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the bravo of venice-第14章

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with blood?〃

〃A trifle!〃 cried Contarino; 〃is that wine? quick; give me a goblet

of it; I expire with thirst。〃

Falieri (while he gives him a cup)。But; Contarino; you bleed?

Contarino。You need not tell me that。  I did not do it myself; I

promise you。

Parozzi。First let us bind up your wounds; and then tell us what

has happened to you。  It is as well that the servants should remain

ignorant of your adventure; I will be your surgeon myself。

Contarino。What has happened to me; say you?  Oh! a joke;

gentlemen; a mere joke。  Here; Falieri; fill the bowl again。

Memmo。I can scarcely breathe for terror。

Contarino。Very possibly; neither should I; were I Memmo instead of

being Contarino。  The wound bleeds plenteously it's true; but it's

by no means dangerous (he tore open his doublet; and uncovered his

bosom)。  There; look; comrades; you see it's only a cut of not more

than two inches deep。

Memmo (shuddering)。Mercy on me! the very sight of it makes my

blood run cold。

Parozzi brought ointments and linen; and bound up the wound of his


Contarino。Old Horace is in the right。  A philosopher can be

anything he pleases; a cobbler; a king; or a physician。  Only

observe with what dignified address the philosopher Parozzi spreads

that plaster for me。  I thank you; friend; that's enough:  and now;

comrades; place yourselves in a circle round me; and listen to the

wonders which I am going to relate。


Contarino。As soon as it was twilight; I stole out; wrapped in my

cloak; determined if possible to discover some of the banditti。  I

knew not their persons; neither were they acquainted with mine。  An

extravagant undertaking; perhaps; you will tell me; but I was

resolved to convince you that everything which a man DETERMINES to

do; may be done。  I had some information respecting the rascals;

though it was but slight; and on these grounds I proceeded。  I

happened by mere accident to stumble upon a gondolier; whose

appearance excited my curiosity。  I fell into discourse with him。  I

was soon convinced that he was not ignorant of the lurking…place of

the bravoes; and by means of some gold and many fair speeches; I at

length brought him to confess that though not regularly belonging to

the band; he had occasionally been employed by them。  I immediately

made a bargain with him; he conducted me in his gondola through the

greatest part of Venice; sometimes right; sometimes left; till I

lost every idea as to the quarter of the town in which I found

myself。  At length he insisted on binding my eyes with his

handkerchief; and I was compelled to submit。  Half an hour elapsed

before the gondola stopped。  He told me to descend; conducted me

through a couple of streets; and at length knocked at a door; where

he left me still blindfolded。  The door was opened; my business was

inquired with great caution; and after some demur I was at length

admitted。  The handkerchief was now withdrawn from my eyes; and I

found myself in a small chamber; surrounded by four men of not the

most creditable appearance; and a young woman; who (it seems) had

opened the door for me。

Falieri。You are a daring fellow; Contarino。

Contarino。Here was no time to be lost。  I instantly threw my purse

on the table; promised them mountains of gold; and fixed on

particular days; hours; and signals which were necessary to

facilitate our future intercourse。  For the present I only required

that Manfrone; Conari; and Lomellino should be removed with all

possible expedition。


Contarino。So far everything went exactly as we could have wished;

and one of my new associates was just setting out to guide me home;

when we were surprised by an unexpected visit。


Memmo (anxiously)。Go on; for God's sake!

Contarino。A knocking was heard at the door; the girl went to

inquire the cause。  In an instant she returned pale as a corpse; and

〃Fly! fly!〃 cried she。

Falieri。What followed?

Contarino。Why then followed a whole legion of sbirri and police…

officers; and who should be at their head but the Florentine


All。Flodoardo?  What; Flodoardo?


Falieri。What demon could have guided him thither?

Parozzi。Hell and furies!  Oh; that I had been there。

Memmo。There; now; Parozzi; you see at least that Flodoardo is no


Falieri。Hush; let us hear the rest。

Contarino。We stood as if we had been petrified; not a soul could

stir a finger。  〃In the name of the Doge and the Republic;〃 cried

Flodoardo; 〃yield yourselves and deliver your arms。〃  〃The devil

shall yield himself sooner than we;〃 exclaimed one of the banditti;

and forced a sword from one of the officers。  The others snatched

their muskets from the walls; and as for me; my first care was to

extinguish the lamp so that we could not tell friends from foes。

But still the confounded moonshine gleamed through the window…

shutters; and shed a partial light through the room。  〃Look to

yourself; Contarino;〃 thought I; 〃if you are found here; you will be

hanged for company;〃 and I drew my sword and made a plunge at

Flodoardo; but; however well intended; my thrust was foiled by his

sabre; which he whirled around with the rapidity of lightning。  I

fought like a madman; but all my skill was without effect on this

occasion; and before I was aware of it; Flodoardo ripped open my

bosom。  I felt myself wounded; and sprang back。  At that moment two

pistols were fired; and the flash discovered to me a small side

door; which they had neglected to beset。  Through this I stole

unperceived into the adjoining chamber; burst open the grated

window; sprang below unhurt; crossed a courtyard; climbed two or

three garden walls; gained the canal; where a gondola fortunately

was waiting; persuaded the boatman to convey me with all speed to

the Place of St。 Mark; and thence hastened hither; astonished to

find myself still alive。  There's an infernal adventure for you。

Parozzi。I shall go mad。

Falieri。Everything we design is counteracted; the more trouble we

give ourselves; the further we are from the goal。

Memmo。I confess it seems to me as if Heaven gave us warning to

desist。  How say you?

Contarino。Pshaw; these are trifles!  Such accidents should only

serve to sharpen our wits。  The more obstacles I encounter; the

firmer is my resolution to surmount them。

Falieri。Do the banditti know who you are?

Contarino。No; they are not only ignorant of my name; but suppose

me to be a mere instrument of some powerful man; who has been

injured by the ducal confederates。

Memmo。Well; Contarino; in my mind you should thank Heaven that you

have escaped so well。

Falieri。But since he is an absolute stranger in Venice; how could

Flodoardo discover the lurking place of the banditti?

Contarino。I know not; probably by mere accident like myself; but

by the 
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