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the song of the cardinal-第20章

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lie again so long as I live。〃

He leaned his gun against the thorn tree; and dropped the

remainder of his hunter's outfit beside it on the ground。

〃I don't seem a fit subject to ‘have dominion;'〃 he said。  〃I'll

leave those thing for you; and thank you for what you have done

for me。〃

There was a crash through the bushes; a leap over the fence; and

Abram and the Cardinal were alone。

The old man sat down suddenly on a fallen limb of the sycamore。

He was almost dazed with astonishment。  He held up his shaking

hands; and watched them wonderingly; and then cupped one over

each trembling knee to steady himself。  He outlined his dry lips

with the tip of his tongue; and breathed in heavy gusts。  He

glanced toward the thorn tree。

〃Left his gun;〃 he hoarsely whispered; 〃an' it's fine as a

fiddle。  Lock; stock; an' barrel just a…shinin'。  An' all that

heap o' leather fixin's。  Must a…cost a lot o' money。  Said he

wasn't fit to use 'em!  Lept the fence like a panther; an' cut

dirt across the corn field。  An' left me the gun!  Well! Well!

Well! Wonder what I said? I must a…been almost FIERCE。〃

〃See here! See here!〃 shrilled the Cardinal。

Abram looked him over carefully。  He was quivering with fear; but

in no way injured。

〃My! but that was a close call; ol' fellow〃 said; Abram。  〃Minute

later; an' our fun 'ud a…been over; an' the summer jest spoiled。

Wonder if you knew what it meant; an' if you'll be gun…shy after

this。  Land knows; I hope so; for a few more such doses 'ull jest

lay me up。〃

He gathered himself together at last; set the gun over the fence;

and climbing after it; caught Nancy; who had feasted to plethora

on young corn。  He fastened up the trace…chains; and climbing to

her back; laid the gun across his lap and rode to the barn。  He

attended the mare with particular solicitude; and bathed his face

and hands in the water trough to make himself a little more

presentable to Maria。  He started to the house; but had only gone

a short way when he stopped; and after standing in thought for a

time; turned back to the barn and gave Nancy another ear of corn。

〃After all; it was all you; ol' girl;〃 he said; patting her

shoulder; 〃I never on earth could a…made it on time afoot。〃

He was so tired he leaned for support against her; for the

unusual exertion and intense excitement were telling on him

sorely; and as he rested he confided to her: 〃I don't know as I

ever in my life was so riled; Nancy。  I'm afraid I was a little

mite fierce。〃

He exhibited the gun; and told the story very soberly at supper

time; and Maria was so filled with solicitude for him and the

bird; and so indignant at the act of the hunter; that she never

said a word about Abram's torn clothing and the hours of patching

that would ensue。  She sat looking at the gun and thinking

intently for a long time; and then she said pityingly:

〃I don't know jest what you could a…said 'at 'ud make a man go

off an' leave a gun like that。  Poor fellow!  I do hope; Abram;

you didn't come down on him too awful strong。  Maybe he lost his

mother when he was jest a little tyke; an' he hasn't had much


Abram was completely worn out; and went early to bed。  Far in the

night Maria felt him fumbling around her face in an effort to

learn if she were covered; and as he drew the sheet over her

shoulder he muttered in worn and sleepy tones: 〃I'm afraid they's

no use denyin' it; Maria; I WAS JEST MORTAL FIERCE。〃

In the sumac the frightened little mother cardinal was pressing

her precious babies close against her breast; and all through the

night she kept calling to her mate; 〃Chook! Chook!〃 and was

satisfied only when an answering 〃Chip!〃 came。  As for the

Cardinal; he had learned a new lesson。  He had not been under

fire before。  Never again would he trust any one carrying a

shining thing that belched fire and smoke。  He had seen the

hunter coming; and had raced home to defend his mate and babies;

thus making a brilliant mark of himself; and as he would not have

deserted them; only the arrival of the farmer had averted a

tragedy in the sumac。  He did not learn to use caution for

himself; but after that; if a gun came down the shining river; he

sent a warning 〃Chip!〃 to his mate; telling her to crouch low in

her nest and keep very quiet; and then; in broken waves of

flight; and with chirp and flutter; he exposed himself until he

had lured danger from his beloved ones。

When the babies grew large enough for their mother to leave them

a short time; she assisted in food hunting; and the Cardinal was

not so busy。  He then could find time frequently to mount to the

top of the dogwood; and cry to the world; 〃See here! See here!〃

for the cardinal babies were splendid。  But his music was broken

intermittent vocalizing now; often uttered past a beakful of

food; and interspersed with spasmodic 〃chips〃 if danger

threatened his mate and nestlings。

Despite all their care; it was not so very long until trouble

came to the sumac; and it was all because the first…born was

plainly greedy; much more so than either his little brother or

his sister; and he was one day ahead of them in strength。  He

always pushed himself forward; cried the loudest and longest; and

so took the greater part of the food carried to the nest; and one

day; while he was still quite awkward and uncertain; he climbed

to the edge and reached so far that he fell。  He rolled down the

river bank; splash! into the water; and a hungry old pickerel;

sunning in the weeds; finished him at a snap。  He made a morsel

so fat; sweet; and juicy that the pickerel lingered close for a

week; waiting to see if there would be any more accidents。

The Cardinal; hunting grubs in the corn field; heard the

frightened cries of his mate; and dashed to the sumac in time to

see the poor little ball of brightly tinted feathers disappear in

the water and to hear the splash of the fish。  He called in

helpless panic and fluttered over the spot。  He watched and

waited until there was no hope of the nestling coming up; then he

went to the sumac to try to comfort his mate。  She could not be

convinced that her young one was gone; and for the remainder of

the day filled the air with alarm cries and notes of wailing。

The two that remained were surely the envy of Birdland。  The male

baby was a perfect copy of his big crimson father; only his

little coat was gray; but it was so highly tinged with red that

it was brilliant; and his beak and feet were really red; and how

his crest did flare; and how proud and important he felt; when he

found he could raise and lower it at will。  His sister was not

nearly so bright as he; and she was almost as greedy as the lost

brother。  With his father's chivalry he allowed her to crowd in

and take the most of the seeds and berries; so that she

continually appeared as if she could swallow no more; yet she was

constantly calling for food。
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