatest happiness

lay in a continuation of the plottings and schemings which

had ever brought him and Rokoff to disaster; and the latter

finally to a hideous death。

As the Russian stumbled on through the jungle toward the Mosula

village there presently crystallized within his brain a plan

which seemed more feasible than any that he had as yet considered。

He would come by night to the side of the Kincaid; and

once aboard; would search out the members of the ship's

original crew who had survived the terrors of this frightful

expedition; and enlist them in an attempt to wrest the vessel

from Tarzan and his beasts。

In the cabin were arms and ammunition; and hidden in a

secret receptacle in the cabin table was one of those infernal

machines; the construction of which had occupied much of

Paulvitch's spare time when he had stood high in the

confidence of the Nihilists of his native land。

That was before he had sold them out for immunity and

gold to the police of Petrograd。  Paulvitch winced as he

recalled the denunciation of him that had fallen from the lips

of one of his former comrades ere the poor devil expiated his

political sins at the end of a hempen rope。

But the infernal machine was the thing to think of now。  

He could do much with that if he could but get his hands

upon it。  Within the little hardwood case hidden in the cabin

table rested sufficient potential destructiveness to wipe out

in the fraction of a second every enemy aboard the Kincaid。

Paulvitch licked his lips in anticipatory joy; and urged his

tired legs to greater speed that he might not be too late to the

ship's anchorage to carry out his designs。

All depended; of course; upon when the Kincaid departed。  

The Russian realized that nothing could be accomplished

beneath the light of day。  Darkness must shroud his approach

to the ship's side; for should he be sighted by Tarzan or Lady

Greystoke he would have no chance to board the vessel。

The gale that was blowing was; he believed; the cause of

the delay in getting the Kincaid under way; and if it

continued to blow until night then the chances were all in

his favour; for he knew that there was little likelihood

of the ape…man attempting to navigate the tortuous channel

of the Ugambi while darkness lay upon the surface of the water;

hiding the many bars and the numerous small islands which are

scattered over the expanse of the river's mouth。

It was well after noon when Paulvitch came to the Mosula

village upon the bank of the tributary of the Ugambi。  

Here he was received with suspicion and unfriendliness by the

native chief; who; like all those who came in contact with

Rokoff or Paulvitch; had suffered in some manner from the

greed; the cruelty; or the lust of the two Muscovites。

When Paulvitch demanded the use of a canoe the chief

grumbled a surly refusal and ordered the white man from

the village。  Surrounded by angry; muttering warriors who

seemed to be but waiting some slight pretext to transfix him

with their menacing spears the Russian could do naught else

than withdraw。

A dozen fighting men led him to the edge of the clearing;

leaving him with a warning never to show himself again in

the vicinity of their village。

Stifling his anger; Paulvitch slunk into the jungle; but once

beyond the sight of the warriors he paused and listened intently。  

He could hear the voices of his escort as the men returned

to the village; and when he was sure that they were

not following him he wormed his way through the bushes to

the edge of the river; still determined some way to obtain a canoe。

Life itself depended upon his reaching the Kincaid and

enlisting the survivors of the ship's crew in his service;

for to be abandoned here amidst the dangers of the African jungle

where he had won the enmity of the natives was; he well knew;

practically equivalent to a sentence of death。

A desire for revenge acted as an almost equally powerful

incentive to spur him into the face of danger to accomplish

his design; so that it was a desperate man that lay hidden in

the foliage beside the little river searching with eager eyes

for some sign of a small canoe which might be easily handled

by a single paddle。

Nor had the Russian long to wait before one of the awkward

little skiffs which the Mosula fashion came in sight

upon the bosom of the river。  A youth was paddling lazily out

into midstream from a point beside the village。  When he

reached the channel he allowed the sluggish current to carry

him slowly along while he lolled indolently in the bottom of

his crude canoe。

All ignorant of the unseen enemy upon the river's bank

the lad floated slowly down the s
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