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manifesto of the communist party-第7章

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common; and; naturally; can come to no other conclusion than that

the lot of being common to all will likewise fall to the women。

He has not even a suspicion that the real point is to do away

with the status of women as mere instruments of production。

For the rest; nothing is more ridiculous than the

virtuous indignation of our bourgeois at the community of women

which; they pretend; is to be openly and officially established

by the Communists。  The Communists have no need to introduce

community of women; it has existed almost from time immemorial。

Our bourgeois; not content with having the wives and daughters of


proletarians at their disposal; not to speak of common


take the greatest pleasure in seducing each other's wives。

Bourgeois marriage is in reality a system of wives in common and


at the most; what the Communists might possibly be reproached


is that they desire to introduce; in substitution for a


concealed; an openly legalised community of women。  For the rest;

it is self…evident that the abolition of the present system of

production must bring with it the abolition of the community

of women springing from that system; i。e。; of prostitution

both public and private。

The Communists are further reproached with desiring to abolish

countries and nationality。

The working men have no country。  We cannot take from them what

they have not got。  Since the proletariat must first of all

acquire political supremacy; must rise to be the leading class of

the nation; must constitute itself the nation; it is; so far;

itself national; though not in the bourgeois sense of the word。

National differences and antagonisms between peoples are daily

more and more vanishing; owing to the development of the

bourgeoisie; to freedom of commerce; to the world…market; to

uniformity in the mode of production and in the conditions of

life corresponding thereto。

The supremacy of the proletariat will cause them to vanish still


United action; of the leading civilised countries at least; is

one of

the first conditions for the emancipation of the proletariat。

In proportion as the exploitation of one individual by another

is put an end to; the exploitation of one nation by another will

also be put an end to。  In proportion as the antagonism between

classes within the nation vanishes; the hostility of one nation

to another will come to an end。

The charges against Communism made from a religious; a

philosophical; and; generally; from an ideological standpoint;

are not deserving of serious examination。

Does it require deep intuition to comprehend that man's ideas;

views and conceptions; in one word; man's consciousness; changes

with every change in the conditions of his material existence; in

his social relations and in his social life?

What else does the history of ideas prove; than that intellectual

production changes its character in proportion as material


is changed?  The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the

ideas of

its ruling class。

When people speak of ideas that revolutionise society; they do

but express the fact; that within the old society; the elements

of a new one have been created; and that the dissolution of the

old ideas keeps even pace with the dissolution of the old

conditions of existence。

When the ancient world was in its last throes; the ancient

religions were overcome by Christianity。  When Christian ideas

succumbed in the 18th century to rationalist ideas; feudal

society fought its death battle with the then revolutionary

bourgeoisie。  The ideas of religious liberty and freedom of

conscience merely gave expression to the sway of free competition

within the domain of knowledge。

〃Undoubtedly;〃 it will be said; 〃religious; moral; philosophical

and juridical ideas have been modified in the course of

historical development。  But religion; morality philosophy;

political science; and law; constantly survived this change。〃

〃There are; besides; eternal truths; such as Freedom; Justice;

etc。 that are common to all states of society。  But Communism

abolishes eternal truths; it abolishes all religion; and all

morality; instead of constituting them on a new basis; it


acts in contradiction to all past historical experience。〃

What does this accusation reduce itself to?  The history of all

past society has consisted in the development of class


antagonisms that assumed different forms at different epochs。

But whatever form they may have taken; one fact is common to all

past ages; viz。; the exploitation of one part of society by the


No wonder; then; that the social consciousness of past ages;


all the multiplicity and variety it displays; moves within


common forms; or general ideas; which cannot completely vanish


with the total disappearance of class antagonisms。

The Communist revolution is the most radical rupture with

traditional property relations; no wonder that its development

involves the most radical rupture with traditional ideas。

But let us have done with the bourgeois objections to Communism。

We have seen above; that the first step in the revolution by the

working class; is to raise the proletariat to the position of

ruling as to win the battle of democracy。

The proletariat will use its political supremacy top wrest; by

degrees; all capital from the bourgeoisie; to centralise all

instruments of production in the hands of the State; i。e。; of the

proletariat organised as the ruling class; and to increase the

total of productive forces as rapidly as possible。

Of course; in the beginning; this cannot be effected except by

means of despotic inroads on the rights of property; and on the

conditions of bourgeois production; by means of measures;


which appear economically insufficient and untenable; but which;

in the course of the movement; outstrip themselves; necessitate

further inroads upon the old social order; and are unavoidable

as a means of entirely revolutionising the mode of production。

These measures will of course be different in different


Nevertheless in the most advanced countries; the following will

be pretty generally applicable。

1。  Abolition of property in land and application of all rents

    of land to public purposes。

2。  A heavy progressive or graduated income tax。

3。  Abolition of all right of inheritance。

4。  Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels。

5。  Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State; by means

    of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive


6。  Centralisation of the means of communication and transport

    in the hands of the State。

7。  Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by


    State; the bri
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