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the hunchback of notre dame-第94章

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eet; and a rope about your neck; before the grand portal of Notre…Dame; and you will there make an apology with a wax torch of the weight of two pounds in your hand; and thence you will be conducted to the Place de Grève; where you will be hanged and strangled on the town gibbet; and likewise your goat; and you will pay to the official three lions of gold; in reparation of the crimes by you committed and by you confessed; of sorcery and magic; debauchery and murder; upon the person of the Sieur Phoebus de Chateaupers。  May God have mercy on your soul!〃

〃Oh!  'tis a dream!〃 she murmured; and she felt rough hands bearing her away。



In the Middle Ages; when an edifice was complete; there was almost as much of it in the earth as above it。  Unless built upon piles; like Notre…Dame; a palace; a fortress; a church; had always a double bottom。  In cathedrals; it was; in some sort; another subterranean cathedral; low; dark; mysterious; blind; and mute; under the upper nave which was overflowing with light and reverberating with organs and bells day and night。  Sometimes it was a sepulchre。  In palaces; in fortresses; it was a prison; sometimes a sepulchre also; sometimes both together。  These mighty buildings; whose mode of formation and vegetation we have elsewhere explained; had not simply foundations; but; so to speak; roots which ran branching through the soil in chambers; galleries; and staircases; like the construction above。  Thus churches; palaces; fortresses; had the earth half way up their bodies。 The cellars of an edifice formed another edifice; into which one descended instead of ascending; and which extended its subterranean grounds under the external piles of the monument; like those forests and mountains which are reversed in the mirror…like waters of a lake; beneath the forests and mountains of the banks。

At the fortress of Saint…Antoine; at the Palais de Justice of Paris; at the Louvre; these subterranean edifices were prisons。 The stories of these prisons; as they sank into the soil; grew constantly narrower and more gloomy。  They were so many zones; where the shades of horror were graduated。  Dante could never imagine anything better for his hell。  These tunnels of cells usually terminated in a sack of a lowest dungeon; with a vat…like bottom; where Dante placed Satan; where society placed those condemned to death。  A miserable human existence; once interred there; farewell light; air; life; ~ogni speranza~every hope; it only came forth to the scaffold or the stake。  Sometimes it rotted there; human justice called this 〃forgetting。〃  Between men and himself; the condemned man felt a pile of stones and jailers weighing down upon his head; and the entire prison; the massive bastille was nothing more than an enormous; complicated lock; which barred him off from the rest of the world。

It was in a sloping cavity of this description; in the ~oubliettes~ excavated by Saint…Louis; in the ~inpace~ of the Tournelle; that la Esmeralda had been placed on being condemned to death; through fear of her escape; no doubt; with the colossal court…house over her head。  Poor fly; who could not have lifted even one of its blocks of stone!

Assuredly; Providence and society had been equally unjust; such an excess of unhappiness and of torture was not necessary to break so frail a creature。

There she lay; lost in the shadows; buried; hidden; immured。 Any one who could have beheld her in this state; after having seen her laugh and dance in the sun; would have shuddered。 Cold as night; cold as death; not a breath of air in her tresses; not a human sound in her ear; no longer a ray of light in her eyes; snapped in twain; crushed with chains; crouching beside a jug and a loaf; on a little straw; in a pool of water; which was formed under her by the sweating of the prison walls; without motion; almost without breath; she had no longer the power to suffer; Phoebus; the sun; midday; the open air; the streets of Paris; the dances with applause; the sweet babblings of love with the officer; then the priest; the old crone; the poignard; the blood; the torture; the gibbet; all this did; indeed; pass before her mind; sometimes as a charming and golden vision; sometimes as a hideous nightmare; but it was no longer anything but a vague and horrible struggle; lost in the gloom; or distant music played up above ground; and which was no longer audible at the depth where the unhappy girl had fallen。

Since she had been there; she had neither waked nor slept。 In that misfortune; in that cell; she could no longer distinguish her waking hours from slumber; dreams from reality; any more than day from night。  All this was mixed; broken; floating; disseminated confusedly in her thought。  She no longer felt; she no longer knew; she no longer thought; at the most; she only dreamed。  Never had a living creature been thrust more deeply into nothingness。

Thus benumbed; frozen; petrified; she had barely noticed on two or three occasions; the sound of a trap door opening somewhere above her; without even permitting the passage of a little light; and through which a hand had tossed her a bit of black bread。  Nevertheless; this periodical visit of the jailer was the sole communication which was left her with mankind。

A single thing still mechanically occupied her ear; above her head; the dampness was filtering through the mouldy stones of the vault; and a drop of water dropped from them at regular intervals。  She listened stupidly to the noise made by this drop of water as it fell into the pool beside her。

This drop of water falling from time to time into that pool; was the only movement which still went on around her; the only clock which marked the time; the only noise which reached her of all the noise made on the surface of the earth。

To tell the whole; however; she also felt; from time to time; in that cesspool of mire and darkness; something cold passing over her foot or her arm; and she shuddered。

How long had she been there?  She did not know。  She had a recollection of a sentence of death pronounced somewhere; against some one; then of having been herself carried away; and of waking up in darkness and silence; chilled to the heart。  She had dragged herself along on her hands。 Then iron rings that cut her ankles; and chains had rattled。 She had recognized the fact that all around her was wall; that below her there was a pavement covered with moisture and a truss of straw; but neither lamp nor air…hole。  Then she had seated herself on that straw and; sometimes; for the sake of changing her attitude; on the last stone step in her dungeon。 For a while she had tried to count the black minutes measured off for her by the drop of water; but that melancholy labor of an ailing brain had broken off of itself in her head; and had left her in stupor。

At length; one day; or one night; (for midnight and midday were of the same color in that sepulchre); she heard above her a louder noise than was usually made by the turnkey when he brought her bread and jug of water。  She raised her head; and beheld a ray of reddish light passing through the crevices in
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