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the bravo of venice-第22章

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crime in me that I adore Rosabella; 'tis a crime of which Heaven

itself will absolve me; since it formed Rosabella so worthy to be


〃You seem to lay too much stress on this fantastic apology;〃

answered the Doge; contemptuously; 〃at least you cannot expect that

it should have much weight with me。〃

〃I say it once more; my lord;〃 resumed Flodoardo; while he rose from

the ground; 〃that I intend to make no apology; I mean not to excuse

my love for Rosabella; but to request your approbation of that love。

Andreas; I adore your niece; I demand her for my bride。〃

The Doge started in astonishment at this bold and unexpected


〃It is true;〃 continued the Florentine; 〃I am no more than a needy;

unknown youth; and it seems a piece of strange temerity when such a

man proposes himself to espouse the heiress of the Venetian Doge。

But; by Heaven; I am confident that the great Andreas means not to

bestow his Rosabella on one of those whose claims to favour are

overflowing coffers; extensive territories; and sounding titles; or

who vainly decorate their insignificance with the glory obtained by

the titles of their ancestors; glory of which they are themselves

incapable of acquiring a single ray。  I acknowledge freely that I

have as yet performed no actions which make me deserving of such a

reward as Rosabella; but it shall not be long ere I WILL perform

such actions; or perish in the attempt。〃

The Doge turned from him with a look of displeasure。

〃Oh; be not incensed with him; dear uncle;〃 said Rosabella。  She

hastened to detain the Doge; threw her white arms around his neck

fondly; and concealed in his bosom the tears with which her

countenance was bedewed。

〃Make your demands;〃 continued Flodoardo; still addressing himself

to the Doge; 〃say what you wish me to do; and what you would have me

become; in order to obtain from you the hand of Rosabella。  Ask what

you will; I will look on the task; however difficult; as nothing

more than sport and pastime。  By Heaven; I would that Venice were at

this moment exposed to the most imminent danger; and that ten

thousand daggers were unsheathed against your life; Rosabella my

rewardhow certain should I be to rescue Venice; and strike the ten

thousand daggers down。〃

〃I have served the Republic faithfully and fervently for many a long

year;〃 answered Andreas; with a bitter smile; 〃I have risked my life

without hesitation; I have shed my blood with profusion; I asked

nothing for my reward but to pass my old age in soft tranquillity;

and of this reward have I been cheated。  My bosom friends; the

companions of my youth; the confidants of my age; have been torn

from me by the daggers of banditti; and you; Flodoardo; you; on whom

I heaped all favours; have now deprived me of this my only remaining

comfort。  Answer me; Rosabella; hast thou in truth bestowed thy

heart on Flodoardo irrevocably?〃

One hand of Rosabella's still rested on her uncle's shoulder; with

the other she clasped Flodoardo's and pressed it fondly against her

heartyet Flodoardo seemed still unsatisfied。  No sooner had the

Doge's question struck his ear; than his countenance became

dejected; and though his hand returned the pressure of Rosabella's;

he shook his head mournfully; with an air of doubt; and cast on her

a penetrating look; as would he have read the secrets of her inmost


Andreas withdrew himself gently from Rosabella's arm; and for some

time paced the apartment slowly; with a countenance sad and earnest。

Rosabella sank upon a sofa which stood near her; and wept。

Flodoardo eyed the Doge; and waited for his decision with


Thus passed some minutes。  An awful silence reigned through the

chamber; Andreas seemed to be labouring with some resolution of

dreadful importance。  The lovers wished; yet dreaded; the conclusion

of the scene; and with every moment their anxiety became more


〃Flodoardo!〃 at length said the Doge; and suddenly stood still in

the middle of the chamber。  Flodoardo advanced with a respectful

air。  〃Young man;〃 he continued; 〃I am at length resolved; Rosabella

loves you; nor will I oppose the decision of her heart; but

Rosabella is much too precious to admit of my bestowing her on the

first who thinks fit to demand her。  The man to whom I give her must

be worthy such a gift。  She must be the reward of his services; nor

can he do services so great that such a reward will not overpay

them。  Your claims on the Republic's gratitude are as yet but

trifling; an opportunity now offers of rendering as an essential

service。  The murderer of Conari; Manfrone; and Lomellinogo; bring

him hither!  Alive or dead; thou must bring to this palace the

terrible banditti…king; ABELLINO!〃

At this unexpected conclusion of a speech on which his happiness or

despair depended; Flodoardo started back。  The colour fled from his


〃My noble lord!〃 he said at length; hesitating; 〃you know well that…


〃I know well;〃 interrupted Andreas; 〃how difficult a task I enjoin;

when I require the delivery of Abellino。  For myself I swear that I

had rather a thousand times force my passage with a single vessel

through the whole Turkish fleet; and carry off the admiral's ship

from the midst of them; than attempt to seize this Abellino; who

seems to have entered into a compact with Lucifer himself:  who is

to be found everywhere and nowhere; whom so many have seen; but whom

no one knows; whose cautious subtlety has brought to shame the

vigilance of our State inquisitors; of the College of Ten; and of

all their legions of spies and sbirri; whose very name strikes

terror into the hearts of the bravest Venetians; and from whose

dagger I myself am not safe upon my throne。  I know well; Flodoardo;

how much I ask; but I know also how much I proffer。  You seem

irresolute?  You are silent?  Flodoardo; I have long watched you

with attention。  I have discovered in you marks of a superior

genius; and therefore I am induced to make such a demand。  If any

one is able to cope with Abellino; thou art the man。  I wait your


Flodoardo paced the chamber in silence。  Dreadful was the enterprise

proposed。  Woe to him should Abellino discover his purpose。  But

Rosabella was the reward。  He cast a look on the beloved one; and

resolved to risk everything。

He advanced towards the Doge。

Andreas。Now; then; Flodoardoyour resolution?

Flodoardo。Should I deliver Abellino into your power; do you

solemnly swear that Rosabella shall be my bride?

Andreas。She shall! and NOT TILL THEN。

Rosabella。Ah!  Flodoardo; I fear this undertaking will end

fatally。  Abellino is so crafty; so dreadful。  Oh! look well to

yourself; for should you meet with the detested monster; whose

dagger …

Flodoardo (interrupting her hastily)。Oh! silence; Rosabellaat

least allow me to hope。  Noble Andreas; give me your hand; and

pledge your princely w
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