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the beasts of tarzan-第29章

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with little hands out…reaching toward the young woman。

She could not withstand the appeal; and with a low cry

she sprang to her feet and gathered the baby to her breast。

For a few minutes she wept silently; her face buried in the

baby's soiled little dress。  The first shock of disappointment

that the tiny thing had not been her beloved Jack was giving

way to a great hope that after all some miracle had occurred

to snatch her baby from Rokoff's hands at the last instant

before the Kincaid sailed from England。

Then; too; there was the mute appeal of this wee waif alone

and unloved in the midst of the horrors of the savage jungle。  

It was this thought more than any other that had sent her

mother's heart out to the innocent babe; while still she

suffered from disappointment that she had been deceived in

its identity。

〃Have you no idea whose child this is?〃 she asked Anderssen。

The man shook his head。

〃Not now;〃 he said。  〃If he ain't ban your kid; Ay don' know whose

kid he do ban。  Rokoff said it was yours。  Ay tank he tank so; too。

〃What do we do with it now?  Ay can't go back to the Kincaid。  

Rokoff would have me shot; but you can go back。  Ay take you to the sea;

and then some of these black men they take you to the shipeh?〃

〃No! no!〃 cried Jane。  〃Not for the world。  I would rather die

than fall into the hands of that man again。  No; let us go on

and take this poor little creature with us。  If God is willing

we shall be saved in one way or another。〃

So they again took up their flight through the wilderness;

taking with them a half…dozen of the Mosulas to carry

provisions and the tents that Anderssen had smuggled aboard

the small boat in preparation for the attempted escape。

The days and nights of torture that the young woman suffered

were so merged into one long; unbroken nightmare of

hideousness that she soon lost all track of time。  Whether they

had been wandering for days or years she could not tell。  

The one bright spot in that eternity of fear and suffering was the

little child whose tiny hands had long since fastened their

softly groping fingers firmly about her heart。

In a way the little thing took the place and filled the aching

void that the theft of her own baby had left。  It could never be

the same; of course; but yet; day by day; she found her

mother…love; enveloping the waif more closely until she

sometimes sat with closed eyes lost in the sweet imagining

that the little bundle of humanity at her breast was truly her own。

For some time their progress inland was extremely slow。  

Word came to them from time to time through natives passing

from the coast on hunting excursions that Rokoff had not

yet guessed the direction of their flight。  This; and the desire

to make the journey as light as possible for the gently bred

woman; kept Anderssen to a slow advance of short and easy

marches with many rests。

The Swede insisted upon carrying the child while they

travelled; and in countless other ways did what he could to

help Jane Clayton conserve her strength。  He had been terribly

chagrined on discovering the mistake he had made in the

identity of the baby; but once the young woman became

convinced that his motives were truly chivalrous she would not

permit him longer to upbraid himself for the error that he

could not by any means have avoided。

At the close of each day's march Anderssen saw to the

erection of a comfortable shelter for Jane and the child。  

Her tent was always pitched in the most favourable location。  

The thorn boma round it was the strongest and most

impregnable that the Mosula could construct。

Her food was the best that their limited stores and the rifle

of the Swede could provide; but the thing that touched her

heart the closest was the gentle consideration and courtesy

which the man always accorded her。

That such nobility of character could lie beneath so repulsive

an exterior never ceased to be a source of wonder and

amazement to her; until at last the innate chivalry of the man;

and his unfailing kindliness and sympathy transformed his

appearance in so far as Jane was concerned until she saw

only the sweetness of his character mirrored in his countenance。

They had commenced to make a little better progress when

word reached them that Rokoff was but a few marches behind

them; and that he had at last discovered the direction of

their flight。  It was then that Anderssen took to the river;

purchasing a canoe from a chief whose village lay a short

distance from the Ugambi upon the bank of a tributary。

Thereafter the little party of fugitives fled up the broad

Ugambi; and so rapid had their flight become that they no

longer received word of their pursuers。  At the end of canoe

navigation upon the river; they abandoned their canoe and

took to the jungle。  Here progress became at once arduous;

slow; and dangerous。

The second day after leaving the Ugambi the baby fell ill

with fever。  Anderssen knew what the outcome must be; but

he had not the heart to tell Jane Clayton the truth; for he had

seen that the young woman had come to love the child almost

as passionately as though it had been her own flesh and blood。

As the baby's condition precluded farther advance; Anderssen

withdrew a little from the main trail he had been following

and built a camp in a natural clearing on the bank

of a little river。

Here Jane devoted her every moment to caring for the tiny

sufferer; and as though her sorrow and anxiety were not all

that she could bear; a further blow came with the sudden

announcement of one of the Mosula porters who had been foraging

in the jungle adjacent that Rokoff and his party were camped

quite close to them; and were evidently upon their trail to this

little nook which all had thought so excellent a hiding…place。

This information could mean but one thing; and that they must

break camp and fly onward regardless of the baby's condition。  

Jane Clayton knew the traits of the Russian well enough

to be positive that he would separate her from the child

the moment that he recaptured them; and she knew that

separation would mean the immediate death of the baby。

As they stumbled forward through the tangled vegetation

along an old and almost overgrown game trail the Mosula

porters deserted them one by one。

The men had been staunch enough in their devotion and loyalty

as long as they were in no danger of being overtaken by the

Russian and his party。  They had heard; however; so much of

the atrocious disposition of Rokoff that they had grown to

hold him in mortal terror; and now that they knew he was close

upon them their timid hearts would fortify them no longer;

and as quickly as possible they deserted the three whites。

Yet on and on went Anderssen and the girl。  The Swede

went ahead; to hew a way through the brush where the path

was entirely overgrown; so that o
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