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the beasts of tarzan-第15章

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an answering scream; and a half…hour later the lithe form of

Sheeta bounded into view where the others of the pack were

clambering gingerly into the canoe。

The great beast; with arched back and purring like a

contented tabby; rubbed his sides against the ape…man; and then

at a word from the latter sprang lightly to his former place in

the bow of the dugout。

When all were in place it was discovered that two of the

apes of Akut were missing; and though both the king ape

and Tarzan called to them for the better part of an hour; there

was no response; and finally the boat put off without them。  

As it happened that the two missing ones were the very same

who had evinced the least desire to accompany the expedition

from the island; and had suffered the most from fright during

the voyage; Tarzan was quite sure that they had absented

themselves purposely rather than again enter the canoe。

As the party were putting in for the shore shortly after

noon to search for food a slender; naked savage watched

them for a moment from behind the dense screen of verdure

which lined the river's bank; then he melted away up…stream

before any of those in the canoe discovered him。

Like a deer he bounded along the narrow trail until; filled

with the excitement of his news; he burst into a native village

several miles above the point at which Tarzan and his pack

had stopped to hunt。

〃Another white man is coming!〃 he cried to the chief

who squatted before the entrance to his circular hut。  

〃Another white man; and with him are many warriors。  

They come in a great war…canoe to kill and rob as did

the black…bearded one who has just left us。〃

Kaviri leaped to his feet。  He had but recently had a taste

of the white man's medicine; and his savage heart was filled

with bitterness and hate。  In another moment the rumble of

the war…drums rose from the village; calling in the hunters

from the forest and the tillers from the fields。

Seven war…canoes were launched and manned by paint…daubed;

befeathered warriors。  Long spears bristled from the rude

battle…ships; as they slid noiselessly over the bosom of the water;

propelled by giant muscles rolling beneath glistening; ebony hides。

There was no beating of tom…toms now; nor blare of native

horn; for Kaviri was a crafty warrior; and it was in his mind

to take no chances; if they could be avoided。  He would swoop

noiselessly down with his seven canoes upon the single one

of the white man; and before the guns of the latter could

inflict much damage upon his people he would have overwhelmed

the enemy by force of numbers。

Kaviri's own canoe went in advance of the others a short

distance; and as it rounded a sharp bend in the river where

the swift current bore it rapidly on its way it came suddenly

upon the thing that Kaviri sought。

So close were the two canoes to one another that the black

had only an opportunity to note the white face in the bow of

the oncoming craft before the two touched and his own men

were upon their feet; yelling like mad devils and thrusting

their long spears at the occupants of the other canoe。

But a moment later; when Kaviri was able to realize the

nature of the crew that manned the white man's dugout; he

would have given all the beads and iron wire that he

possessed to have been safely within his distant village。  

Scarcely had the two craft come together than the frightful apes of

Akut rose; growling and barking; from the bottom of the

canoe; and; with long; hairy arms far outstretched; grasped

the menacing spears from the hands of Kaviri's warriors。

The blacks were overcome with terror; but there was nothing

to do other than to fight。  Now came the other war…canoes

rapidly down upon the two craft。  Their occupants were eager

to join the battle; for they thought that their foes were white

men and their native porters。

They swarmed about Tarzan's craft; but when they saw the nature

of the enemy all but one turned and paddled swiftly upriver。  

That one came too close to the ape…man's craft before

its occupants realized that their fellows were pitted

against demons instead of men。  As it touched Tarzan spoke

a few low words to Sheeta and Akut; so that before the

attacking warriors could draw away there sprang upon them

with a blood…freezing scream a huge panther; and into the

other end of their canoe clambered a great ape。

At one end the panther wrought fearful havoc with his

mighty talons and long; sharp fangs; while Akut at the other

buried his yellow canines in the necks of those that came

within his reach; hurling the terror…stricken blacks overboard

as he made his way toward the centre of the canoe。

Kaviri was so busily engaged with the demons that had

entered his own craft that he could offer no assistance to his

warriors in the other。  A giant of a white devil had wrested

his spear from him as though he; the mighty Kaviri; had been

but a new…born babe。  Hairy monsters were overcoming his

fighting men; and a black chieftain like himself was fighting

shoulder to shoulder with the hideous pack that opposed him。

Kaviri battled bravely against his antagonist; for he felt

that death had already claimed him; and so the least that he

could do would be to sell his life as dearly as possible; but it

was soon evident that his best was quite futile when pitted

against the superhuman brawn and agility of the creature that

at last found his throat and bent him back into the bottom of

the canoe。

Presently Kaviri's head began to whirlobjects became

confused and dim before his eyesthere was a great pain in

his chest as he struggled for the breath of life that the thing

upon him was shutting off for ever。  Then he lost consciousness。

When he opened his eyes once more he found; much to

his surprise; that he was not dead。  He lay; securely bound;

in the bottom of his own canoe。  A great panther sat upon its

haunches; looking down upon him。

Kaviri shuddered and closed his eyes again; waiting for

the ferocious creature to spring upon him and put him out of

his misery of terror。

After a moment; no rending fangs having buried themselves

in his trembling body; he again ventured to open his eyes。  

Beyond the panther kneeled the white giant who had

overcome him。

The man was wielding a paddle; while directly behind him

Kaviri saw some of his own warriors similarly engaged。  

Back of them again squatted several of the hairy apes。

Tarzan; seeing that the chief had regained consciousness;

addressed him。

〃Your warriors tell me that you are the chief of a

numerous people; and that your name is Kaviri;〃 he said。

〃Yes;〃 replied the black。

〃Why did you attack me?  I came in peace。〃

〃Another white man ‘came in peace' three moons ago;〃

replied Kaviri; 〃and after we had brought him presents of a

goat and cassava and milk; he set upon us with his guns and

killed m
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