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the song of the cardinal-第2章

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herself on that occasion she had difficulty in convincing any one

that she was responsible for the result。

Indeed; she was compelled to lift beak and wing against her mate

in defense of this egg; for it was so unusually large that he

could not be persuaded short of force that some sneak of the

feathered tribe had not slipped in and deposited it in her

absence。  The king felt sure there was something wrong with the

egg; and wanted to roll it from the nest; but the queen knew her

own; and stoutly battled for its protection。  She further

increased their prospects by laying three others。  After that the

king made up his mind that she was a most remarkable bird; and

went away pleasure…seeking; but the queen settled to brooding; a

picture of joyous faith and contentment。

Through all the long days; when the heat became intense; and the

king was none too thoughtful of her appetite or comfort; she

nestled those four eggs against her breast and patiently waited。

The big egg was her treasure。  She gave it constant care。  Many

times in a day she turned it; and always against her breast there

was the individual pressure that distinguished it from the

others。  It was the first to hatch; of course; and the queen felt

that she had enough if all the others failed her; for this egg

pipped with a resounding pip; and before the silky down was

really dry on the big terracotta body; the young Cardinal arose

and lustily demanded food。

The king came to see him and at once acknowledged subjugation。 

He was the father of many promising cardinals; yet he never had

seen one like this。  He set the Limberlost echoes rolling with

his jubilant rejoicing。  He unceasingly hunted for the ripest

berries and seed。  He stuffed that baby from morning until night;

and never came with food that he did not find him standing a…top

the others calling for more。  The queen was just as proud of him

and quite as foolish in her idolatry; but she kept tally and gave

the remainder every other worm in turn。  They were unusually fine

babies; but what chance has merely a fine baby in a family that

possesses a prodigy?  The Cardinal was as large as any two of the

other nestlings; and so red the very down on him seemed tinged

with crimson; his skin and even his feet were red。

He was the first to climb to the edge of the nest and the first

to hop on a limb。  He surprised his parents by finding a slug;

and winged his first flight to such a distance that his adoring

mother almost went into spasms lest his strength might fail; and

he would fall into the swamp and become the victim of a hungry

old turtle。  He returned safely; however; and the king was so

pleased he hunted him an unusually ripe berry; and perching

before him; gave him his first language lesson。  Of course; the

Cardinal knew how to cry 〃Pee〃 and 〃Chee〃 when he burst his

shell; but the king taught him to chip with accuracy and

expression; and he learned that very day that male birds of the

cardinal family always call 〃Chip;〃 and the females 〃Chook。〃  In

fact; he learned so rapidly and was generally so observant; that

before the king thought it wise to give the next lesson; he found

him on a limb; his beak closed; his throat swelling; practising

his own rendering of the tribal calls; 〃Wheat! Wheat! Wheat!〃

〃Here! Here! Here!〃 and 〃Cheer! Cheer! Cheer!〃  This so delighted

the king that he whistled them over and over and helped the

youngster all he could。

He was so proud of him that this same night he gave him his first

lesson in tucking his head properly and going to sleep alone。  In

a few more days; when he was sure of his wing strength; he gave

him instructions in flying。  He taught him how to spread his

wings and slowly sail from tree to tree; how to fly in short

broken curves; to avoid the aim of a hunter; how to turn abruptly

in air and make a quick dash after a bug or an enemy。  He taught

him the proper angle at which to breast a stiff wind; and that he

always should meet a storm head first; so that the water would

run as the plumage lay。

His first bathing lesson was a pronounced success。  The Cardinal

enjoyed water like a duck。  He bathed; splashed; and romped until

his mother was almost crazy for fear he would attract a

watersnake or turtle; but the element of fear was not a part of

his disposition。  He learned to dry; dress; and plume his

feathers; and showed such remarkable pride in keeping himself

immaculate; that although only a youngster; he was already a bird

of such great promise; that many of the feathered inhabitants of

the Limberlost came to pay him a call。

Next; the king took him on a long trip around the swamp; and

taught him to select the proper places to hunt for worms; how to

search under leaves for plant…lice and slugs for meat; which

berries were good and safe; and the kind of weeds that bore the

most and best seeds。  He showed him how to find tiny pebbles to

grind his food; and how to sharpen and polish his beak。

Then he took up the real music lessons; and taught him how to

whistle and how to warble and trill。  〃Good Cheer! Good Cheer!〃

intoned the king。  〃Coo Cher! Coo Cher!〃 imitated the Cardinal。

These songs were only studied repetitions; but there was a depth

and volume in his voice that gave promise of future greatness;

when age should have developed him; and experience awakened his

emotions。  He was an excellent musician for a youngster。

He soon did so well in caring for himself; in finding food and in

flight; and grew so big and independent; that he made numerous

excursions alone through the Limberlost; and so impressive were

his proportions; and so aggressive his manner; that he suffered

no molestation。  In fact; the reign of the king promised to end

speedily; but if he feared it he made no sign; and his pride in

his wonderful offspring was always manifest。  After the Cardinal

had explored the swamp thoroughly; a longing for a wider range

grew upon him; and day after day he lingered around the borders;

looking across the wide cultivated fields; almost aching to test

his wings in one long; high; wild stretch of flight。

A day came when the heat of the late summer set the marsh

steaming; and the Cardinal; flying close to the borders; caught

the breeze from the upland; and the vision of broad fields

stretching toward the north so enticed him that he spread his

wings; and following the line of trees and fences as much as

possible; he made his first journey from home。  That day was so

delightful it decided his fortunes。  It would seem that the

swamp; so appreciated by his kindred; should have been sufficient

for the Cardinal; but it was not。  With every mile he winged his

flight; came a greater sense of power and strength; and a keener

love for the broad sweep of field and forest。  His heart bounded

with the zest of rocking on the wind; racing through the

sunshine; and sailing over the endless panorama of waving corn

fields; and w
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