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the hunchback of notre dame-第97章

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possessed me a sufficiently long time to give me the right to possess you in my turn。  When one does wrong; one must do it thoroughly。  'Tis madness to halt midway in the monstrous!  The extreme of crime has its deliriums of joy。 A priest and a witch can mingle in delight upon the truss of straw in a dungeon!

〃Accordingly; I denounced you。  It was then that I terrified you when we met。  The plot which I was weaving against you; the storm which I was heaping up above your head; burst from me in threats and lightning glances。  Still; I hesitated。 My project had its terrible sides which made me shrink back。

〃Perhaps I might have renounced it; perhaps my hideous thought would have withered in my brain; without bearing fruit。  I thought that it would always depend upon me to follow up or discontinue this prosecution。  But every evil thought is inexorable; and insists on becoming a deed; but where I believed myself to be all powerful; fate was more powerful than I。  Alas! 'tis fate which has seized you and delivered you to the terrible wheels of the machine which I had constructed doubly。  Listen。  I am nearing the end。

〃One day;again the sun was shining brilliantlyI behold man pass me uttering your name and laughing; who carries sensuality in his eyes。  Damnation!  I followed him; you know the rest。〃

He ceased。

The young girl could find but one word:

〃Oh; my Phoebus!〃

〃Not that name!〃 said the priest; grasping her arm violently。  〃Utter not that name!  Oh! miserable wretches that we are; 'tis that name which has ruined us! or; rather we have ruined each other by the inexplicable play of fate! you are suffering; are you not? you are cold; the night makes you blind; the dungeon envelops you; but perhaps you still have some light in the bottom of your soul; were it only your childish love for that empty man who played with your heart; while I bear the dungeon within me; within me there is winter; ice; despair; I have night in my soul。

〃Do you know what I have suffered?  I was present at your trial。  I was seated on the official's bench。  Yes; under one of the priests' cowls; there were the contortions of the damned。  When you were brought in; I was there; when you were questioned; I was there。Den of wolves!It was my crime; it was my gallows that I beheld being slowly reared over your head。  I was there for every witness; every proof; every plea; I could count each of your steps in the painful path; I was still there when that ferocious beastoh!  I had not foreseen torture!  Listen。  I followed you to that chamber of anguish。 I beheld you stripped and handled; half naked; by the infamous hands of the tormentor。  I beheld your foot; that foot which I would have given an empire to kiss and die; that foot; beneath which to have had my head crushed I should have felt such rapture;I beheld it encased in that horrible boot; which converts the limbs of a living being into one bloody clod。  Oh; wretch!  while I looked on at that; I held beneath my shroud a dagger; with which I lacerated my breast。  When you uttered that cry; I plunged it into my flesh; at a second cry; it would have entered my heart。  Look!  I believe that it still bleeds。〃

He opened his cassock。  His breast was in fact; mangled as by the claw of a tiger; and on his side he had a large and badly healed wound。

The prisoner recoiled with horror。

〃Oh!〃 said the priest; 〃young girl; have pity upon me! You think yourself unhappy; alas! alas! you know not what unhappiness is。  Oh! to love a woman! to be a priest! to be hated! to love with all the fury of one's soul; to feel that one would give for the least of her smiles; one's blood; one's vitals; one's fame; one's salvation; one's immortality and eternity; this life and the other; to regret that one is not a king; emperor; archangel; God; in order that one might place a greater slave beneath her feet; to clasp her night and day in one's dreams and one's thoughts; and to behold her in love with the trappings of a soldier and to have nothing to offer her but a priest's dirty cassock; which will inspire her with fear and disgust!  To be present with one's jealousy and one's rage; while she lavishes on a miserable; blustering imbecile; treasures of love and beauty!  To behold that body whose form burns you; that bosom which possesses so much sweetness; that flesh palpitate and blush beneath the kisses of another! Oh heaven!  to love her foot; her arm; her shoulder; to think of her blue veins; of her brown skin; until one writhes for whole nights together on the pavement of one's cell; and to behold all those caresses which one has dreamed of; end in torture!  To have succeeded only in stretching her upon the leather bed!  Oh! these are the veritable pincers; reddened in the fires of hell。  Oh! blessed is he who is sawn between two planks; or torn in pieces by four horses!  Do you know what that torture is; which is imposed upon you for long nights by your burning arteries; your bursting heart; your breaking head; your teeth…knawed hands; mad tormentors which turn you incessantly; as upon a red…hot gridiron; to a thought of love; of jealousy; and of despair!  Young girl; mercy! a truce for a moment! a few ashes on these live coals!  Wipe away; I beseech you; the perspiration which trickles in great drops from my brow!  Child! torture me with one hand; but caress me with the other!  Have pity; young girl!  Have pity upon me!〃

The priest writhed on the wet pavement; beating his head against the corners of the stone steps。  The young girl gazed at him; and listened to him。

When he ceased; exhausted and panting; she repeated in a low voice;

〃Oh my Phoebus!〃

The priest dragged himself towards her on his knees。

〃I beseech you;〃 he cried; 〃if you have any heart; do not repulse me!  Oh!  I love you!  I am a wretch!  When you utter that name; unhappy girl; it is as though you crushed all the fibres of my heart between your teeth。  Mercy!  If you come from hell I will go thither with you。  I have done everything to that end。  The hell where you are; shall he paradise; the sight of you is more charming than that of God! Oh! speak! you will have none of me?  I should have thought the mountains would be shaken in their foundations on the day when a woman would repulse such a love。  Oh! if you only would!  Oh! how happy we might be。  We would fleeI would help you to flee;we would go somewhere; we would seek that spot on earth; where the sun is brightest; the sky the bluest; where the trees are most luxuriant。  We would love each other; we would pour our two souls into each other; and we would have a thirst for ourselves which we would quench in common and incessantly at that fountain of inexhaustible love。〃

She interrupted with a terrible and thrilling laugh。

〃Look; father; you have blood on your fingers!〃

The priest remained for several moments as though petrified; with his eyes fixed upon his hand。

〃Well; yes!〃 he resumed at last; with strange gentleness; 〃insult me; scoff at me; overwhelm me with scorn! but come; come。  Let us make haste。  It is to be to…morrow; I tell you。 The gibbet on the Grève; you know it? it stands always ready。  It is horrible! to see you ride in that tumbrel!  Oh me
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