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the beasts of tarzan-第32章

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dream the whole fantasy through in its every detail。

No; the Russian must never know that this was not her baby。  

She realized that her position was hopelesswith Anderssen

and her husband dead there was no one in all the world with

a desire to succour her who knew where she might be found。

Rokoff's threat; she realized; was no idle one。  That he

would do; or attempt to do; all that he had promised; she

was perfectly sure; but at the worst it meant but a little earlier

release from the hideous anguish that she had been enduring。  

She must find some way to take her own life before the Russian

could harm her further。

Just now she wanted timetime to think and prepare herself

for the end。  She felt that she could not take the last;

awful step until she had exhausted every possibility of escape。  

She did not care to live unless she might find her way

back to her own child; but slight as such a hope appeared

she would not admit its impossibility until the last moment

had come; and she faced the fearful reality of choosing between

the final alternativesNikolas Rokoff on one hand and

self…destruction upon the other。

〃Go away!〃 she said to the Russian。  〃Go away and leave me

in peace with my dead。  Have you not brought sufficient misery

and anguish upon me without attempting to harm me further? 

What wrong have I ever done you that you should persist

in persecuting me?〃

〃You are suffering for the sins of the monkey you chose

when you might have had the love of a gentlemanof Nikolas

Rokoff;〃 he replied。  〃But where is the use in discussing

the matter?  We shall bury the child here; and you will

return with me at once to my own camp。  Tomorrow I shall

bring you back and turn you over to your new husbandthe

lovely M'ganwazam。  Come!〃

He reached out for the child。  Jane; who was on her feet

now; turned away from him。

〃I shall bury the body;〃 she said。  〃Send some men to dig

a grave outside the village。〃

Rokoff was anxious to have the thing over and get back to

his camp with his victim。  He thought he saw in her apathy a

resignation to her fate。  Stepping outside the hut; he motioned

her to follow him; and a moment later; with his men; he

escorted Jane beyond the village; where beneath a great tree

the blacks scooped a shallow grave。

Wrapping the tiny body in a blanket; Jane laid it tenderly

in the black hole; and; turning her head that she might not

see the mouldy earth falling upon the pitiful little bundle;

she breathed a prayer beside the grave of the nameless waif

that had won its way to the innermost recesses of her heart。

Then; dry…eyed but suffering; she rose and followed the Russian

through the Stygian blackness of the jungle; along the winding;

leafy corridor that led from the village of M'ganwazam; the

black cannibal; to the camp of Nikolas Rokoff; the white fiend。

Beside them; in the impenetrable thickets that fringed the path;

rising to arch above it and shut out the moon; the girl could

hear the stealthy; muffled footfalls of great beasts; and ever

round about them rose the deafening roars of hunting lions;

until the earth trembled to the mighty sound。

The porters lighted torches now and waved them upon either

hand to frighten off the beasts of prey。  Rokoff urged

them to greater speed; and from the quavering note in his

voice Jane Clayton knew that he was weak from terror。

The sounds of the jungle night recalled most vividly the

days and nights that she had spent in a similar jungle with

her forest godwith the fearless and unconquerable Tarzan

of the Apes。  Then there had been no thoughts of terror;

though the jungle noises were new to her; and the roar of a

lion had seemed the most awe…inspiring sound upon the great earth。

How different would it be now if she knew that he was

somewhere there in the wilderness; seeking her!  Then; indeed;

would there be that for which to live; and every reason

to believe that succour was close at handbut he was dead! 

It was incredible that it should be so。

There seemed no place in death for that great body and

those mighty thews。  Had Rokoff been the one to tell her of

her lord's passing she would have known that he lied。  

There could be no reason; she thought; why M'ganwazam should

have deceived her。  She did not know that the Russian had

talked with the savage a few minutes before the chief had

come to her with his tale。

At last they reached the rude boma that Rokoff's porters

had thrown up round the Russian's camp。  Here they found

all in turmoil。  She did not know what it was all about;

but she saw that Rokoff was very angry; and from bits of

conversation which she could translate she gleaned that there

had been further desertions while he had been absent; and that

the deserters had taken the bulk of his food and ammunition。

When he had done venting his rage upon those who remained

he returned to where Jane stood under guard of a couple

of his white sailors。  He grasped her roughly by the arm

and started to drag her toward his tent。  The girl struggled

and fought to free herself; while the two sailors stood by;

laughing at the rare treat。

Rokoff did not hesitate to use rough methods when he found

that he was to have difficulty in carrying out his designs。  

Repeatedly he struck Jane Clayton in the face; until at

last; half…conscious; she was dragged within his tent。

Rokoff's boy had lighted the Russian's lamp; and now at

a word from his master he made himself scarce。  Jane had

sunk to the floor in the middle of the enclosure。  Slowly her

numbed senses were returning to her and she was commencing

to think very fast indeed。  Quickly her eyes ran round the

interior of the tent; taking in every detail of its equipment

and contents。

Now the Russian was lifting her to her feet and attempting

to drag her to the camp cot that stood at one side of the tent。  

At his belt hung a heavy revolver。  Jane Clayton's eyes riveted

themselves upon it。  Her palm itched to grasp the huge butt。  

She feigned again to swoon; but through her half…closed lids

she waited her opportunity。

It came just as Rokoff was lifting her upon the cot。  A noise

at the tent door behind him brought his head quickly about

and away from the girl。  The butt of the gun was not an inch

from her hand。  With a single; lightning…like move she

snatched the weapon from its holster; and at the same instant

Rokoff turned back toward her; realizing his peril。

She did not dare fire for fear the shot would bring his

people about him; and with Rokoff dead she would fall into

hands no better than his and to a fate probably even worse

than he alone could have imagined。  The memory of the two brutes

who stood and laughed as Rokoff struck her was still vivid。

As the rage and fear…filled countenance of the Slav turned

toward her Jane Clayton raised the heavy revolver high above

the pasty face and with a
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