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born in the purple; an inheritor of great opportunities; all its virtues magnified by the glamour of its high estate。 Writers on philosophy; morals; or aesthetics; critics; essayists; and dealers in soliloquy generally; cannot hope; with their slighter means; to attain to comparable effects。  They work at two removes from life; the terms that they handle are surrounded by the vapours of discussion; and are rewarded by no instinctive response。 Simplicity; in its most regarded sense; is often beyond their reach; the matter of their discourse is intricate; and the most they can do is to employ patience; care; and economy of labour; the meaning of their words is not obvious; and they must go aside to define it。  The strength of their writing has limits set for it by the nature of the chosen task; and any transgression of these limits is punished by a fall into sheer violence。  All writing partakes of the quality of the drama; there is always a situation involved; the relation; namely; between the speaker and the hearer。 A gentleman in black; expounding his views; or narrating his autobiography to the first comer; can expect no such warmth of response as greets the dying speech of the baffled patriot; yet he too may take account of the reasons that prompt speech; may display sympathy and tact; and avoid the faults of senility。  The only character that can lend strength to his words is his own; and he sketches it while he states his opinions; the only attitude that can ennoble his sayings is implied in the very arguments he uses。 Who does not know the curious blank effect of eloquence overstrained or out of place?  The phrasing may be exquisite; the thought well…knit; the emotion genuine; yet all is; as it were; dumb…show where no community of feeling exists between the speaker and his audience。  A similar false note is struck by any speaker or writer who misapprehends his position or forgets his disqualifications; by newspaper writers using language that is seemly only in one who stakes his life on his words; by preachers exceeding the license of fallibility; by moralists condemning frailty; by speculative traders deprecating frank ways of hazard; by Satan rebuking sin。

〃How many things are there;〃 exclaims the wise Verulam; 〃which a man cannot; with any face or comeliness; say or do himself!  A man's person hath many proper relations which he cannot put off。  A man cannot speak to his son but as a father; to his wife; but as a husband; to his enemy but upon terms; whereas a friend may speak as the case requires; and not as it sorteth with the person。〃  The like 〃proper relations〃 govern writers; even where their audience is unknown to them。  It has often been remarked how few are the story…tellers who can introduce themselves; so much as by a passing reflection or sentiment; without a discordant effect。  The friend who saves the situation is found in one and another of the creatures of their art。

For those who must play their own part the effort to conceal themselves is of no avail。  The implicit attitude of a writer makes itself felt; an undue swelling of his subject to heroic dimensions; an unwarrantable assumption of sympathy; a tendency to truck with friends or with enemies by the way; are all possible indications of weakness; which move even the least skilled of readers to discount what is said; as they catch here and there a glimpse of the old pot…companion; or the young dandy; behind the imposing literary mask。  Strong writers are those who; with every reserve of power; seek no exhibition of strength。  It is as if language could not come by its full meaning save on the lips of those who regard it as an evil necessity。  Every word is torn from them; as from a reluctant witness。  They come to speech as to a last resort; when all other ways have failed。  The bane of a literary education is that it induces talkativeness; and an overweening confidence in words。  But those whose words are stark and terrible seem almost to despise words。

With words literature begins; and to words it must return。 Coloured by the neighbourhood of silence; solemnised by thought or steeled by action; words are still its only means of rising above words。  〃ACCEDAT VERBUM AD ELEMENTUM;〃 said St。 Ambrose; 〃ET FIAT SACRAMENTUM。〃  So the elementary passions; pity and love; wrath and terror; are not in themselves poetical; they must be wrought upon by the word to become poetry。  In no other way can suffering be transformed to pathos; or horror reach its apotheosis in tragedy。

When all has been said; there remains a residue capable of no formal explanation。  Language; this array of conventional symbols loosely strung together; and blown about by every wandering breath; is miraculously vital and expressive; justifying not a few of the myriad superstitions that have always attached to its use。  The same words are free to all; yet no wealth or distinction of vocabulary is needed for a group of words to take the stamp of an individual mind and character。  〃As a quality of style〃 says Mr。 Pater; 〃soul is a fact。〃  To resolve how words; like bodies; become transparent when they are inhabited by that luminous reality; is a higher pitch than metaphysic wit can fly。  Ardent persuasion and deep feeling enkindle words; so that the weakest take on glory。 The humblest and most despised of common phrases may be the chosen vessel for the next avatar of the spirit。  It is the old problem; to be met only by the old solution of the Platonist; that

Soul is form; and doth the body make。

The soul is able to inform language by some strange means other than the choice and arrangement of words and phrases。  Real novelty of vocabulary is impossible; in the matter of language we lead a parasitical existence; and are always quoting。  Quotations; conscious or unconscious; vary in kind according as the mind is active to work upon them and make them its own。  In its grossest and most servile form quotation is a lazy folly; a thought has received some signal or notorious expression; and as often as the old sense; or something like it; recurs; the old phrase rises to the lips。  This degenerates to simple phrase…mongering; and those who practise it are not vigilantly jealous of their meaning。  Such an expression as 〃fine by degrees and beautifully less〃 is often no more than a bloated equivalent for a single word … say 〃diminishing〃 or 〃shrinking。〃  Quotations like this are the warts and excremental parts of language; the borrowings of good writers are never thus superfluous; their quotations are appropriations。 Whether it be by some witty turn given to a well…known line; by an original setting for an old saw; or by a new and unlooked…for analogy; the stamp of the borrower is put upon the goods he borrows; and he becomes part owner。  Plagiarism is a crime only where writing is a trade; expression need never be bound by the law of copyright while it follows thought; for thought; as some great thinker has observed; is free。  The words were once Shakespeare's; if only you can feel them as he did; they are yours now no less than his。  The best quotations; the best translations; the best thefts; are all equally new and original works。  From quotation; at least; there is no esca
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