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the beasts of tarzan-第34章

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The terror…stricken Muscovite scurried like a hunted rabbit

through the hole that still gaped in the boma's wall at the

point where his own prey had escaped; and as Tarzan approached

the camp upon the opposite side Rokoff disappeared into the

jungle in the wake of Jane Clayton。

As the ape…man entered the boma with old Tambudza at his elbow

the seven sailors; recognizing him; turned and fled in the

opposite direction。  Tarzan saw that Rokoff was not among them;

and so he let them go their wayhis business was with the Russian;

whom he expected to find in his tent。  As to the sailors; he was

sure that the jungle would exact from them expiation for their

villainies; nor; doubtless; was he wrong; for his were the last

white man's eyes to rest upon any of them。

Finding Rokoff's tent empty; Tarzan was about to set out

in search of the Russian when Tambudza suggested to him

that the departure of the white man could only have resulted

from word reaching him from M'ganwazam that Tarzan was

in his village。

〃He has doubtless hastened there;〃 argued the old woman。

〃If you would find him let us return at once。〃

Tarzan himself thought that this would probably prove to

be the fact; so he did not waste time in an endeavour to locate

the Russian's trail; but; instead; set out briskly for the village

of M'ganwazam; leaving Tambudza to plod slowly in his wake。

His one hope was that Jane was still safe and with Rokoff。  

If this was the case; it would be but a matter of an hour or

more before he should be able to wrest her from the Russian。

He knew now that M'ganwazam was treacherous and that

he might have to fight to regain possession of his wife。  

He wished that Mugambi; Sheeta; Akut; and the balance of the

pack were with him; for he realized that single…handed it

would be no child's play to bring Jane safely from the clutches

of two such scoundrels as Rokoff and the wily M'ganwazam。

To his surprise he found no sign of either Rokoff or Jane

in the village; and as he could not trust the word of the chief;

he wasted no time in futile inquiry。  So sudden and unexpected

had been his return; and so quickly had he vanished into the jungle

after learning that those he sought were not among the Waganwazam;

that old M'ganwazam had no time to prevent his going。

Swinging through the trees; he hastened back to the deserted camp

he had so recently left; for here; he knew; was the logical place

to take up the trail of Rokoff and Jane。

Arrived at the boma; he circled carefully about the outside

of the enclosure until; opposite a break in the thorny wall;

he came to indications that something had recently passed

into the jungle。  His acute sense of smell told him that both

of those he sought had fled from the camp in this direction;

and a moment later he had taken up the trail and was following

the faint spoor。

Far ahead of him a terror…stricken young woman was slinking

along a narrow game…trail; fearful that the next moment

would bring her face to face with some savage beast or equally

savage man。  As she ran on; hoping against hope that she had

hit upon the direction that would lead her eventually to the

great river; she came suddenly upon a familiar spot。

At one side of the trail; beneath a giant tree; lay a little

heap of loosely piled brushto her dying day that little spot

of jungle would be indelibly impressed upon her memory。  

It was where Anderssen had hidden herwhere he had given

up his life in the vain effort to save her from Rokoff。

At sight of it she recalled the rifle and ammunition that

the man had thrust upon her at the last moment。  Until now

she had forgotten them entirely。  Still clutched in her hand

was the revolver she had snatched from Rokoff's belt; but

that could contain at most not over six cartridgesnot enough

to furnish her with food and protection both on the long

journey to the sea。

With bated breath she groped beneath the little mound;

scarce daring to hope that the treasure remained where she

had left it; but; to her infinite relief and joy; her hand came

at once upon the barrel of the heavy weapon and then upon

the bandoleer of cartridges。

As she threw the latter about her shoulder and felt the weight

of the big game…gun in her hand a sudden sense of security

suffused her。  It was with new hope and a feeling almost of

assured success that she again set forward upon her journey。

That night she slept in the crotch of a tree; as Tarzan had

so often told her that he was accustomed to doing; and early

the next morning was upon her way again。  Late in the afternoon;

as she was about to cross a little clearing; she was startled

at the sight of a huge ape coming from the jungle upon the

opposite side。

The wind was blowing directly across the clearing between

them; and Jane lost no time in putting herself downwind

from the huge creature。  Then she hid in a clump of heavy

bush and watched; holding the rifle ready for instant use。

To her consternation she saw that the apes were pausing in the

centre of the clearing。  They came together in a little knot;

where they stood looking backward; as though in expectation

of the coming of others of their tribe。  

Jane wished that they would go on; for she knew that at

any moment some little; eddying gust of wind might carry

her scent down to their nostrils; and then what would the

protection of her rifle amount to in the face of those gigantic

muscles and mighty fangs?

Her eyes moved back and forth between the apes and the edge

of the jungle toward which they were gazing until at last

she perceived the object of their halt and the thing that

they awaited。  They were being stalked。

Of this she was positive; as she saw the lithe; sinewy form

of a panther glide noiselessly from the jungle at the point at

which the apes had emerged but a moment before。

Quickly the beast trotted across the clearing toward

the anthropoids。  Jane wondered at their apparent apathy;

and a moment later her wonder turned to amazement as she saw

the great cat come quite close to the apes; who appeared

entirely unconcerned by its presence; and; squatting down

in their midst; fell assiduously to the business of preening;

which occupies most of the waking hours of the cat family。

If the young woman was surprised by the sight of these natural

enemies fraternizing; it was with emotions little short of fear

for her own sanity that she presently saw a tall; muscular warrior

enter the clearing and join the group of savage beasts assembled there。

At first sight of the man she had been positive that he would

be torn to pieces; and she had half risen from her shelter;

raising her rifle to her shoulder to do what she could to

avert the man's terrible fate。

Now she saw that he seemed actually conversing with the beasts

issuing orders to them。

Presently the entire company filed on across the cle
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