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the song of the cardinal-第14章

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big oak。  Then he stood behind her and pointed out the sumac and

the female bird。

〃Jest you keep still a minute; an' you'll feel paid for comin'

all right; honey;〃 he whispered; 〃but don't make any sudden


〃I don't know as I ever saw a worse…lookin' specimen 'an she is;〃

answered Maria。

〃She looks first…class to him。  There's no kick comin' on his

part; I can tell you;〃 replied Abram。

The bride hopped shyly through the sumac。  She pecked at the

dried berries; and frequently tried to improve her plumage; which

certainly had been badly draggled; and there was a drop of blood

dried at the base of her beak。  She plainly showed the effects of

her rough experience; and yet she was a most attractive bird; for

the dimples in her plump body showed through the feathers; and

instead of the usual wickedly black eyes of the cardinal family;

hers were a soft tender brown touched by a love…light there was

no mistaking。  She was a beautiful bird; and she was doing all in

her power to make herself dainty again。  Her movements clearly

indicated how timid she was; and yet she remained in the sumac as

if she feared to leave it; and frequently peered expectantly

among the tree…tops。

There was a burst of exultation down the river。  The little bird

gave her plumage a fluff; and watched anxiously。  On came the

Cardinal like a flaming rocket; calling to her on wing。  He

alighted beside her; dropped into her beak a morsel of food; gave

her a kiss to aid digestion; caressingly ran his beak the length

of her wing quills; and flew to the dogwood。  Mrs。 Cardinal

enjoyed the meal。  It struck her palate exactly right。  She liked

the kiss and caress; cared; in fact; for all that he did for her;

and with the appreciation of his tenderness came repentance for

the dreadful chase she had led him in her foolish fright; and an

impulse to repay。  She took a dainty hop toward the dogwood; and

the invitation she sent him was exquisite。  With a shrill whistle

of exultant triumph the Cardinal answered at a headlong rush。

The farmer's grip tightened on his wife's shoulder; but Maria

turned toward him with blazing; tear…filled eyes。  〃An' you call

yourself a decent man; Abram Johnson?〃

〃Decent?〃 quavered the astonished Abram。  〃Decent?  I believe I


〃I believe you ain't;〃 hotly retorted his wife。  〃You don't know

what decency is; if you go peekin' at them。  They ain't birds!

They're folks!〃

〃Maria;〃 pled Abram; 〃Maria; honey。〃

〃I am plumb ashamed of you;〃 broke in Maria。  〃How d'you s'pose

she'd feel if she knew there was a man here peekin' at her? 

Ain't she got a right to be lovin' and tender? Ain't she got a

right to pay him best she knows?  They're jest common human

bein's; an' I don't know where you got privilege to spy on a

female when she's doin' the best she knows。〃

Maria broke from his grasp and started down the line fence。

In a few strides Abram had her in his arms; his withered cheek

with its springtime bloom pressed against her equally withered;

tear…stained one。

〃Maria;〃 he whispered; waveringly; 〃Maria; honey; I wasn't

meanin' any disrespect to the sex。〃

Maria wiped her eyes on the corner of her shawl。  〃I don't s'pose

you was; Abram;〃 she admitted; 〃but you're jest like all the rest

o' the men。  You never think!  Now you go on with your plowin'

an' let that little female alone。〃

She unclasped his arms and turned homeward。

〃Honey;〃 called Abram softly; 〃since you brought 'em that

pocketful o' wheat; you might as well let me have it。〃

〃Landy!〃 exclaimed Maria; blushing; 〃I plumb forgot my wheat!  I

thought maybe; bein' so early; pickin' was scarce; an' if you'd

put out a little wheat an' a few crumbs; they'd stay an' nest in

the sumac; as you're so fond o' them。〃

〃Jest what I'm fairly prayin' they'll do; an' I been carryin'

stuff an' pettin' him up best I knowed for a week;〃 said Abram;

as he knelt; and cupped his shrunken hands; while Maria guided

the wheat from her apron into them。  〃I'll scatter it along the

top rail; an' they'll be after it in fifteen minutes。  Thank you;

Maria。  'T was good o' you to think of it。〃

Maria watched him steadily。  How dear he was! How dear he always

had been!  How happy they were together! 〃Abram;〃 she asked;

hesitatingly; 〃is there anything else I could do foryour


They were creatures of habitual repression; and the inner

glimpses they had taken of each other that day were surprises

they scarcely knew how to meet。  Abram said nothing; because he

could not。  He slowly shook his head; and turned to the plow; his

eyes misty。  Maria started toward the line fence; but she paused

repeatedly to listen; and it was no wonder; for all the redbirds

from miles down the river had gathered around the sumac to see if

there were a battle in birdland; but it was only the Cardinal;

turning somersaults in the air; and screaming with bursting

exuberance: 〃Come here! Come here!〃

Chapter 4

〃So dear! So dear!〃 crooned the Cardinal

She had taken possession of the sumac。  The location was her

selection and he loudly applauded her choice。  She placed the

first twig; and after examining it carefully; he spent the day

carrying her others just as much alike as possible。  If she used

a dried grass blade; he carried grass blades until she began

dropping them on the ground。  If she worked in a bit of wild

grape…vine bark; he peeled grape…vines until she would have no

more。  It never occurred to him that he was the largest cardinal

in the woods; in those days; and he had forgotten that he wore a

red coat。  She was not a skilled architect。  Her nest certainly

was a loose ramshackle affair; but she had built it; and had

allowed him to help her。  It was hers; and he improvised a paean

in its praise。  Every morning he perched on the edge of the nest

and gazed in songless wonder at each beautiful new egg; and

whenever she came to brood she sat as if entranced; eyeing her

treasures in an ecstasy of proud possession。

Then she nestled them against her warm breast; and turned adoring

eyes toward the Cardinal。  If he sang from the dogwood; she faced

that way。  If he rocked on the wild grape…vine; she turned in her

nest。  If he went to the corn field for grubs; she stood astride

her eggs and peered down; watching his every movement with

unconcealed anxiety。  The Cardinal forgot to be vain of his

beauty; she delighted in it every hour of the day。  Shy and timid

beyond belief she had been during her courtship; but she made

reparation by being an incomparably generous and devoted mate。

And the Cardinal! He was astonished to find himself capable of so

much and such varied feeling。  It was not enough that he brooded

while she went to bathe and exercise。  The daintiest of every

morsel he found was carried to her。  When she refused to swallow

another particle; he perched on a twig close by the nest 
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