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the bravo of venice-第25章

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over the politics of the day; and discussed the various occurrences

of Europe。  The Cardinal and Contarino were engaged in a conference

with the Doge; while Memmo; Parozzi; and Falieri stood silent

together; and revolved the project whose execution was to take place

at midnight。

The weather was dark and tempestuous。  The wind roared among the

waters of the canal; and the vanes of the palace…towers creaked

shrilly and discordantly。  One storm of rain followed hard upon


The clock struck four。  The cheeks of Rosabella; if possible; became

paler than before。  Andreas whispered something to his chamberlain。

In a few minutes the tread of armed men seemed approaching the doors

of the saloon; and soon after the clattering of weapons was heard。

Instantly a sudden silence reigned through the whole assembly。  The

young courtiers broke off their love…speeches abruptly; and the

ladies stopped in their criticisms upon the last new fashions。  The

statesmen dropped their political discussions; and gazed on each

other in silence and anxiety。

The Doge advanced slowly into the midst of the assembly。  Every eye

was fixed upon him。  The hearts of the conspirators beat painfully。

〃Be not surprised; my friends;〃 said Andreas; 〃at these unusual

precautions; they relate to nothing which need interfere with the

pleasures of this society。  You have all heard but too much of the

bravo Abellino; the murderer of the Procurator Conari; and of my

faithful counsellors Manfrone and Lomellino; and to whose dagger my

illustrious guest the Prince of Monaldeschi has but lately fallen a

victim。  This miscreant; the object of aversion to every honest man

in Venice; to whom nothing is sacred or venerable; and who has

hitherto set at defiance the whole vengeance of the Republicbefore

another hour expires; perhaps this outcast of hell may stand before

you in this very saloon。〃

All (astonished)。Abellino?  What; the bravo Abellino?

Gonzaga。Of his own accord!

Andreas。No; not of his own accord; in truth。  But Flodoardo of

Florence has undertaken to render this important service to the

Republic; to seize Abellino; cost what it may; and conduct him

hither at the risk of his life。

A Senator。The engagement will be difficult to fulfil。  I doubt

much Flodoardo's keeping his promise。

Another。But if he SHOULD perform it; the obligation which

Flodoardo will lay upon the Republic will not be trifling。

A Third。Nay; we shall be all his debtors; nor do I know how we can

reward Flodoardo for so important a service。

Andreas。Be that my task。  Flodoardo has demanded my niece in

marriage if he performs his promise。  Rosabella shall be his reward。

All gazed on each other in silence; some with looks expressing the

most heartfelt satisfaction; and others with glances of envy and


Falieri (in a low voice)。Parozzi; how will this end?

Memmo。As I live; the very idea makes me shake as if I had a fever。

Parozzi (smiling contemptuously)。It's very likely that Abellino

should suffer himself to be caught!

Contarino。Pray inform me; signors; have any of you ever met this

Abellino face to face?

Several Noblemen at once。Not I。  Never。

A Senator。He is a kind of spectre; who only appears now and then;

when he is least expected and desired。

Rosabella。I saw him once; never again shall I forget the monster。

Andreas。And my interview with him is too well known to make it

needful for me to relate it。

Memmo。I have heard a thousand stories about this miscreant; the

one more wonderful than the other; and for my own part I verily

believe that he is Satan himself in a human form。  I must say that I

think it would be wiser not to let him be brought in among us; for

he is capable of strangling us all as we stand here; one after

another; without mercy。

〃Gracious Heaven!〃 screamed several of the ladies; 〃you don't say

so?  What; strangle us in this very chamber?〃

Contarino。The principal point is; whether Flodoardo will get the

better of HIM; or HE of Flodoardo。  Now I would lay a heavy wager

that the Florentine will return without having finished the


A Senator。And _I_ would engage; on the contrary; that there is but

one man in Venice who is capable of seizing Abellino; and that THAT

man is Flodoardo of Florence。  The moment that I became acquainted

with him; I prophesied that one day or other he would play a

brilliant part in the annals of history。

Another Senator。I think with you; signor。  Never was I so struck

with a man at first sight as I was with Flodoardo。

Contarino。A thousand sequins on Abellino's not being taken; unless

death should have taken him first。

The First Senator。A thousand sequins on Flodoardo seizing him …

Andreas。And delivering him up to me; either alive or dead。

Contarino。Illustrious signors; you are witnesses of the wager。  My

Lord Vitalba; there is my hand on it。  A thousand sequins!

The Senator。Done。

Contarino (smiling)。Many thanks for your gold; signor。  I look on

it as already in my purse。  Flodoardo is a clever gentleman; no

doubt; yet I would advise him to take good care of himself; for he

will find that Abellino knows a trick or two; or I am much mistaken。

Gonzaga。May I request your Highness to inform me whether Flodoardo

is attended by the sbirri?

Andreas。No; he is alone。  Near four…and…twenty hours have elapsed

since he set out in pursuit of the bravo。

Gonzaga (to Contarino; with a smile of triumph)。I wish you joy of

your thousand sequins; signor。

Contarino (bowing respectfully)。Since your Excellency prophesies

it I can no longer doubt my success。

Memmo。I begin to recover myself!  Well; well! let us see the end。

Three…and…twenty hours had elapsed since Flodoardo had entered into

the rash engagement。  The four…and…twentieth now hastened to its

completion; and yet Flodoardo came not。


The Doge became uneasy。  The senator Vitalba began to tremble for

his thousand sequins; and the conspirators could not restrain their

spiteful laughter; when Contarino gravely declared that he would

gladly lose; not ONE thousand sequins; but twenty; if the loss of

his wager through Abellino's being captured might but secure the

general safety of the Republic。

〃Hark!〃 cried Rosabella; 〃the clock strikes five!〃

All listened to the chimes in the tower of St。 Mark's Church; and

trembled as they counted the strokes。  Had not Camilla supported

her; Rosabella would have sank upon the ground。  The destined hour

was past; and still Flodoardo came not!

The venerable Andreas felt a sincere affection for the Florentine;

he shuddered as he dwelt upon the probability that Abellino's dagger

had prevailed。

Rosabella advanced towards her uncle as if she would have spoken to

him; but anxiety fettered her tongue; and tears forced themselves
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