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the beasts of tarzan-第42章

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with the balance of the Russian's party。

Beneath the terrible ferocity of the beasts the men were soon

scampering in all directionsthose who still lived to scamper;

for the great fangs of the apes of Akut and the tearing talons

of Sheeta already had found more than a single victim。

Four; however; escaped and disappeared into the forecastle;

where they hoped to barricade themselves against further assault。  

Here they found Rokoff; and; enraged at his desertion of them

in their moment of peril; no less than at the uniformly

brutal treatment it had been his wont to accord them;

they gloated upon the opportunity now offered them to

revenge themselves in part upon their hated employer。

Despite his prayers and grovelling pleas; therefore; they

hurled him bodily out upon the deck; delivering him to the

mercy of the fearful things from which they had themselves

just escaped。

Tarzan saw the man emerge from the forecastlesaw and

recognized his enemy; but another saw him even as soon。

It was Sheeta; and with grinning jaws the mighty beast

slunk silently toward the terror…stricken man。

When Rokoff saw what it was that stalked him his shrieks for

help filled the air; as with trembling knees he stood; as one

paralyzed; before the hideous death that was creeping upon him。

Tarzan took a step toward the Russian; his brain burning

with a raging fire of vengeance。  At last he had the murderer

of his son at his mercy。  His was the right to avenge。

Once Jane had stayed his hand that time that he sought to take

the law into his own power and mete to Rokoff the death that

he had so long merited; but this time none should stay him。

His fingers clenched and unclenched spasmodically as he approached

the trembling Russ; beastlike and ominous as a brute of prey。

Presently he saw that Sheeta was about to forestall him;

robbing him of the fruits of his great hate。

He called sharply to the panther; and the words; as if

they had broken a hideous spell that had held the Russian;

galvanized him into sudden action。  With a scream he turned

and fled toward the bridge。

After him pounced Sheeta the panther; unmindful of his

master's warning voice。

Tarzan was about to leap after the two when he felt a light

touch upon his arm。  Turning; he found Jane at his elbow。

〃Do not leave me;〃 she whispered。  〃I am afraid。〃

Tarzan glanced behind her。

All about were the hideous apes of Akut。  Some; even;

were approaching the young woman with bared fangs and

menacing guttural warnings。

The ape…man warned them back。  He had forgotten for the

moment that these were but beasts; unable to differentiate

his friends and his foes。  Their savage natures were roused by

their recent battle with the sailors; and now all flesh outside

the pack was meat to them。

Tarzan turned again toward the Russian; chagrined that

he should have to forgo the pleasure of personal revenge

unless the man should escape Sheeta。  But as he looked he saw

that there could be no hope of that。  The fellow had retreated

to the end of the bridge; where he now stood trembling and

wide…eyed; facing the beast that moved slowly toward him。

The panther crawled with belly to the planking; uttering

uncanny mouthings。  Rokoff stood as though petrified;

his eyes protruding from their sockets; his mouth agape;

and the cold sweat of terror clammy upon his brow。

Below him; upon the deck; he had seen the great anthropoids;

and so had not dared to seek escape in that direction。  

In fact; even now one of the brutes was leaping to seize the

bridge…rail and draw himself up to the Russian's side。

Before him was the panther; silent and crouched。

Rokoff could not move。  His knees trembled。  His voice

broke in inarticulate shrieks。  With a last piercing wail he

sank to his kneesand then Sheeta sprang。

Full upon the man's breast the tawny body hurtled;

tumbling the Russian to his back。

As the great fangs tore at the throat and chest; Jane Clayton

turned away in horror; but not so Tarzan of the Apes。  A cold

smile of satisfaction touched his lips。  The scar upon his

forehead that had burned scarlet faded to the normal hue of his

tanned skin and disappeared。

Rokoff fought furiously but futilely against the growling;

rending fate that had overtaken him。  For all his countless

crimes he was punished in the brief moment of the hideous

death that claimed him at the last。

After his struggles ceased Tarzan approached; at Jane's

suggestion; to wrest the body from the panther and give what

remained of it decent human burial; but the great cat rose

snarling above its kill; threatening even the master it loved

in its savage way; so that rather than kill his friend of the

jungle; Tarzan was forced to relinquish his intentions。

All that night Sheeta; the panther; crouched upon the grisly

thing that had been Nikolas Rokoff。  The bridge of the

Kincaid was slippery with blood。  Beneath the brilliant

tropic moon the great beast feasted until; when the sun rose

the following morning; there remained of Tarzan's great enemy

only gnawed and broken bones。

Of the Russian's party; all were accounted for except Paulvitch。  

Four were prisoners in the Kincaid's forecastle。  The rest were dead。

With these men Tarzan got up steam upon the vessel; and with

the knowledge of the mate; who happened to be one of those surviving;

he planned to set out in quest of Jungle Island; but as the morning

dawned there came with it a heavy gale from the west which raised

a sea into which the mate of the Kincaid dared not venture。

All that day the ship lay within the shelter of the mouth of the river;

for; though night witnessed a lessening of the wind; it was thought

safer to wait for daylight before attempting the navigation of

the winding channel to the sea。

Upon the deck of the steamer the pack wandered without

let or hindrance by day; for they had soon learned through

Tarzan and Mugambi that they must harm no one upon the

Kincaid; but at night they were confined below。

Tarzan's joy had been unbounded when he learned from

his wife that the little child who had died in the village of

M'ganwazam was not their son。  Who the baby could have

been; or what had become of their own; they could not imagine;

and as both Rokoff and Paulvitch were gone; there was

no way of discovering。

There was; however; a certain sense of relief in the knowledge

that they might yet hope。  Until positive proof of the baby's

death reached them there was always that to buoy them up。

It seemed quite evident that their little Jack had not been

brought aboard the Kincaid。  Anderssen would have known

of it had such been the case; but he had assured Jane time

and time again that the little one he had brought to her cabin

the night he aided her to escape was the only one that had

been aboard the Kincaid since she lay at Dover
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