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the bravo of venice-第3章

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the bravo; whom he struck to the ground that night; and whom two

companions of a similar stamp had now joined。  As they advanced;

they cast inquiring glances around them。  They were in search of

some one。

〃It is of me that they are in search;〃 said Abellino; then advanced

a few steps; and whistled。

The ruffians stood still; they whispered together; and seemed to be


Abellino whistled a second time。

〃'Tis he;〃 he could hear one of them say distinctly; and in a moment

after they advanced slowly towards him。

Abellino kept his place; but unsheathed his sword。  The three

unknown (they were masked) stopped a few paces from him。

〃How now; fellow!〃 quoth one of them; 〃what is the matter?  Why

stand you on your guard?〃

Abellino。It is as well that you should be made to keep your

distance; for I know you; you are certain honest gentlemen; who live

by taking away the lives of others。

The First Ruffian。Was not your whistling addressed to us?

Abellino。It was。

A Ruffian。And what would you with us?

Abellino。Hear me!  I am a miserable wretch; and starving; give me

an alms out of your booty!

A Ruffian。An alms?  Ha! ha! ha!  By my soul that is whimsical!

Alms from us; indeed!Oh; by all means!  No doubt; you shall have

alms in plenty。

Abellino。Or else give me fifty sequins; and I'll bind myself to

your service till I shall have worked out my debt。

A Ruffian。Aye? and pray; then; who may you be?

Abellino。A starving wretch; the Republic holds none more

miserable。  Such am I at present; but hereafterI have powers;

knaves。  This arm could pierce a heart; though guarded by three

breastplates; this eye; though surrounded by Egyptian darkness;

could still see to stab sure。

A Ruffian。Why; then; did you strike me down; even now?

Abellino。In the hope of being paid for it; but though I saved his

life; the scoundrel gave me not a single ducat。

A Ruffian。No?  So much the better。  But hark ye; comrade; are you


Abellino。Despair never lies。

A Ruffian。Slave; shouldst thou be a traitor …

Abellino。My heart would be within reach of your hands; and your

daggers would be as sharp as now。

The three dangerous companions again whispered among themselves for

a few moments; after which they returned their daggers into the


〃Come on; then;〃 said one of them; 〃follow us to our home。  It were

unwise to talk over certain matters in the open streets。〃

〃I follow you;〃 was Abellino's answer; 〃but tremble should any one

of you dare to treat me as a foe。  Comrade; forgive me that I gave

your ribs somewhat too hard a squeeze just now; I will be your sworn

brother in recompense。〃

〃We are on honour;〃 cried the banditti with one voice; 〃no harm

shall happen to you。  He who does you an injury shall be to us as a

foe。  A fellow of your humour suits us well; follow us; and fear


And on they went; Abellino marching between two of them。  Frequent

were the looks of suspicion which he cast around him; but no ill

design was perceptible in the banditti。  They guided him onwards;

till they reached a canal; loosened a gondola; placed themselves in

it; and rowed till they had gained the most remote quarter of

Venice。  They landed; threaded several by…streets; and at length

knocked at the door of a house of inviting appearance。  It was

opened by a young woman; who conducted them into a plain but

comfortable chamber。  Many were the looks of surprise and inquiry

which she cast on the bewildered; half…pleased; half…anxious

Abellino; who knew not whither he had been conveyed; and still

thought it unsafe to confide entirely in the promises of the



Scarcely were the bravoes seated; when Cinthia (for that was the

young woman's name) was again summoned to the door; and the company

was now increased by two new…comers; who examined their unknown

guest from head to foot。

〃Now; then;〃 cried one of these; who had conducted Abellino to this

respectable society; 〃let us see what you are like。〃

As he said this he raised a burning lamp from the table; and the

light of its flame was thrown full upon Abellino's countenance。

〃Lord; forgive me my sins!〃 screamed Cinthia; 〃out upon him! what an

ugly hound it is!〃

She turned hastily round; and hid her face with her hands。  Dreadful

was the look with which Abellino repaid her compliment。

〃Knave;〃 said one of the banditti; 〃Nature's own hand has marked you

out for an assassincome; prithee be frank; and tell us how thou

hast contrived so long to escape the gibbet?  In what gaol didst

thou leave thy last fetters?  Or from what galley hast thou taken

thy departure; without staying to say adieu?〃

Abellino; folding his arms〃If I be such as you describe;〃 said he;

with an air of authority; and in a voice which made his hearers

tremble; 〃'tis for me all the better。  Whate'er may be my future

mode of life; Heaven can have no right to find fault with it; since

it was for that it formed and fitted me。〃

The five bravoes stepped aside; and consulted together。  The subject

of their conference is easy to be divined。  In the meanwhile

Abellino remained quiet and indifferent to what was passing。

After a few minutes they again approached him。  One; whose

countenance was the most ferocious; and whose form exhibited the

greatest marks of muscular strength; advanced a few paces before the

rest; and addressed Abellino as follows:…

〃Hear me; comrade。  In Venice there exist but five banditti; you see

them before you; wilt thou be the sixth?  Doubt not thou wilt find

sufficient employment。  My name is Matteo; and I am the father of

the band:  that sturdy fellow with the red locks is called Baluzzo;

he; whose eyes twinkle like a cat's; is Thomaso; an arch…knave; I

promise you; 'twas Pietrino whose bones you handled so roughly to…

night; and yon thick…lipped Colossus; who stands next to Cinthia; is

named Stuzza。  Now; then; you know us alland since you are a

penniless devil; we are willing to incorporate you in our society;

but we must first be assured that you mean honestly by us。〃

Abellino smiled; or rather grinned; and murmured hoarsely〃I am


〃Answer; fellow!  Dost thou mean honestly by us?〃

〃That must the event decide。〃

〃Mark me; knave; the first suspicion of treachery costs you your

life。  Take shelter in the Doge's palace; and girdle yourself round

with all the power of the Republicthough clasped in the Doge's

arms; and protected by a hundred cannons; still would we murder you!

Fly to the high altar; press the crucifix to your bosom; and even at

mid…day; still would we murder you。  Think on this well; fellow; and

forget not we are banditti!〃

〃You need not tell me that。  But give me some food; and then I'll

prate with you as long as you please。  At present I am starving。

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