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the song of the cardinal-第6章

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until he almost crowded her from the eggs。  He pestered her with

caresses and cooed over his love…song until every chipmunk on the

line fence was familiar with his story。  The Cardinal's temper

was worn to such a fine edge that he darted at the dove one day

and pulled a big tuft of feathers from his back。  When he had

returned to the sumac; he was compelled to admit that his anger

lay quite as much in that he had no one to love as because the

dove was disgustingly devoted。

Every morning brought new arrivalstrim young females fresh from

their long holiday; and big boastful males appearing their

brightest and bravest; each singer almost splitting his throat in

the effort to captivate the mate he coveted。  They came flashing

down the river bank; like rockets of scarlet; gold; blue; and

black; rocking on the willows; splashing in the water; bursting

into jets of melody; making every possible display of their

beauty and music; and at times fighting fiercely when they

discovered that the females they were wooing favoured their

rivals and desired only to be friendly with them。

The heart of the Cardinal sank as he watched。  There was not a

member of his immediate family among them。  He pitied himself as

he wondered if fate had in store for him the trials he saw others

suffering。  Those dreadful feathered females! How they coquetted!

How they flirted! How they sleeked and flattened their plumage;

and with half…open beaks and sparkling eyes; hopped closer and

closer as if charmed。  The eager singers; with swelling throats;

sang and sang in a very frenzy of extravagant pleading; but just

when they felt sure their little loves were on the point of

surrender; a rod distant above the bushes would go streaks of

feathers; and there was nothing left but to endure the bitter

disappointment; follow them; and begin all over。  For the last

three days the Cardinal had been watching his cousin;

rose…breasted Grosbeak; make violent love to the most exquisite

little female; who apparently encouraged his advances; only to

see him left sitting as blue and disconsolate as any human lover;

when he discovers that the maid who has coquetted with him for a

season belongs to another man。

The Cardinal flew to the very top of the highest sycamore and

looked across country toward the Limberlost。  Should he go there

seeking a swamp mate among his kindred?  It was not an endurable

thought。  To be sure; matters were becoming serious。  No bird

beside the shining river had plumed; paraded; or made more music

than he。  Was it all to be wasted?  By this time he confidently

had expected results。  Only that morning he had swelled with

pride as he heard Mrs。 Jay tell her quarrelsome husband that she

wished she could exchange him for the Cardinal。  Did not the

gentle dove pause by the sumac; when she left brooding to take

her morning dip in the dust; and gaze at him with unconcealed

admiration?  No doubt she devoutly wished her plain pudgy husband

wore a scarlet coat。  But it is praise from one's own sex that is

praise indeed; and only an hour ago the lark had reported that

from his lookout above cloud he saw no other singer anywhere so

splendid as the Cardinal of the sumac。  Because of these things

he held fast to his conviction that he was a prince indeed; and

he decided to remain in his chosen location and with his physical

and vocal attractions compel the finest little cardinal in the

fields to seek him。

He planned it all very carefully: how she would hear his splendid

music and come to take a peep at him; how she would be captivated

by his size and beauty; how she would come timidly; but come; of

course; for his approval; how he would condescend to accept her

if she pleased him in all particulars; how she would be devoted

to him; and how she would approve his choice of a home; for the

sumac was in a lovely spot for scenery; as well as nest…building。

For several days he had boasted; he had bantered; he had

challenged; he had on this last day almost condescended to

coaxing; but not one little bright…eyed cardinal female had come

to offer herself。

The performance of a brown thrush drove him wild with envy。  The

thrush came gliding up the river bank; a rusty…coated; sneaking

thing of the underbrush; and taking possession of a thorn bush

just opposite the sumac; he sang for an hour in the open。  There

was no way to improve that music。  It was woven fresh from the

warp and woof of his fancy。  It was a song so filled with the joy

and gladness of spring; notes so thrilled with love's pleading

and passion's tender pulsing pain; that at its close there were a

half…dozen admiring thrush females gathered around。  With care

and deliberation the brown thrush selected the most attractive;

and she followed him to the thicket as if charmed。

It was the Cardinal's dream materialized for another before his

very eyes; and it filled him with envy。  If that plain brown bird

that slinked as if he had a theft to account for; could; by

showing himself and singing for an hour; win a mate; why should

not he; the most gorgeous bird of the woods; openly flaunting his

charms and discoursing his music; have at least equal success? 

Should he; the proudest; most magnificent of cardinals; be

compelled to go seeking a mate like any common bird?  Perish the


He went to the river to bathe。  After finding a spot where the

water flowed crystal…clear over a bed of white limestone; he

washed until he felt that he could be no cleaner。  Then the

Cardinal went to his favourite sun…parlour; and stretching on a

limb; he stood his feathers on end; and sunned; fluffed and

prinked until he was immaculate。

On the tip…top antler of the old stag sumac; he perched and

strained until his jetty whiskers appeared stubby。  He poured out

a tumultuous cry vibrant with every passion raging in him。  He

caught up his own rolling echoes and changed and varied them。  He

improvised; and set the shining river ringing; 〃Wet year! Wet


He whistled and whistled until all birdland and even mankind

heard; for the farmer paused at his kitchen door; with his pails

of foaming milk; and called to his wife:

〃Hear that; Maria! Jest hear it! I swanny; if that bird doesn't

stop predictin' wet weather; I'll get so scared I won't durst put

in my corn afore June。  They's some birds like killdeers an'

bobwhites 'at can make things pretty plain; but I never heard a

bird 'at could jest speak words out clear an' distinct like that

fellow。  Seems to come from the river bottom。  B'lieve I'll jest

step down that way an' see if the lower field is ready for the

plow yet。〃

〃Abram Johnson;〃 said his wife; 〃bein's you set up for an honest

man; if you want to trapse through slush an' drizzle a half…mile

to see a bird; why say so; but don't for land's sake lay it on to

plowin' 'at you know in all conscience won't be ready for a week

yet 'thout pretendin' to look。〃

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