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the bravo of venice-第16章

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by the tempting promise of a thousand sequins。  Abellino's prudence

set all their ingenuity at defiance。

But not the less did every one assert that he had recognised

Abellino; sometimes in one disguise; and sometimes in another; as an

old man; a gondolier; a woman; or a monk。  Everybody had seen him

somewhere; but; unluckily; nobody could tell where he was to be seen



I informed my readers; in the beginning of the last chapter; that

Flodoardo was become melancholy; and that Rosabella was indisposed;

but I did not tell them what had occasioned this sudden change。

Flodoardo; who on his first arrival at Venice was all gaiety; and

the life of every society in which he mingled; lost his spirits on

one particular day; and it so happened that it was on the very same

day that Rosabella betrayed the first symptoms of indisposition。

For on this unlucky day did the caprice of accident; or perhaps the

Goddess of Love (who has her caprices too every now and then);

conduct Rosabella into her uncle's garden; which none but the Doge's

intimate friends were permitted to enter; and where the Doge himself

frequently reposed in solitude and silence during the evening hours

of a sultry day。

Rosabella; lost in thought; wandered listless and unconscious along

the broad and shady alleys of the garden。  Sometimes; in a moment of

vexation; she plucked the unoffending leaves from the hedges and

strewed them upon the ground; sometimes she stopped suddenly; then

rushed forward with impetuosity; then again stood still; and gazed

upon the clear blue heaven。  Sometimes her beautiful bosom was

heaved with quick and irregular motion; and sometimes a half…

suppressed sigh escaped from her lips of coral。

〃He is very handsome!〃 she murmured; and gazed with such eagerness

on vacancy; as though she had there seen something which was hidden

from the sight of common observers。

〃Yet Camilla is in the right;〃 she resumed; after a pause; and she

frowned as had she said that Camilla was in the wrong。

This Camilla was her governess; her friend; her confidante; I may

almost say her mother。  Rosabella had lost her parents early。  Her

mother died when her child could scarcely lisp her name; and her

father; Guiscardo of Corfu; the commander of a Venetian vessel;

eight years before had perished in an engagement with the Turks;

while he was still in the prime of life。  Camilla; one of the

worthiest creatures that ever dignified the name of woman; supplied

to Rosabella the place of mother; had brought her up from infancy;

and was now her best friend; and the person to whose ear she

confided all her little secrets。

While Rosabella was still buried in her own reflections; the

excellent Camilla advanced from a side path; and hastened to join

her pupil。  Rosabella started。

Rosabella。Ah! dear Camilla; is it you?  What brings you hither?

Camilla。You often call me your guardian angel; and guardian angels

should always be near the object of their care。

Rosabella。Camilla; I have been thinking over your arguments; I

cannot deny that all you have said to me is very true; and very

wise; but still …

Camilla。But still; though your prudence agrees with me; your heart

is of a contrary opinion。

Rosabella。It is; indeed。

Camilla。Nor do I blame your heart for differing from me; my poor

girl。  I have acknowledged to you without disguise that were _I_ at

your time of life; and were such a man as Flodoardo to throw himself

in my way; I could not receive his attentions with indifference。  It

cannot be denied that this young stranger is uncommonly pleasing;

and; indeed; for any woman whose heart is disengaged; an uncommonly

DANGEROUS companion。  There is something very prepossessing in his

appearance; his manners are elegant; and short as has been his abode

in Venice; it is already past doubting that there are many noble and

striking features in his character。  But alas; after all; he is but

a poor nobleman; and it is not very probable that the rich and

powerful Doge of Venice will ever bestow his niece on one who; to

speak plainly; arrived here little better than a beggar。  No; no;

child; believe me; a romantic adventurer is no fit husband for

Rosabella of Corfu。

Rosabella。Dear Camilla; who was talking about husbands?  What I

feel for Flodoardo is merely affection; friendship。

Camilla。Indeed!  Then you would be perfectly satisfied; should

some one of our wealthy ladies bestow her hand on Flodoardo?

Rosabella (hastily)。Oh! Flodoardo would not ACCEPT her hand;

Camilla; of that I am sure。

Camilla。Child; child; you would willingly deceive yourself。  But

be assured that a girl who loves ever connects; perhaps

unconsciously; the wish for an eternal UNION with the idea of

eternal AFFECTION。  Now this is a wish which you cannot indulge in

regard to Flodoardo without seriously offending your uncle; who;

good man as he is; must still submit to the severe control of

politics and etiquette。

Rosabella。I know all that; Camilla; but can I not make you

comprehend that I am not in love with Flodoardo; and do not mean to

be in love with him; and that love has nothing at all to do in the

business?  I repeat to you; what I feel for him is nothing but

sincere and fervent friendship; and surely Flodoardo deserves that I

should feel that sentiment for him。  Deserves it; said I?  Oh; what

does Flodoardo NOT deserve?

Camilla。Ay; ay; friendship; indeed; and love。  Oh; Rosabella; you

know not how often these deceivers borrow each other's mask to

ensnare the hearts of unsuspecting maidens。  You know not how often

love finds admission; when wrapped in friendship's cloak; into that

bosom; which; had he approached under his own appearance; would have

been closed against him for ever。  In short; my child; reflect how

much you owe to your uncle; reflect how much uneasiness this

inclination would cost him; and sacrifice to duty what at present is

a mere caprice; but which; if encouraged; might make too deep an

impression on your heart to be afterwards removed by your best


Rosabella。You say right; Camilla。  I really believe myself that my

prepossession in Flodoardo's favour is merely an accidental fancy;

of which I shall easily get the better。  No; no; I am not in love

with Flodoardoof that you may rest assured。  I even think that I

rather feel an antipathy towards him; since you have shown me the

possibility of his making me prove a cause of uneasiness to my kind;

my excellent uncle。

Camilla (smiling)。Are your sentiments of duty and gratitude so

very strong?

Rosabella。Oh; that they are; Camilla; and so you will say yourself

hereafter。  This disagreeable Flodoardoto give me so much

vexation!  I wish he had never come to Venice。  I declare I do not

like him at all。

Camilla。Nowhat!  Not like Flodoardo?

Rosabella (casting down her eyes)。No
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