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the beasts of tarzan-第37章

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girl snatched up a heavy express rifle from the bottom of the

craft and levelled it full at his breast。

Quickly he had dropped the rope then and seen her float away

beyond his reach; but a moment later he had been racing up…stream

toward a little tributary in the mouth of which was hidden the canoe

in which he and his party had come thus far upon their journey

in pursuit of the girl and Anderssen。

What had become of her?

There seemed little doubt in the Russian's mind; however;

but that she had been captured by warriors from one of the

several villages she would have been compelled to pass on

her way down to the sea。  Well; he was at least rid of most

of his human enemies。

But at that he would gladly have had them all back in the land

of the living could he thus have been freed from the menace of

the frightful creatures who pursued him with awful relentlessness;

screaming and growling at him every time they came within sight of him。

The one that filled him with the greatest terror was the pantherthe

flaming…eyed; devil…faced panther whose grinning jaws gaped wide at him

by day; and whose fiery orbs gleamed wickedly out across the water

from the Cimmerian blackness of the jungle nights。

The sight of the mouth of the Ugambi filled Rokoff with

renewed hope; for there; upon the yellow waters of the bay;

floated the Kincaid at anchor。  He had sent the little steamer

away to coal while he had gone up the river; leaving Paulvitch

in charge of her; and he could have cried aloud in his relief

as he saw that she had returned in time to save him。

Frantically he alternately paddled furiously toward her and

rose to his feet waving his paddle and crying aloud in an

attempt to attract the attention of those on board。  But loud

as he screamed his cries awakened no answering challenge

from the deck of the silent craft。

Upon the shore behind him a hurried backward glance revealed

the presence of the snarling pack。  Even now; he thought;

these manlike devils might yet find a way to reach him even

upon the deck of the steamer unless there were those there

to repel them with firearms。

What could have happened to those he had left upon the

Kincaid?  Where was Paulvitch?  Could it be that the vessel

was deserted; and that; after all; he was doomed to be overtaken

by the terrible fate that he had been flying from through

all these hideous days and nights?  He shivered as might one

upon whose brow death has already laid his clammy finger。

Yet he did not cease to paddle frantically toward the steamer;

and at last; after what seemed an eternity; the bow of the dugout

bumped against the timbers of the Kincaid。  Over the ship's side

hung a monkey…ladder; but as the Russian grasped it to ascend

to the deck he heard a warning challenge from above; and;

looking up; gazed into the cold; relentless muzzle of a rifle。

After Jane Clayton; with rifle levelled at the breast of Rokoff;

had succeeded in holding him off until the dugout in

which she had taken refuge had drifted out upon the bosom

of the Ugambi beyond the man's reach; she had lost no time

in paddling to the swiftest sweep of the channel; nor did she

for long days and weary nights cease to hold her craft to the

most rapidly moving part of the river; except when during

the hottest hours of the day she had been wont to drift as the

current would take her; lying prone in the bottom of the canoe;

her face sheltered from the sun with a great palm leaf。

Thus only did she gain rest upon the voyage; at other times

she continually sought to augment the movement of the craft

by wielding the heavy paddle。

Rokoff; on the other hand; had used little or no intelligence

in his flight along the Ugambi; so that more often than not

his craft had drifted in the slow…going eddies; for he habitually

hugged the bank farthest from that along which the hideous horde

pursued and menaced him。

Thus it was that; though he had put out upon the river but

a short time subsequent to the girl; yet she had reached the

bay fully two hours ahead of him。  When she had first seen

the anchored ship upon the quiet water; Jane Clayton's heart

had beat fast with hope and thanksgiving; but as she drew

closer to the craft and saw that it was the Kincaid;

her pleasure gave place to the gravest misgivings。

It was too late; however; to turn back; for the current that

carried her toward the ship was much too strong for her muscles。  

She could not have forced the heavy dugout upstream against it;

and all that was left her was to attempt either to make the

shore without being seen by those upon the deck of the Kincaid;

or to throw herself upon their mercyotherwise she must be

swept out to sea。

She knew that the shore held little hope of life for her; as

she had no knowledge of the location of the friendly Mosula

village to which Anderssen had taken her through the darkness

of the night of their escape from the Kincaid。

With Rokoff away from the steamer it might be possible

that by offering those in charge a large reward they could be

induced to carry her to the nearest civilized port。  It was

worth riskingif she could make the steamer at all。

The current was bearing her swiftly down the river; and

she found that only by dint of the utmost exertion could she

direct the awkward craft toward the vicinity of the Kincaid。  

Having reached the decision to board the steamer; she now

looked to it for aid; but to her surprise the decks appeared to

be empty and she saw no sign of life aboard the ship。

The dugout was drawing closer and closer to the bow of

the vessel; and yet no hail came over the side from any

lookout aboard。  In a moment more; Jane realized; she would be

swept beyond the steamer; and then; unless they lowered a

boat to rescue her; she would be carried far out to sea by the

current and the swift ebb tide that was running。

The young woman called loudly for assistance; but there

was no reply other than the shrill scream of some savage

beast upon the jungle…shrouded shore。  Frantically Jane

wielded the paddle in an effort to carry her craft close

alongside the steamer。

For a moment it seemed that she should miss her goal by

but a few feet; but at the last moment the canoe swung close

beneath the steamer's bow and Jane barely managed to grasp

the anchor chain。

Heroically she clung to the heavy iron links; almost dragged

from the canoe by the strain of the current upon her craft。  

Beyond her she saw a monkey…ladder dangling over the

steamer's side。  To release her hold upon the chain and chance

clambering to the ladder as her canoe was swept beneath it

seemed beyond the pale of possibility; yet to remain clinging

to the anchor chain appeared equally as futile。

Finally her glance chanced to fall upon the rope in the bow

of the dugout; and; making one end of this fast to the chain;

she succeeded in drifting the canoe
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