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the beasts of tarzan-第22章

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the look of surprise upon Jane Clayton's face turned to one

of disgust。  She fairly shuddered in the fellow's face。

〃I would not have been surprised; M。  Rokoff;〃 she said;

had you attempted to force me to submit to your evil desires;

but that you should be so fatuous as to believe that I;

wife of John Clayton; would come to you willingly; even to

save my life; I should never have imagined。  I have known

you for a scoundrel; M。  Rokoff; but until now I had not taken

you for a fool。〃

Rokoff's eyes narrowed; and the red of mortification flushed out

the pallor of his face。  He took a step toward the girl; threateningly。

〃We shall see who is the fool at last;〃 he hissed; 〃when I have

broken you to my will and your plebeian Yankee stubbornness has

cost you all that you hold deareven the life of your babyfor;

by the bones of St。  Peter; I'll forego all that I had planned

for the brat and cut its heart out before your very eyes。

You'll learn what it means to insult Nikolas Rokoff。〃

Jane Clayton turned wearily away。

〃What is the use;〃 she said; 〃of expatiating upon the

depths to which your vengeful nature can sink?  You cannot

move me either by threats or deeds。  My baby cannot judge

yet for himself; but I; his mother; can foresee that should it

have been given him to survive to man's estate he would

willingly sacrifice his life for the honour of his mother。  

Love him as I do; I would not purchase his life at such a price。  

Did I; he would execrate my memory to the day of his death。〃

Rokoff was now thoroughly angered because of his failure

to reduce the girl to terror。  He felt only hate for her; but it

had come to his diseased mind that if he could force her to

accede to his demands as the price of her life and her child's;

the cup of his revenge would be filled to brimming when he

could flaunt the wife of Lord Greystoke in the capitals of

Europe as his mistress。

Again he stepped closer to her。  His evil face was convulsed

with rage and desire。  Like a wild beast he sprang upon

her; and with his strong fingers at her throat forced her

backward upon the berth。

At the same instant the door of the cabin opened noisily。  

Rokoff leaped to his feet; and; turning; faced the Swede cook。

Into the fellow's usually foxy eyes had come an expression

of utter stupidity。  His lower jaw drooped in vacuous harmony。  

He busied himself in arranging Lady Greystoke's meal

upon the tiny table at one side of her cabin。

The Russian glared at him。

〃What do you mean;〃 he cried; 〃by entering here

without permission?  Get out!〃

The cook turned his watery blue eyes upon Rokoff and

smiled vacuously。

〃Ay tank it blow purty soon purty hard;〃 he said; and

then he began rearranging the few dishes upon the little table。

〃Get out of here; or I'll throw you out; you miserable blockhead!〃

roared Rokoff; taking a threatening step toward the Swede。

Anderssen continued to smile foolishly in his direction;

but one ham…like paw slid stealthily to the handle of the

long; slim knife that protruded from the greasy cord

supporting his soiled apron。

Rokoff saw the move and stopped short in his advance。  

Then he turned toward Jane Clayton。

〃I will give you until tomorrow;〃 he said; 〃to reconsider your

answer to my offer。  All will be sent ashore upon one pretext

or another except you and the child; Paulvitch and myself。  

Then without interruption you will be able to witness the

death of the baby。〃

He spoke in French that the cook might not understand

the sinister portent of his words。  When he had done he banged

out of the cabin without another look at the man who had

interrupted him in his sorry work。

When he had gone; Sven Anderssen turned toward Lady

Greystokethe idiotic expression that had masked his

thoughts had fallen away; and in its place was one of

craft and cunning。

〃Hay tank Ay ban a fool;〃 he said。  〃Hay ben the fool。

Ay savvy Franch。〃

Jane Clayton looked at him in surprise。

〃You understood all that he said; then?〃

Anderssen grinned。

〃You bat;〃 he said。

〃And you heard what was going on in here and came to protect me?〃

〃You bane good to me;〃 explained the Swede。  〃Hay treat me like

darty dog。  Ay help you; lady。  You yust vaitAy help you。

Ay ban Vast Coast lots times。〃

〃But how can you help me; Sven;〃 she asked; 〃when all

these men will be against us?〃

〃Ay tank;〃 said Sven Anderssen; 〃it blow purty soon

purty hard;〃 and then he turned and left the cabin。

Though Jane Clayton doubted the cook's ability to be of

any material service to her; she was nevertheless deeply

grateful to him for what he already had done。  The feeling

that among these enemies she had one friend brought the

first ray of comfort that had come to lighten the burden of

her miserable apprehensions throughout the long voyage of

the Kincaid。

She saw no more of Rokoff that day; nor of any other until

Sven came with her evening meal。  She tried to draw him into

conversation relative to his plans to aid her; but all that she

could get from him was his stereotyped prophecy as to the

future state of the wind。  He seemed suddenly to have

relapsed into his wonted state of dense stupidity。

However; when he was leaving her cabin a little later with

the empty dishes he whispered very low; 〃Leave on your

clothes an' roll up your blankets。  Ay come back after you

purty soon。〃

He would have slipped from the room at once; but Jane

laid her hand upon his sleeve。

〃My baby?〃 she asked。  〃I cannot go without him。〃

〃You do wot Ay tal you;〃 said Anderssen; scowling。  

〃Ay ban halpin' you; so don't you gat too fonny。〃

When he had gone Jane Clayton sank down upon her berth

in utter bewilderment。  What was she to do?  Suspicions as to

the intentions of the Swede swarmed her brain。  Might she

not be infinitely worse off if she gave herself into his power

than she already was?

No; she could be no worse off in company with the devil

himself than with Nikolas Rokoff; for the devil at least bore

the reputation of being a gentleman。

She swore a dozen times that she would not leave the Kincaid

without her baby; and yet she remained clothed long

past her usual hour for retiring; and her blankets were neatly

rolled and bound with stout cord; when about midnight there

came a stealthy scratching upon the panels of her door。

Swiftly she crossed the room and drew the bolt。  Softly the

door swung open to admit the muffled figure of the Swede。  

On one arm he carried a bundle; evidently his blankets。  

His other hand was raised in a gesture commanding silence;

a grimy forefinger upon his lips。

He came quite close to her。

〃Carry this;〃 he said。  〃Do not make some noise when

you see it。  It ban you kid。〃

Quick hands snatched the bundle from the cook; and hungry

mother arms folded the sleeping infant t
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