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the beasts of tarzan-第14章

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remain indefinitely upon this evidently uncharted island to

which no ships might ever be expected to come。

And so it was that when the first fair wind rose he embarked

upon his cruise; and with him he took as strange and

fearsome a crew as ever sailed under a savage master。

Mugambi and Akut went with him; and Sheeta; the panther;

and a dozen great males of the tribe of Akut。

Chapter 6

A Hideous Crew

The war…canoe with its savage load moved slowly toward the

break in the reef through which it must pass to gain the

open sea。  Tarzan; Mugambi; and Akut wielded the paddles;

for the shore kept the west wind from the little sail。

Sheeta crouched in the bow at the ape…man's feet; for it

had seemed best to Tarzan always to keep the wicked beast

as far from the other members of the party as possible;

since it would require little or no provocation to send him

at the throat of any than the white man; whom he evidently

now looked upon as his master。

In the stern was Mugambi; and just in front of him squatted

Akut; while between Akut and Tarzan the twelve hairy apes

sat upon their haunches; blinking dubiously this way and that;

and now and then turning their eyes longingly back toward shore。

All went well until the canoe had passed beyond the reef。  

Here the breeze struck the sail; sending the rude craft

lunging among the waves that ran higher and higher as

they drew away from the shore。

With the tossing of the boat the apes became panic…stricken。  

They first moved uneasily about; and then commenced grumbling

and whining。  With difficulty Akut kept them in hand for a time;

but when a particularly large wave struck the dugout

simultaneously with a little squall of wind their terror

broke all bounds; and; leaping to their feet; they

all but overturned the boat before Akut and Tarzan together

could quiet them。  At last calm was restored; and eventually

the apes became accustomed to the strange antics of their craft;

after which no more trouble was experienced with them。

The trip was uneventful; the wind held; and after ten hours'

steady sailing the black shadows of the coast loomed close

before the straining eyes of the ape…man in the bow。  It was

far too dark to distinguish whether they had approached close

to the mouth of the Ugambi or not; so Tarzan ran in through

the surf at the closest point to await the dawn。

The dugout turned broadside the instant that its nose

touched the sand; and immediately it rolled over; with all its

crew scrambling madly for the shore。  The next breaker rolled

them over and over; but eventually they all succeeded in

crawling to safety; and in a moment more their ungainly craft

had been washed up beside them。

The balance of the night the apes sat huddled close to one

another for warmth; while Mugambi built a fire close to them

over which he crouched。  Tarzan and Sheeta; however; were

of a different mind; for neither of them feared the jungle

night; and the insistent craving of their hunger sent them off

into the Stygian blackness of the forest in search of prey。

Side by side they walked when there was room for two abreast。  

At other times in single file; first one and then the

other in advance。  It was Tarzan who first caught the scent of

meata bull buffaloand presently the two came stealthily

upon the sleeping beast in the midst of a dense jungle of

reeds close to a river。

Closer and closer they crept toward the unsuspecting beast;

Sheeta upon his right side and Tarzan upon his left nearest

the great heart。  They had hunted together now for some time;

so that they worked in unison; with only low; purring sounds

as signals。

For a moment they lay quite silent near their prey; and

then at a sign from the ape…man Sheeta sprang upon the

great back; burying his strong teeth in the bull's neck。  

Instantly the brute sprang to his feet with a bellow of

pain and rage; and at the same instant Tarzan rushed in

upon his left side with the stone knife; striking repeatedly

behind the shoulder。

One of the ape…man's hands clutched the thick mane; and

as the bull raced madly through the reeds the thing striking

at his life was dragged beside him。  Sheeta but clung

tenaciously to his hold upon the neck and back; biting deep in

an effort to reach the spine。

For several hundred yards the bellowing bull carried his two

savage antagonists; until at last the blade found his heart;

when with a final bellow that was half…scream he plunged headlong

to the earth。  Then Tarzan and Sheeta feasted to repletion。

After the meal the two curled up together in a thicket; the

man's black head pillowed upon the tawny side of the panther。  

Shortly after dawn they awoke and ate again; and then

returned to the beach that Tarzan might lead the balance of

the pack to the kill。

When the meal was done the brutes were for curling up to sleep;

so Tarzan and Mugambi set off in search of the Ugambi River。  

They had proceeded scarce a hundred yards when they came

suddenly upon a broad stream; which the Negro instantly

recognized as that down which he and his warriors

had paddled to the sea upon their ill…starred expedition。

The two now followed the stream down to the ocean; finding

that it emptied into a bay not over a mile from the point upon

the beach at which the canoe had been thrown the night before。

Tarzan was much elated by the discovery; as he knew that

in the vicinity of a large watercourse he should find natives;

and from some of these he had little doubt but that he should

obtain news of Rokoff and the child; for he felt reasonably

certain that the Russian would rid himself of the baby as

quickly as possible after having disposed of Tarzan。

He and Mugambi now righted and launched the dugout; though

it was a most difficult feat in the face of the surf which

rolled continuously in upon the beach; but at last they were

successful; and soon after were paddling up the coast toward

the mouth of the Ugambi。  Here they experienced considerable

difficulty in making an entrance against the combined

current and ebb tide; but by taking advantage of eddies close

in to shore they came about dusk to a point nearly opposite

the spot where they had left the pack asleep。

Making the craft fast to an overhanging bough; the two

made their way into the jungle; presently coming upon some

of the apes feeding upon fruit a little beyond the reeds where

the buffalo had fallen。  Sheeta was not anywhere to be seen;

nor did he return that night; so that Tarzan came to believe

that he had wandered away in search of his own kind。

Early the next morning the ape…man led his band down to the river;

and as he walked he gave vent to a series of shrill cries。  

Presently from a great distance and faintly there came

an answering scream; and a half…hour later the lithe form of

Sheeta bounded into view where the oth
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