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the hunchback of notre dame-第90章

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these forty years at the Pont Saint Michel; and paying regularly my rents; lord's dues; and quit rents; at the gate opposite the house of Tassin…Caillart; the dyer; which is on the side up the rivera poor old woman now; but a pretty maid in former days; my lords。  Some one said to me lately; 'La Falourdel; don't use your spinning…wheel too much in the evening; the devil is fond of combing the distaffs of old women with his horns。  'Tis certain that the surly monk who was round about the temple last year; now prowls in the City。 Take care; La Falourdel; that he doth not knock at your door。' One evening I was spinning on my wheel; there comes

a knock at my door; I ask who it is。  They swear。  I open。 Two men enter。  A man in black and a handsome officer。  Of the black man nothing could be seen but his eyes; two coals of fire。  All the rest was hat and cloak。  They say to me;'The Sainte…Marthe chamber。''Tis my upper chamber; my lords; my cleanest。  They give me a crown。  I put the crown in my drawer; and I say: 'This shall go to buy tripe at the slaughter…house of la Gloriette to…morrow。' We go up stairs。 On arriving at the upper chamber; and while my back is turned; the black man disappears。  That dazed me a bit。  The officer; who was as handsome as a great lord; goes down stairs again with me。  He goes out。  In about the time it takes to spin a quarter of a handful of flax; be returns with a beautiful young girl; a doll who would have shone like the sun had she been coiffed。  She had with her a goat; a big billy… goat; whether black or white; I no longer remember。  That set me to thinking。  The girl does not concern me; but the goat!  I love not those beasts; they have a beard and horns。 They are so like a man。  And then; they smack of the witches; sabbath。  However; I say nothing。  I had the crown。  That is right; is it not; Monsieur Judge?  I show the captain and the wench to the upper chamber; and I leave them alone; that is to say; with the goat。  I go down and set to spinning againI must inform you that my house has a ground floor and story above。  I know not why I fell to thinking of the surly monk whom the goat had put into my head again; and then the beautiful girl was rather strangely decked out。  All at once; I hear a cry upstairs; and something falls on the floor and the window opens。  I run to mine which is beneath it; and I behold a black mass pass before my eyes and fall into the water。  It was a phantom clad like a priest。  It was a moonlight night。  I saw him quite plainly。  He was swimming in the direction of the city。  Then; all of a tremble; I call the watch。  The gentlemen of the police enter; and not knowing just at the first moment what the matter was; and being merry; they beat me。  I explain to them。  We go up stairs; and what do we find? my poor chamber all blood; the captain stretched out at full length with a dagger in his neck; the girl pretending to be dead; and the goat all in a fright。 'Pretty work!' I say; 'I shall have to wash that floor for more than a fortnight。  It will have to be scraped; it will be a terrible job。'  They carried off the officer; poor young man; and the wench with her bosom all bare。  But wait; the worst is that on the next day; when I wanted to take the crown to buy tripe; I found a dead leaf in its place。〃

The old woman ceased。  A murmur of horror ran through the audience。

〃That phantom; that goat;all smacks of magic;〃 said one of Gringoire's neighbors。

〃And that dry leaf!〃 added another。

〃No doubt about it;〃 joined in a third; 〃she is a witch who has dealings with the surly monk; for the purpose of plundering officers。〃

Gringoire himself was not disinclined to regard this as altogether alarming and probable。

〃Goody Falourdel;〃 said the president majestically; 〃have you nothing more to communicate to the court?〃

〃No; monseigneur;〃 replied the crone; 〃except that the report has described my house as a hovel and stinking; which is an outrageous fashion of speaking。  The houses on the bridge are not imposing; because there are such multitudes of people; but; nevertheless; the butchers continue to dwell there; who are wealthy folk; and married to very proper and handsome women。〃

The magistrate who had reminded Gringoire of a crocodile rose;

〃Silence!〃 said he。  〃I pray the gentlemen not to lose sight of the fact that a dagger was found on the person of the accused。  Goody Falourdel; have you brought that leaf into which the crown which the demon gave you was transformed?

〃Yes; monseigneur;〃 she replied; 〃I found it again。  Here it is。〃

A bailiff banded the dead leaf to the crocodile; who made a doleful shake of the head; and passed it on to the president; who gave it to the procurator of the king in the ecclesiastical court; and thus it made the circuit of the hail。

〃It is a birch leaf;〃 said Master Jacques Charmolue。  〃A fresh proof of magic。

A counsellor took up the word。

〃Witness; two men went upstairs together in your house: the black man; whom you first saw disappear and afterwards swimming in the Seine; with his priestly garments; and the officer。  Which of the two handed you the crown?〃 The old woman pondered for a moment and then said; 〃The officer。〃

A murmur ran through the crowd。

〃Ah!〃 thought Gringoire;〃 this makes some doubt in my mind。〃

But Master Philippe Lheulier; advocate extraordinary to the king; interposed once more。

〃I will recall to these gentlemen; that in the deposition taken at his bedside; the assassinated officer; while declaring that he had a vague idea when the black man accosted him that the latter might be the surly monk; added that the phantom had pressed him eagerly to go and make acquaintance with the accused; and upon his; the captain's; remarking that he had no money; he had given him the crown which the said officer paid to la Falourdel。  Hence; that crown is the money of hell。〃

This conclusive observation appeared to dissipate all the doubts of Gringoire and the other sceptics in the audience。

〃You have the documents; gentlemen;〃 added the king's advocate; as he took his seat; 〃you can consult the testimony of Phoebus de Chateaupers。〃

At that name; the accused sprang up; her head rose above the throng。  Gringoire with horror recognized la Esmeralda。

She was pale; her tresses; formerly so gracefully braided and spangled with sequins; hung in disorder; her lips were blue; her hollow eyes were terrible。  Alas!

〃Phoebus!〃 she said; in bewilderment; 〃where is he?  O messeigneurs! before you kill me; tell me; for pity sake; whether he still lives?〃

〃Hold your tongue; woman;〃 replied the president; 〃that is no affair of ours。〃

〃Oh!  for mercy's sake; tell me if he is alive!〃 she repeated; clasping her beautiful emaciated hands; and the sound of her chains in contact with her dress; was heard。

〃Well!〃 said the king's advocate roughly; 〃he is dying。 Are you satisfied?〃

The unhappy girl fell back on her criminal's seat; speechless; tearless; white as a wax figure。

The president bent down to a man at his feet; who wore a gold cap and a black gown; a chain on his neck and a wand in his hand。

〃Bailiff; bring in the second accused。〃

All eyes turned towards a small do
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