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the bravo of venice-第1章

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The Bravo of Venice … A Romance

by M。 G。 Lewis


Matthew Gregory Lewis; who professed to have translated this romance

out of the German; very much; I believe; as Horace Walpole professed

to have taken The Castle of Otranto from an old Italian manuscript;

was born in 1775 of a wealthy family。  His father had an estate in

India and a post in a Government office。  His mother was daughter to

Sir Thomas Sewell; Master of the Rolls in the reign of George III。

She was a young mother; her son Matthew was devoted to her from the

first。  As a child he called her 〃Fanny;〃 and as a man held firmly

by her when she was deserted by her husband。  From Westminster

School; M。 G。 Lewis passed to Christ Church; Oxford。  Already he was

busy over tales and plays; and wrote at college a farce; never

acted; a comedy; written at the age of sixteen; The East Indian;

afterwards played for Mrs。 Jordan's benefit and repeated with great

success; and also a novel; never published; called The Effusions of

Sensibility; which was a burlesque upon the sentimental school。  He

wrote also what he called 〃a romance in the style of The Castle of

Otranto;〃 which appeared afterwards as the play of The Castle


With his mind thus interested in literature of the romantic form;

young Lewis; aged seventeen; after a summer in Paris; went to

Germany; settled for a time at Weimar; and; as he told his mother;

knocked his brains against German as hard as ever he could。  〃I have

been introduced;〃 he wrote; in July; 1792; 〃to M。 de Goethe; the

celebrated author of Werter; so you must not be surprised if I

should shoot myself one of these fine mornings。〃  In the spring of

1793 the youth returned to England; very full of German romantic

tale and song; and with more paper covered with wild fancies of his

own。  After the next Christmas he returned to Oxford。  There was a

visit to Lord Douglas at Bothwell Castle; there was not much

academic work done at Oxford。  His father's desire was to train him

for the diplomatic service; and in the summer of 1794 he went to the

Hague as attache to the British Embassy。  He had begun to write his

novel of The Monk; had flagged; but was spurred on at the Hague by a

reading of Mrs。 Radcliffe's Mysteries of Udolpho; a book after his

own heart; and he wrote to his mother at this time; 〃You see I am

horribly bit by the rage of writing。〃

The Monk was written in ten weeks; and published in the summer of

1795; before its author's age was twenty。  It was praised; attacked;

said by one review to have neither originality; morals; nor

probability to recommend it; yet to have excited and to be

continuing to excite the curiosity of the public:  a result set down

to the 〃irresistible energy of genius。〃  Certainly; Lewis did not

trouble himself to keep probability in view; he amused himself with

wild play of a fancy that delighted in the wonderful。  The

controversy over The Monk caused the young author to be known as

Monk Lewis; and the word Monk has to this day taken the place of the

words Matthew Gregory so generally; that many catalogue…makers must

innocently suppose him to have been so named at the font。  The

author of The Monk came back from the Hague to be received as a

young lion in London society。  When he came of age he entered

Parliament for Hindon; in Wiltshire; but seldom went to the House;

never spoke in it; and retired after a few sessions。  His delight

was in the use of the pen; his father; although disappointed by his

failure as a statesman; allowed him a thousand a year; and he took a

cottage at Barnes; that he might there escape from the world to his

ink…bottle。  He was a frequent visitor at Inverary Castle; and was

fascinated by his host's daughter; Lady Charlotte Campbell。  Still

he wrote on。  The musical drama of The Castle Spectre was produced

in the year after The Monk; and it ran sixty nights。  He translated

next Schiller's Kabale und Liebe as The Minister; but it was not

acted till it appeared; with little success; some years afterwards

at Covent Garden as The Harper's Daughter。  He translated from

Kotzebue; under the name of Rolla; the drama superseded by

Sheridan's version of the same work as Pizarro。  Then came the

acting; in 1799; of his comedy written in boyhood; The East Indian。

Then came; in the same year; his first opera; Adelmorn the Outlaw;

then a tragedy; Alfonso; King of Castile。  Of the origin of this

tragedy Lewis gave a characteristic account。  〃Hearing one day;〃 he

said; 〃my introduction of negroes into a feudal baron's castle〃 (in

The Castle Spectre) 〃exclaimed against with as much vehemence as if

a dramatic anachronism had been an offence undeserving of benefit of

clergy; I said in a moment of petulance; that to prove of how little

consequence I esteemed such errors; I would make a play upon the

Gunpowder Plot; and make Guy Faux in love with the Emperor

Charlemagne's daughter。  By some chance or other; this idea fastened

itself upon me; and by dint of turning it in my mind; I at length

formed the plot of Alfonso。〃

To that time in Lewis's life belongs this book; The Bravo of Venice;

which was published in 1804; when the writer's age was twenty…nine。

It was written at Inverary Castle; dedicated to the Earl of Moira;

and received as one of the most perfect little romances of its kind;

〃highly characteristic of the exquisite contrivance; bold colouring;

and profound mystery of the German school。〃  In 1805 Lewis recast it

into a melodrama; which he called Rugantino。





It was evening。  Multitudes of light clouds; partially illumined by

the moonbeams; overspread the horizon; and through them floated the

full moon in tranquil majesty; while her splendour was reflected by

every wave of the Adriatic Sea。  All was hushed around; gently was

the water rippled by the night wind; gently did the night wind sigh

through the Colonnades of Venice。

It was midnight; and still sat a stranger; solitary and sad; on the

border of the great canal。  Now with a glance he measured the

battlements and proud towers of the city; and now he fixed his

melancholy eyes upon the waters with a vacant stare。  At length he

spoke …

〃Wretch that I am; whither shall I go?  Here sit I in Venice; and

what would it avail to wander further?  What will become of me?  All

now slumber; save myself! the Doge rests on his couch of down; the

beggar's head presses his straw pillow; but for ME there is no bed

except the cold; damp earth!  There is no gondolier so wretched but

he knows where to find work by day and shelter by nightwhile _I_

while _I_Oh! dreadful is the destiny of which I am made the


He began to examine for the twentieth time the pockets of his

tattered garments。

〃No! not one paolo; by heavens!and I hunger almost to death。〃

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