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the bravo of venice-第26章

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him; but anxiety fettered her tongue; and tears forced themselves

into her eyes。  She struggled for a while to conceal her emotions;

but the effort was too much for her。  She threw herself on a sofa;

wrung her hands; and prayed to the God of mercy for help and


The rest of the company either formed groups of whisperers; or

strolled up and down the apartment in evident uneasiness。  They

would willingly have appeared gay and unconcerned; but they found it

impossible to assume even an affectation of gaiety; and thus elapsed

another hour; and still Flodoardo came not。

At that moment the evening sun broke through the clouds; and a ray

of its setting glory was thrown full upon the countenance of

Rosabella。  She started from the sofa; extended her arms towards the

radiant orb; and exclaimed; while a smile of hope played round her

lips; 〃God is merciful; God will have mercy on me。〃

Contarino。Was it at five o'clock that Flodoardo engaged to produce

Abellino?  It is now a full hour beyond his time。

The Senator Vitalba。Let him only produce him at last; and he may

be a month beyond his time if he choose。

Andreas。Hark!  No。  Silence! silence!  Surely I hear footsteps

approaching the saloon。

The words were scarcely spoken when the folding doors were thrown

open; and Flodoardo rushed into the room enveloped in his mantle。

His hair streamed on the air in wild disorder; a deep shade was

thrown over his face by the drooping plumes of his barrette; from

which the rain was flowing。  Extreme melancholy was impressed on all

his features; and he threw gloomy looks around him as he bowed his

head in salutation of the assembly。

Every one crowded round him; every mouth was unclosed to question

him; every eye was fixed on his face as if eager to anticipate his


〃Holy Virgin!〃 exclaimed Memmo; 〃I am afraid that〃

〃Be silent; signor!〃 interrupted Contarino; sternly; 〃there is

nothing to be afraid of。〃

〃Illustrious Venetians!〃it was thus that Flodoardo broke silence;

and he spoke with the commanding tone of a hero〃I conclude that

his Highness has already made known to you the object of your being

thus assembled。  I come to put an end to your anxiety; but first;

noble Andreas; I must once more receive the assurance that Rosabella

of Corfu shall become my bride; provided I deliver into your power

the bravo Abellino。〃

Andreas (examining his countenance with extreme anxiety)。

Flodoardo; have you succeeded?  Is Abellino your prisoner?

Flodoardo。If Abellino is my prisoner; shall Rosabella be my bride?

Andreas。Bring me Abellino; alive or dead; and she is yours。  I

swear it beyond the power of retracting; and also that her dowry

shall be royal!

Flodoardo。Illustrious Venetians; ye have heard the Doge's oath?

All。We are your witnesses。

Flodoardo (advancing a few paces with a bold air; and speaking in a

firm voice)。Well; then; Abellino is in my poweris in YOURS。

All (in confusion and a kind of uproar)。In ours?  Merciful heaven!

Where is he?  Abellino!

Andreas。Is he dead or living?

Flodoardo。He still lives。

Gonzaga (hastily)。He lives?

Flodoardo (bowing to the Cardinal respectfully)。He still lives;


Rosabella (pressing Camilla to her bosom)。  Didst thou hear that;

Camilla?  Didst thou hear it?  The villain still lives。  Not one

drop of blood has stained the innocent hand of Flodoardo。

The Senator Vitalba。Signor Contarino; I have won a thousand

sequins of you。

Contarino。So it should seem; signor。

Andreas。My son; you have bound the Republic to you for ever; and I

rejoice that it is to Flodoardo that she is indebted for a service

so essential。

Vitalba。And permit me; noble Florentine; to thank you for this

heroic act in the name of the Senate of Venice。  Our first care

shall be to seek out a reward proportioned to your merits。

Flodoardo (extending his arms towards Rosabella; with a melancholy

air)。There stands the only reward for which I wish。

Andreas (joyfully)。And that reward is your own。  But where have

you left the bloodhound?  Conduct him hither; my son; and let me

look at him once more。  When I last saw him; he had the insolence to

tell me; 〃Doge; I am your equal。  This narrow chamber now holds the

two greatest men in Venice。〃  Now; then; let me see how this other

great man looks in captivity。

Two or three Senators。Where is he?  Bring him hither。

Several of the ladies screamed at hearing this proposal。  〃For

heaven's sake;〃 cried they; 〃keep the monster away from us!  I shall

be frightened out of my senses if he comes here。〃

〃Noble ladies;〃 said Flodoardo; with a smile; expressing rather

sorrow than joy; 〃you have nothing to apprehend。  Abellino shall do

you no harm; but he needs must come hither to claim THE BRAVO'S

BRIDE。〃  And he pointed to Rosabella。

〃Oh; my best friend;〃 she answered; 〃how shall I express my thanks

to you for having thus put an end to my terrors?  I shall tremble no

more at hearing Abellino named。  Rosabella shall now be called the

Bravo's Bride no longer。〃

Falieri。Is Abellino already in this palace?

Flodoardo。He is。

Vitalba。Then why do you not produce him?  Why do you trifle so

long with our impatience?

Flodoardo。Be patient。  It's now time that the play should begin。

Be seated; noble Andreas。  Let all the rest arrange themselves

behind the Doge。  Abellino's coming!

At that word both old and young; both male and female; with the

rapidity of lightning; flew to take shelter behind Andreas。  Every

heart beat anxiously; but as to the conspirators; while expecting

Abellino's appearance; they suffered the torments of the damned。

Grave and tranquil sat the Doge in his chair; like a judge appointed

to pass sentence on this King of the Banditti。  The spectators stood

around in various groups; all hushed and solemn; as if they were

waiting to receive their final judgment。  The lovely Rosabella; with

all the security of angels whose innocence have nothing to fear;

reclined her head on Camilla's shoulder and gazed on her heroic

lover with looks of adoration。  The conspirators; with pallid cheeks

and staring eyes; filled up the background; and a dead and awful

silence prevailed through the assembly; scarcely interrupted by a

single breath。

〃And now; then;〃 said Flodoardo; 〃prepare yourselves; for this

terrible Abellino shall immediately appear before you。  Do not

tremble; he shall do no one harm。〃

With these words he turned away from the company; advanced towards

the folding…doors。  He paused for a few moments; and concealed his

face in his cloak。

〃Abellino!〃 cried he at length; raising his head; and extending his

arm towards the door。  At that name all who heard it shuddered

involuntarily; and Rosabella advanced unconsciously a few steps

towards her lover。  She trembled more for Flodoardo than herself。

〃Abellino!〃 th
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