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the bravo of venice-第12章

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worthy to contend with me; and that man is Andreas。〃

Andreas。I suspect he will be sorely displeased when he receives my

answer to the message by which he notified to me the imprisonment of

the French king。

Lomellino。Displeased he will be; signor; no doubt of it; but what

then?  Venice need not fear his displeasure; while Andreas still

lives。  But when you and your heroes are once gone to your eternal

restthen; alas for thee; poor Venice。  I fear your golden times

will soon come to their conclusion。

Andreas。What!  Have we not many young officers of great promise?

Lomellino。Alas; what are most of them?  Heroes in the fields of

Venus。  Heroes at a drinking…bout。  Effeminate striplings; relaxed

both in mind and body。  But how am I running on; forgetful。  Ah;

when one is grown old; and conversing with an Andreas; it is easy to

forget everything else。  My lord; I sought you with a request; a

request; too; of consequence。

Andreas。You excite my curiosity。

Lomellino。About a week ago there arrived here a young Florentine

nobleman called Flodoardo; a youth of noble appearance and great



Lomellino。His father was one of my dearest friends。  He is dead

now; the good old generous nobleman。  In our youth we served

together on board the same vessel; and many a turbaned head has

fallen beneath his sword。  Ah; he was a brave soldier。

Andreas。While celebrating the father's bravery; you seem to have

quite forgotten the son。

Lomellino。His son is arrived in Venice; and wishes to enter into

the service of the Republic。  I entreat you; give the young man some

respectable situation; he will prove the boast of Venice when we

shall be in our graves; on that would I hazard my existence。

Andreas。Has he sense and talent?

Lomellino。That he has; a heart like his father's。  Will it please

you to see and converse with him?  He is yonder; among the masks in

the great saloon。  One thing I must tell you; as a specimen of his

designs。  He has heard of the banditti who infest Venice; and he

engages that the first piece of service which he renders the

Republic shall be the delivering into the hands of justice those

concealed assassins; who hitherto have eluded the vigilance of our


Andreas。Indeed!  I doubt that promise will be too much for his

power to perform。  Flodoardo; I think you called him?  Tell him I

would speak with him。

Lomellino。Oh! then I have gained at least the HALF of my cause;

and I believe the WHOLE of it; for to see Flodoardo and not to like

him is as difficult as to look at Paradise and not wish to enter。

To see Flodoardo and to hate him is as unlikely as that a blind man

should hate the kind hand which removes the cataract from his eyes;

and pours upon them the blessings of light and beauties of nature。

Andreas (smiling)。In the whole course of our acquaintance;

Lomellino; never did I hear you so enthusiastic!  Go; then; conduct

this prodigy hither。

Lomellino。I hasten to find him。  And as for you; signora; look to

yourself! look to yourself; I say!

Rosabella。Nay; prithee; Lomellino; bring your hero hither without

delay; you have raised my curiosity to the height。

Lomellino quitted the saloon。

Andreas。How comes it that you rejoin not the dancers; my child?

Rosabella。I am weary; and; besides; curiosity now detains me here;

for I would fain see this Flodoardo; whom Lomellino thinks deserving

of such extraordinary praise。  Shall I tell you the truth; my dear

uncle?  I verily believe that I am already acquainted with him。

There was a mask in a Grecian habit; whose appearance was so

striking; that it was impossible for him to remain confounded with

the crowd。  The least attentive eye must have singled him out from

among a thousand。  It was a tall light figure; so graceful in every

movement; then his dancing was quite perfection。

Andreas (smiling; and threatening with his finger)。Child; child!

Rosabella。Nay; my dear uncle; what I say is mere justice; it is

possible; indeed; that the Greek and the Florentine may be two

different persons; but still; according to Lomellino's description

Oh! look; dear uncle; only look yonder; there stands the Greek; as I


Andreas。And Lomellino is with him; they approach。  Rosabella; you

have made a good guess。

The Doge had scarcely ceased to speak; when Lomellino entered the

room; conducting a tall young man; richly habited in the Grecian


〃My gracious lord;〃 said Lomellino; 〃I present to you the Count

Flodoardo; who humbly sues for your protection。〃

Flodoardo uncovered his head in token of respect; took off his mask;

and bowed low before the illustrious ruler of Venice。

Andreas。I understand you are desirous of serving the Republic?

Flodoardo。That is my ambition; should your Highness think me

deserving of such an honour。

Andreas。Lomellino speaks highly of you; if all that he says be

true; how came you to deprive your own country of your services?

Flodoardo。Because my own country is not governed by an Andreas。

Andreas。You have intentions; it seems; of discovering the haunts

of the banditti; who for some time past have caused so many tears to

flow in Venice?

Flodoardo。If your Highness would deign to confide in me; I would

answer with my head for their delivery into the hands of your

officers; and that speedily。

Andreas。That were much for a stranger to perform。  I would fain

make the trial whether you can keep your word。

Flodoardo。That is sufficient。  To…morrow; or the day after at

least; will I perform my promise。

Andreas。And you make that promise so resolutely?  Are you aware;

young man; how dangerous a task it is to surprise these miscreants?

They are never to be found when sought for; and always present when

least expected; they are at once everywhere and nowhere。  There

exists not a nook in Venice which our spies are not acquainted with;

or have left unexamined; and yet has our police endeavoured in vain

to discover the place of their concealment。

Flodoardo。I know all this; and to know it rejoices me; since it

affords me an opportunity of convincing the Doge of Venice; that my

actions are not those of a common adventurer。

Andreas。Perform your promise; and then let me hear of you。  For

the present our discourse shall end here; for no unpleasant thoughts

must disturb the joy to which this day is dedicated。  Rosabella;

would you not like to join the dancers?  Count; I confide her to

your care。

Flodoardo。I could not be entrusted with a more precious charge。

Rosabella; during this conversation; had been leaning against the

back of her uncle's chair。  She repeated to herself Lomellino's

assertion; 〃that to see Flodoardo; and not to like him; was as

difficult as to look at Paradise and not wish to enter;〃 and while

she gazed on the youth; she allowed that Lomellino had not

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