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the song of the cardinal-第17章

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when he carried her the first food; he found that she was on the

edge of the nest; dropping bits of shell outside; and creeping to

peep; he saw the tiniest coral baby; with closed eyes; and little

patches of soft silky down。  Its beak was wide open; and though

his heart was even fuller than on the previous day; the Cardinal

knew what that meant; and instead of indulging in another

celebration; he assumed the duties of paternity; and began

searching for food; for now there were two empty crops in his

family。  On the following day there were four。  Then he really

worked。  How eagerly he searched; and how gladly he flew to the

sumac with every rare morsel!  The babies were too small for the

mother to leave; and for the first few days the Cardinal was

constantly on wing。

If he could not find sufficiently dainty food for them in the

trees and bushes; or among the offerings of the farmer; he

descended to earth and searched like a wood robin。  He forgot he

needed a bath or owned a sun parlour; but everywhere he went;

from his full heart there constantly burst the cry:

〃See here! See here!〃

His mate made never a sound。  Her eyes were bigger and softer

than ever; and in them glowed a steady lovelight。  She hovered

over those three red mites of nestlings so tenderly!  She was so

absorbed in feeding; stroking; and coddling them she neglected

herself until she became quite lean。

When the Cardinal came every few minutes with food; she was a

picture of love and gratitude for his devoted attention; and once

she reached over and softly kissed his wing。  〃See here! See

here!〃 shrilled the Cardinal; and in his ecstasy he again forgot

himself and sang in the sumac。  Then he carried food with greater

activity than ever to cover his lapse。

The farmer knew that it lacked an hour of noon; but he was so

anxious to tell Maria the news that he could not endure the

suspense another minute。  There was a new song from the sumac。 

He had heard it as he turned the first corner with the shovel

plow。 He had listened eagerly; and had caught the meaning almost

at once〃See here! See here!〃  He tied the old gray mare to the

fence to prevent her eating the young corn; and went immediately。

By leaning a rail against the thorn tree he was able to peer into

the sumac; and take a good look at the nest of handsome

birdlings; now well screened with the umbrella…like foliage。  It

seemed to Abram that he never could wait until noon。  He

critically examined the harness; in the hope that he would find a

buckle missing; and tried to discover a flaw in the plow that

would send him to the barn for a file; but he could not invent an

excuse for going。  So; when he had waited until an hour of noon;

he could endure it no longer。

〃Got news for you; Maria;〃 he called from the well; where he was

making a pretense of thirst。

〃Oh I don't know;〃 answered Maria; with a superior smile。  〃If

it's about the redbirds; he's been up to the garden three times

this morning yellin'; 'See here!' fit to split; an' I jest

figured that their little ones had hatched。  Is that your news?〃

〃Well I be durned!〃 gasped the astonished Abram。

Mid…afternoon Abram turned Nancy and started the plow down a row

that led straight to the sumac。  He intended to stop there; tie

to the fence; and go to the river bank; in the shade; for a visit

with the Cardinal。  It was very warm; and he was feeling the heat

so much; that in his heart he knew he would be glad to reach the

end of the row and the rest he had promised himself。

The quick nervous strokes of the dinner bell; 〃Clang! Clang!〃

came cutting the air clearly and sharply。  Abram stopped Nancy

with a jerk。  It was the warning Maria had promised to send him

if she saw prowlers with guns。  He shaded his eyes with his hand

and scanned the points of the compass through narrowed lids with

concentrated vision。  He first caught a gleam of light playing on

a gun…barrel; and then he could discern the figure of a man clad

in hunter's outfit leisurely walking down the lane; toward the


Abram hastily hitched Nancy to the fence。  By making the best

time he could; he reached the opposite corner; and was nibbling

the midrib of a young corn blade and placidly viewing the

landscape when the hunter passed。

〃Howdy!〃 he said in an even cordial voice。

The hunter walked on without lifting his eyes or making audible

reply。  To Abram's friendly oldfashioned heart this seemed the

rankest discourtesy; and there was a flash in his eye and a

certain quality in his voice he lifted a hand for parley。

〃Hold a minute; my friend;〃 he said。  〃Since you are on my

premises; might I be privileged to ask if you have seen a few

signs 'at I have posted pertainin' to the use of a gun?〃

〃I am not blind;〃 replied the hunter; 〃and my education has been

looked after to the extent that I can make out your notices。 

From the number and size of them; I think I could do it; old man;

if I had no eyes。〃

The scarcely suppressed sneer; and the 〃old man〃 grated on

Abram's nerves amazingly; for a man of sixty years of peace。  The

gleam in his eyes grew stronger; and there was a perceptible lift

of his shoulders as he answered:

〃I meant 'em to be read an' understood!  From the main road

passin' that cabin up there on the bank; straight to the river;

an' from the furthermost line o' this field to the same; is my

premises; an' on every foot of 'em the signs are in full force。

They're in a little fuller force in June; when half the bushes

an' tufts o' grass are housin' a young bird family; 'an at any

other time。  They're sort o' upholdin' the legislature's act;

providing for the protection o' game an' singin' birds; an' maybe

it 'ud be well for you to notice 'at I'm not so old but I'm able

to stand up for my right to any livin' man。〃

There certainly was an added tinge of respect in the hunter's

tones as he asked:  〃Would you consider it trespass if a man

simply crossed your land; following the line of the fences to

reach the farm of a friend?〃

〃Certainly not!〃 cried Abram; cordial in his relief。  〃To be sure

not!  Glad to have you convenience yourself。  I only wanted to

jest call to your notice 'at the BIRDS are protected on this


〃I have no intention of interfering with your precious birds; I

assure you;〃 replied the hunter。  〃And if you require an

explanation of the gun in June; I confess I did hope to be able

to pick off a squirrel for a very sick friend。  But I suppose for

even such cause it would not be allowed on your premises。〃

〃Oh pshaw now!〃 said Abram。  〃Man alive! I'm not onreasonable。 

O' course in case o' sickness I'd be glad if you could run across

a squirrel。  All I wanted was to have a clear understandin' about

the birds。  Good luck; an' good day to you!〃

Abram started across the field to Nancy; but he repeatedly turned

to watch the gleam of the gun…barrel; as the hunte
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