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e matter; the apprenticeship to beauty which alone can make an art of truth。  And it may be admitted that verse; owning; as it does; a professed and canonical allegiance to music; sometimes carries its devotion so far that thought swoons into melody; and the thing said seems a discovery made by the way in the search for tuneful expression。

What thing unto mine ear Wouldst thou convey; … what secret thing; O wandering water ever whispering? Surely thy speech shall be of her; Thou water; O thou whispering wanderer; What message dost thou bring?

In this stanza an exquisitely modulated tune is played upon the syllables that make up the word 〃wandering;〃 even as; in the poem from which it is taken; there is every echo of the noise of waters laughing in sunny brooks; or moaning in dumb hidden caverns。  Yet even here it would be vain to seek for reason why each particular sound of every line should be itself and no other。  For melody holds no absolute dominion over either verse or prose; its laws; never to be disregarded; prohibit rather than prescribe。  Beyond the simple ordinances that determine the place of the rhyme in verse; and the average number of syllables; or rhythmical beats; that occur in the line; where shall laws be found to regulate the sequence of consonants and vowels from syllable to syllable?  Those few artificial restrictions; which verse invents for itself; once agreed on; a necessary and perilous license makes up the rest of the code。  Literature can never conform to the dictates of pure euphony; while grammar; which has been shaped not in the interests of prosody; but for the service of thought; bars the way with its clumsy inalterable polysyllables and the monotonous sing…song of its inflexions。  On the other hand; among a hundred ways of saying a thing; there are more than ninety that a care for euphony may reasonably forbid。  All who have consciously practised the art of writing know what endless and painful vigilance is needed for the avoidance of the unfit or untuneful phrase; how the meaning must be tossed from expression to expression; mutilated and deceived; ere it can find rest in words。  The stupid accidental recurrence of a single broad vowel; the cumbrous repetition of a particle; the emphatic phrase for which no emphatic place can be found without disorganising the structure of the period; the pert intrusion on a solemn thought of a flight of short syllables; twittering like a flock of sparrows; or that vicious trick of sentences whereby each; unmindful of its position and duties; tends to imitate the deformities of its predecessor; … these are a select few of the difficulties that the nature of language and of man conspire to put upon the writer。  He is well served by his mind and ear if he can win past all such traps and ambuscades; robbed of only a little of his treasure; indemnified by the careless generosity of his spoilers; and still singing。

Besides their chime in the ear; and the images that they put before the mind's eye; words have; for their last and greatest possession; a meaning。  They carry messages and suggestions that; in the effect wrought; elude all the senses equally。  For the sake of this; their prime office; the rest is many times forgotten or scorned; the tune is disordered and havoc played with the lineaments of the picture; because without these the word can still do its business。  The refutation of those critics who; in their analysis of the power of literature; make much of music and picture; is contained in the most moving passages that have found utterance from man。  Consider the intensity of a saying like that of St。 Paul:… 〃For I am persuaded; that neither death; nor life; nor angels; nor principalities; nor powers; nor things present; nor things to come; nor height; nor depth; nor any other creature; shall be able to separate us from the love of God; which is in Christ Jesus our Lord。〃

Do these verses draw their power from a skilful arrangement of vowel and consonant?  But they are quoted from a translation; and can be translated otherwise; well or ill or indifferently; without losing more than a little of their virtue。  Do they impress the eye by opening before it a prospect of vast extent; peopled by vague shapes?  On the contrary; the visual embodiment of the ideas suggested kills the sense of the passage; by lowering the cope of the starry heavens to the measure of a poplar…tree。  Death and life; height and depth; are conceived by the apostle; and creation thrown in like a trinket; only that they may lend emphasis to the denial that is the soul of his purpose。  Other arts can affirm; or seem to affirm; with all due wealth of circumstance and detail; they can heighten their affirmation by the modesty of reserve; the surprises of a studied brevity; and the erasure of all impertinence; literature alone can deny; and honour the denial with the last resources of a power that has the universe for its treasury。  It is this negative capability of words; their privative force; whereby they can impress the minds with a sense of 〃vacuity; darkness; solitude; and silence;〃 that Burke celebrates in the fine treatise of his younger days。  In such a phrase as 〃the angel of the Lord〃 language mocks the positive rivalry of the pictorial art; which can offer only the poor pretence of an equivalent in a young man painted with wings。  But the difference between the two arts is even better marked in the matter of negative suggestion; it is instanced by Burke from the noble passage where Virgil describes the descent of AEneas and the Sibyl to the shades of the nether world。  Here are amassed all 〃the images of a tremendous dignity〃 that the poet could forge from the sublime of denial。  The two most famous lines are a procession of negatives:…

Ibant obscuri sola sub nocte per umbram; Perque domos Ditis vacuas et inania regna。

Through hollow kingdoms; emptied of the day; And dim; deserted courts where Dis bears sway; Night…foundered; and uncertain of the path; Darkling they took their solitary way。

Here is the secret of some of the cardinal effects of literature; strong epithets like 〃lonely;〃 〃supreme;〃 〃invisible;〃 〃eternal;〃 〃inexorable;〃 with the substantives that belong to them; borrow their force from the vastness of what they deny。  And not these alone; but many other words; less indebted to logic for the magnificence of reach that it can lend; bring before the mind no picture; but a dim emotional framework。  Such words as 〃ominous;〃 〃fantastic;〃 〃attenuated;〃 〃bewildered;〃 〃justification;〃 are atmospheric rather than pictorial; they infect the soul with the passion…laden air that rises from humanity。  It is precisely in his dealings with words like these; 〃heated originally by the breath of others;〃 that a poet's fine sense and knowledge most avail him。 The company a word has kept; its history; faculties; and predilections; endear or discommend it to his instinct。  How hardly will poetry consent to employ such words as 〃congratulation〃 or 〃philanthropist;〃 … words of good origin; but tainted by long immersion in fraudulent rejoicings and pallid; comfortable; theoretic loves。  How eagerly will the poetic imagination seize on a word like 〃control;〃 which 
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