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the beasts of tarzan-第25章

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physical exertion and nervous excitement。  He rushed

to Tarzan's side; and as the first of the savages reached the

village gate the native's knife severed the last of the cords

that bound Tarzan to the stake。

In the street lay the corpses of the savages that had fallen

before the pack the night before。  From one of these Tarzan

seized a spear and knob stick; and with Mugambi at his side

and the snarling pack about him; he met the natives as they

poured through the gate。

Fierce and terrible was the battle that ensued; but at last the

savages were routed; more by terror; perhaps; at sight of a

black man and a white fighting in company with a panther and

the huge fierce apes of Akut; than because of their inability

to overcome the relatively small force that opposed them。

One prisoner fell into the hands of Tarzan; and him the

ape…man questioned in an effort to learn what had become of

Rokoff and his party。  Promised his liberty in return for the

information; the black told all he knew concerning the movements

of the Russian。

It seemed that early in the morning their chief had attempted

to prevail upon the whites to return with him to the

village and with their guns destroy the ferocious pack that

had taken possession of it; but Rokoff appeared to entertain

even more fears of the giant white man and his strange

companions than even the blacks themselves。

Upon no conditions would he consent to returning even

within sight of the village。  Instead; he took his party

hurriedly to the river; where they stole a number of canoes the

blacks had hidden there。  The last that had been seen of them

they had been paddling strongly up…stream; their porters from

Kaviri's village wielding the blades。

So once more Tarzan of the Apes with his hideous pack

took up his search for the ape…man's son and the pursuit of

his abductor。

For weary days they followed through an almost uninhabited

country; only to learn at last that they were upon the

wrong trail。  The little band had been reduced by three; for

three of Akut's apes had fallen in the fighting at the village。  

Now; with Akut; there were five great apes; and Sheeta was

thereand Mugambi and Tarzan。

The ape…man no longer heard rumors even of the three

who had preceded Rokoffthe white man and woman and

the child。  Who the man and woman were he could not guess;

but that the child was his was enough to keep him hot upon

the trail。  He was sure that Rokoff would be following this

trio; and so he felt confident that so long as he could keep

upon the Russian's trail he would be winning so much nearer

to the time he might snatch his son from the dangers and

horrors that menaced him。

In retracing their way after losing Rokoff's trail Tarzan

picked it up again at a point where the Russian had left the

river and taken to the brush in a northerly direction。  He could

only account for this change on the ground that the child had

been carried away from the river by the two who now had

possession of it。

Nowhere along the way; however; could he gain definite information

that might assure him positively that the child was ahead of him。

Not a single native they questioned had seen or heard of this

other party; though nearly all had had direct experience with

the Russian or had talked with others who had。

It was with difficulty that Tarzan could find means to communicate

with the natives; as the moment their eyes fell upon his companions

they fled precipitately into the bush。  His only alternative was

to go ahead of his pack and waylay an occasional warrior whom

he found alone in the jungle。

One day as he was thus engaged; tracking an unsuspecting

savage; he came upon the fellow in the act of hurling a spear

at a wounded white man who crouched in a clump of bush at the

trail's side。  The white was one whom Tarzan had often seen;

and whom he recognized at once。

Deep in his memory was implanted those repulsive featuresthe

close…set eyes; the shifty expression; the drooping yellow moustache。

Instantly it occurred to the ape…man that this fellow had

not been among those who had accompanied Rokoff at the

village where Tarzan had been a prisoner。  He had seen them all;

and this fellow had not been there。  There could be but one

explanationhe it was who had fled ahead of the Russian with

the woman and the childand the woman had been Jane Clayton。  

He was sure now of the meaning of Rokoff's words。

The ape…man's face went white as he looked upon the pasty;

vice…marked countenance of the Swede。  Across Tarzan's forehead

stood out the broad band of scarlet that marked the scar where;

years before; Terkoz had torn a great strip of the ape…man's

scalp from his skull in the fierce battle in which Tarzan had

sustained his fitness to the kingship of the apes of Kerchak。

The man was his preythe black should not have him;

and with the thought he leaped upon the warrior; striking

down the spear before it could reach its mark。  The black;

whipping out his knife; turned to do battle with this new

enemy; while the Swede; lying in the bush; witnessed a duel;

the like of which he had never dreamed to seea half…naked

white man battling with a half…naked black; hand to hand

with the crude weapons of primeval man at first; and then

with hands and teeth like the primordial brutes from whose

loins their forebears sprung。

For a time Anderssen did not recognize the white; and when

at last it dawned upon him that he had seen this giant before;

his eyes went wide in surprise that this growling; rending beast

could ever have been the well…groomed English gentleman who had

been a prisoner aboard the Kincaid。

An English nobleman!  He had learned the identity of the

Kincaid's prisoners from Lady Greystoke during their flight

up the Ugambi。  Before; in common with the other members of

the crew of the steamer; he had not known who the two might be。

The fight was over。  Tarzan had been compelled to kill his antagonist;

as the fellow would not surrender。

The Swede saw the white man leap to his feet beside the corpse

of his foe; and placing one foot upon the broken neck lift

his voice in the hideous challenge of the victorious bull…ape。

Anderssen shuddered。  Then Tarzan turned toward him。

His face was cold and cruel; and in the grey eyes the

Swede read murder。

〃Where is my wife?〃 growled the ape…man。  〃Where is the child?〃

Anderssen tried to reply; but a sudden fit of coughing choked him。

There was an arrow entirely through his chest; and as he coughed the

blood from his wounded lung poured suddenly from his mouth and nostrils。

Tarzan stood waiting for the paroxysm to pass。  Like a

bronze imagecold; hard; and relentlesshe stood over the

helpless man; waiting to wring such information from him

as he needed; and then to kill。

Presently the coughing and haemorrhage ceased; and again

the wounded man tried 
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