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the song of the cardinal-第7章

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plowin' 'at you know in all conscience won't be ready for a week

yet 'thout pretendin' to look。〃

Abram grinned sheepishly。  〃I'm willin' to call it the bird if

you are; Maria。  I've been hearin' him from the barn all day; an'

there's somethin' kind o' human in his notes 'at takes me jest a

little diffrunt from any other bird I ever noticed。  I'm really

curious to set eyes on him。  Seemed to me from his singin' out to

the barn; it 'ud be mighty near like meetin' folks。〃

〃Bosh!〃 exclaimed Maria。  〃I don't s'pose he sings a mite better

'an any other bird。  It's jest the old Wabash rollin' up the

echoes。  A bird singin' beside the river always sounds twicet as

fine as one on the hills。  I've knowed that for forty year。

Chances are 'at he'll be gone 'fore you get there。〃

As Abram opened the door; 〃Wet year! Wet year!〃 pealed the

flaming prophet。

He went out; closing the door softly; and with an utter disregard

for the corn field; made a bee line for the musician。

〃I don't know as this is the best for twinges o' rheumatiz;〃 he

muttered; as he turned up his collar and drew his old hat lower

to keep the splashing drops from his face。  〃I don't jest rightly

s'pose I should go; but I'm free to admit I'd as lief be dead as

not to answer when I get a call; an' the fact is; I'm CALLED down

beside the river。〃

〃Wet year! Wet year!〃 rolled the Cardinal's prediction。

〃Thanky; old fellow!  Glad to hear you!  Didn't jest need the

information; but I got my bearin's rightly from it! I can about

pick out your bush; an' it's well along towards evenin'; too; an'

must be mighty near your bedtime。  Looks as if you might be

stayin' round these parts!  I'd like it powerful well if you'd

settle right here; say 'bout where you are。  An' where are you;


Abram went peering and dodging beside the fence; peeping into the

bushes; searching for the bird。  Suddenly there was a whir of

wings and a streak of crimson。

〃Scared you into the next county; I s'pose;〃 he muttered。

But it came nearer being a scared man than a frightened bird; for

the Cardinal flashed straight toward him until only a few yards

away; and then; swaying on a bush; it chipped; cheered; peeked;

whistled broken notes; and manifested perfect delight at the

sight of the white…haired old man。  Abram stared in astonishment。

〃Lord A'mighty!〃 he gasped。  〃Big as a blackbird; red as a live

coal; an' a…comin' right at me。  You are somebody's pet; that's

what you are!  An' no; you ain't either。  Settin' on a sawed

stick in a little wire house takes all the ginger out of any

bird; an' their feathers are always mussy。  Inside o' a cage

never saw you; for they ain't a feather out o' place on you。  You

are finer'n a piece o' red satin。  An' you got that way o'

swingin' an' dancin' an' high…steppin' right out in God

A'mighty's big woods; a teeterin' in the wind; an' a dartin'

'crost the water。  Cage never touched you! But you are somebody's

pet jest the same。  An' I look like the man; an' you are tryin'

to tell me so; by gum!〃 

Leaning toward Abram; the Cardinal turned his head from side to

side; and peered; 〃chipped;〃 and waited for an answering 〃Chip〃

from a little golden…haired child; but there was no way for the

man to know that。

〃It's jest as sure as fate;〃 he said。  〃You think you know me;

an' you are tryin' to tell me somethin'。  Wish to land I knowed

what you want!  Are you tryin' to tell me ‘Howdy'?  Well; I don't

'low nobody to be politer 'an I am; so far as I know。〃

Abram lifted his old hat; and the raindrops glistened on his

white hair。  He squared his shoulders and stood very erect。

〃Howdy; Mr。  Redbird!  How d'ye find yerself this evenin'?  I

don't jest riccolict ever seein' you before; but I'll never meet

you agin 'thout knowin' you。  When d'you arrive?  Come through by

the special midnight flyer; did you? Well; you never was more

welcome any place in your life。  I'd give a right smart sum this

minnit if you'd say you came to settle on this river bank。  How

do you like it?  To my mind it's jest as near Paradise as you'll

strike on earth。

〃Old Wabash is a twister for curvin' and windin' round; an' it's

limestone bed half the way; an' the water's as pretty an' clear

as in Maria's springhouse。  An' as for trimmin'; why say; Mr。

Redbird; I'll jest leave it to you if she ain't all trimmed up

like a woman's spring bunnit。  Look at the grass a…creepin' right

down till it's a trailin' in the water!  Did you ever see jest

quite such fine fringy willers?  An' you wait a little; an' the

flowerin' mallows 'at grows long the shinin' old river are fine

as garden hollyhocks。  Maria says 'at thy'd be purtier 'an hers

if they were only double; but; Lord; Mr。  Redbird; they are!  See

'em once on the bank; an' agin in the water!  An' back a little

an' there's jest thickets of papaw; an' thorns; an' wild

grape…vines; an' crab; an' red an' black haw; an' dogwood; an'

sumac; an' spicebush; an' trees! Lord! Mr。 Redbird; the

sycamores; an' maples; an' tulip; an' ash; an' elm trees are so

bustin' fine 'long the old Wabash they put 'em into poetry books

an' sing songs about 'em。  What do you think o' that? Jest back

o' you a little there's a sycamore split into five trunks; any

one o' them a famous big tree; tops up 'mong the clouds; an'

roots diggin' under the old river; an' over a little farther's a

maple 'at's eight big trees in one。  Most anything you can name;

you can find it 'long this ole Wabash; if you only know where to

hunt for it。

〃They's mighty few white men takes the trouble to look; but the

Indians used to know。  They'd come canoein' an' fishin' down the

river an' camp under these very trees; an' Ma 'ud git so mad at

the old squaws。  Settlers wasn't so thick then; an' you had to be

mighty careful not to rile 'em; an' they'd come a…trapesin' with

their wild berries。  Woods full o' berries!  Anybody could get

'em by the bushel for the pickin'; an' we hadn't got on to

raisin' much wheat; an' had to carry it on horses over into Ohio

to get it milled。  Took Pa five days to make the trip; an' then

the blame old squaws 'ud come; an' Ma 'ud be compelled to hand

over to 'em her big white loaves。  Jest about set her plumb

crazy。  Used to get up in the night; an' fix her yeast; an' bake;

an' let the oven cool; an' hide the bread out in the wheat bin;

an' get the smell of it all out o' the house by good daylight;

so's 'at she could say there wasn't a loaf in the cabin。  Oh!  if

it's good pickin' you're after; they's berries for all creation

'long the river yet; an' jest wait a few days till old April gets

done showerin' an' I plow this corn field!〃

Abram set a foot on the third rail and leaned his elbows on the

top。  The Cardinal chipped delightedly and hopped and tilted


〃I hadn't jest 'lowed all winter I'd tackle this field again。

I've turned it every spring for forty year。  Bought it when I
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