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the bravo of venice-第5章

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which will keep its quarters till the day of resurrection!  Lastly;

observe this metallic dagger; its cavity conceals a subtle poison;

which; whenever you touch this spring; will immediately infuse death

into the veins of him whom the weapon's point hath wounded。  Take

these daggers。  In giving them I present you with a capital capable

of bringing home to you most heavy and most precious interest。〃

Abellino received the instruments of death; but his hand shook as it

grasped them。

〃Possessed of such unfailing weapons; of what immense sums must your

robberies have made you master!〃

〃Scoundrel!〃 interrupted Matteo; frowning and offended; 〃amongst us

robbery is unknown。  What?  Dost take us for common plunderers; for

mere thieves; cut…purses; housebreakers; and villains of that low;

miserable stamp?〃

〃Perhaps what you wish me to take you for is something worse; for;

to speak openly; Matteo; villains of that stamp are contented within

plundering a purse or a casket; which can easily be filled again;

but that which we take from others is a jewel which a man never has

but once; and which stolen can never be replaced。  Are we not; then;

a thousand times more atrocious plunderers?〃

〃By the house at Loretto; I think you have a mind to moralise;


〃Hark ye; Matteo; only one question。  At the Day of Judgment; which

think you will hold his head highest; the thief or the assassin?〃

〃Ha! ha! ha!〃

〃Think not that Abellino speaks thus from want of resolution。  Speak

but the word; and I murder half the senators of Venice; but still〃

〃Fool! know; the bravo must be above crediting the nurse's

antiquated tales of vice and virtue。  What is virtue?  What is vice?

Nothing but such things as forms of government; custom; manners; and

education have made sacred:  and that which men are able to make

honourable at one time; it is in their power to make dishonourable

at another; whenever the humour takes them; had not the senate

forbidden us to give opinions freely respecting the politics of

Venice; there would have been nothing wrong in giving such opinions;

and were the senate to declare that it is right to give such

opinions; that which to…day is thought a crime would be thought

meritorious to…morrow。  Then; prithee; let us have no more of such

doubts as these。  We are men; as much as the Doge and his senators;

and have reasons as much as THEY have to lay down the law of right

and wrong; and to alter the law of right and wrong; and to decree

what shall be vice; and what shall be virtue。〃

Abellino laughed。  Matteo proceeded with increased animation …

〃Perhaps you will tell me that your trade is DISHONOURABLE!  And

what; then; is the thing called HONOUR!   'Tis a word; an empty

sound; a mere fantastic creature of the imagination!  Ask; as you

traverse some frequented street; in what honour consists?  The

usurer will answer'To be honourable is to be rich; and he has most

honour who can heap up the greatest quantity of sequins。'  'By no

means;' cries the voluptuary; 'honour consists in being beloved by a

very handsome woman; and finding no virtue proof against your

attacks。'  'How mistaken!' interrupts the general; 'to conquer whole

cities; to destroy whole armies; to ruin all provinces; THAT indeed

brings REAL honour。'  The man of learning places his renown in the

number of pages which he has either written or read; the tinker; in

the number of pots and kettles which he has made or mended; the nun;

in the number of GOOD things which she has done; or BAD things which

she has resisted; the coquette; in the list of her admirers; the

Republic; in the extent of her provinces; and thus; my friend; every

one thinks that honour consists in something different from the

rest。  And why; then; should not the bravo think that honour

consists in reaching the perfection of his trade; and in guiding a

dagger to the heart of an enemy with unerring aim?〃

〃By my life; 'tis a pity; Matteo; that you should be a bravo; the

schools have lost an excellent teacher of philosophy。〃

〃Do you think so?  Why; the fact is thus; Abellino。  I was educated

in a monastery; my father was a dignified prelate in Lucca; and my

mother a nun of the Ursuline order; greatly respected for her

chastity and devotion。  Now; Signor; it was thought fitting that I

should apply closely to my studies; my father; good man; would fain

have made me a light of the Church; but I soon found that I was

better qualified for an incendiary's torch。  I followed the bent of

my genius; yet count I not my studies thrown away; since they taught

me more philosophy than to tremble at phantoms created by my own

imagination。  Follow my example; friend; and so farewell。〃


Abellino had already passed six weeks in Venice; and yet; either

from want of opportunity; or of inclination; he had suffered his

daggers to remain idle in their sheaths。  This proceeded partly from

his not being as yet sufficiently acquainted with the windings and

turnings; the bye…lanes and private alleys of the town; and partly

because he had hitherto found no customers; whose murderous designs

stood in need of his helping hand。

This want of occupation was irksome to him in the extreme; he panted

for action; and was condemned to indolence。

With a melancholy heart did he roam through Venice; and number every

step with a sigh。  He frequented the public places; the taverns; the

gardens; and every scene which was dedicated to amusement。  But

nowhere could he find what ho soughttranquillity。

One evening he had loitered beyond the other visitants in a public

garden; situated on one of the most beautiful of the Venetian

islands。  He strolled from arbour to arbour; threw himself down on

the sea…shore; and watched the play of the waves as they sparkled in

the moonshine。

〃Four years ago;〃 said he; with a sigh; 〃just such a heavenly

evening was it; that I stole from Valeria's lips the first kiss; and

heard from Valeria's lips for the first time the avowal that she

loved me。〃

He was silent; and abandoned himself to the melancholy recollections

which thronged before his mind's eye。

Everything around him was so calm; so silent!  Not a single zephyr

sighed among the blades of grass; but a storm raged in the bosom of


〃Four years ago could I have believed that a time would come when I

should play the part of a bravo in Venice!  Oh; where are they

flown; the golden hopes and plans of glory which smiled upon me in

the happy days of my youth?  I am a bravo:  to be a beggar were to

be something better。〃

〃When my good old father; in the enthusiasm of paternal vanity; so

oft threw his arms around my neck; and cried; 'My boy; thou wilt

render the name of Rosalvo glorious!'  God; as I listened; how was

my blood on fire?  What thought I not; what that was good and great

did I not promise myself to do!  The fat
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