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the hunchback of notre dame-第89章

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〃Maledictions!〃 said the captain; and fell。

She fainted。

At the moment when her eyes closed; when all feeling vanished in her; she thought that she felt a touch of fire imprinted upon her lips; a kiss more burning than the red…hot iron of the executioner。

When she recovered her senses; she was surrounded by soldiers of the watch they were carrying away the captain; bathed in his blood the priest had disappeared; the window at the back of the room which opened on the river was wide open; they picked up a cloak which they supposed to belong to the officer and she heard them saying around her;

〃'Tis a sorceress who has stabbed a captain。〃




Gringoire and the entire Court of Miracles were suffering mortal anxiety。  For a whole month they had not known what had become of la Esmeralda; which greatly pained the Duke of Egypt and his friends the vagabonds; nor what had become of the goat; which redoubled Gringoire's grief。  One evening the gypsy had disappeared; and since that time had given no signs of life。  All search had proved fruitless。  Some tormenting bootblacks had told Gringoire about meeting her that same evening near the Pont Saint…Michel; going off with an officer; but this husband; after the fashion of Bohemia; was an incredulous philosopher; and besides; he; better than any one else; knew to what a point his wife was virginal。  He had been able to form a judgment as to the unconquerable modesty resulting from the combined virtues of the amulet and the gypsy; and he had mathematically calculated the resistance of that chastity to the second power。  Accordingly; he was at ease on that score。

Still he could not understand this disappearance。  It was a profound sorrow。  He would have grown thin over it; had that been possible。  He had forgotten everything; even his literary tastes; even his great work; ~De figuris regularibus et irregularibus~; which it was his intention to have printed with the first money which he should procure (for he had raved over printing; ever since he had seen the 〃Didascalon〃 of Hugues de Saint Victor; printed with the celebrated characters of Vindelin de Spire)。

One day; as he was passing sadly before the criminal Tournelle; he perceived a considerable crowd at one of the gates of the Palais de Justice。

〃What is this?〃 he inquired of a young man who was coming out。

〃I know not; sir;〃 replied the young man。  〃'Tis said that they are trying a woman who hath assassinated a gendarme。 It appears that there is sorcery at the bottom of it; the archbishop and the official have intervened in the case; and my brother; who is the archdeacon of Josas; can think of nothing else。  Now; I wished to speak with him; but I have not been able to reach him because of the throng; which vexes me greatly; as I stand in need of money。〃

〃Alas! sir;〃 said Gringoire; 〃I would that I could lend you some; but; my breeches are worn to holes; and 'tis not crowns which have done it。〃

He dared not tell the young man that he was acquainted with his brother the archdeacon; to whom he had not returned after the scene in the church; a negligence which embarrassed him。

The scholar went his way; and Gringoire set out to follow the crowd which was mounting the staircase of the great chamber。  In his opinion; there was nothing like the spectacle of a criminal process for dissipating melancholy; so exhilaratingly stupid are judges as a rule。  The populace which he had joined walked and elbowed in silence。  After a slow and tiresome march through a long; gloomy corridor; which wound through the court…house like the intestinal canal of the ancient edifice; he arrived near a low door; opening upon a hall which his lofty stature permitted him to survey with a glance over the waving heads of the rabble。

The hall was vast and gloomy; which latter fact made it appear still more spacious。  The day was declining; the long; pointed windows permitted only a pale ray of light to enter; which was extinguished before it reached the vaulted ceiling; an enormous trellis…work of sculptured beams; whose thousand figures seemed to move confusedly in the shadows; many candles were already lighted here and there on tables; and beaming on the heads of clerks buried in masses of documents。 The anterior portion of the ball was occupied by the crowd; on the right and left were magistrates and tables; at the end; upon a platform; a number of judges; whose rear rank sank into the shadows; sinister and motionless faces。  The walls were sown with innumerable fleurs…de…lis。  A large figure of Christ might be vaguely descried above the judges; and everywhere there were pikes and halberds; upon whose points the reflection of the candles placed tips of fire。

〃Monsieur;〃 Gringoire inquired of one of his neighbors; 〃who are all those persons ranged yonder; like prelates in council?〃

〃Monsieur;〃 replied the neighbor; 〃those on the right are the counsellors of the grand chamber; those on the left; the councillors of inquiry; the masters in black gowns; the messires in red。〃

〃Who is that big red fellow; yonder above them; who is sweating?〃 pursued Gringoire。

〃It is monsieur the president。〃

〃And those sheep behind him?〃 continued Gringoire; who as we have seen; did not love the magistracy; which arose; possibly; from the grudge which he cherished against the Palais de Justice since his dramatic misadventure。

〃They are messieurs the masters of requests of the king's household。〃

〃And that boar in front of him?〃

〃He is monsieur the clerk of the Court of Parliament。〃

〃And that crocodile on the right?〃

〃Master Philippe Lheulier; advocate extraordinary of the king。〃

〃And that big; black tom…cat on the left?〃

〃Master Jacques Charmolue; procurator of the king in the Ecclesiastical Court; with the gentlemen of the officialty。〃

〃Come now; monsieur; said Gringoire; 〃pray what are all those fine fellows doing yonder?〃

〃They are judging。〃

〃Judging whom?  I do not see the accused。〃

〃'Tis a woman; sir。  You cannot see her。  She has her back turned to us; and she is hidden from us by the crowd。 Stay; yonder she is; where you see a group of partisans。〃

〃Who is the woman?〃 asked Gringoire。  〃Do you know her name?〃

〃No; monsieur; I have but just arrived。  I merely assume that there is some sorcery about it; since the official is present at the trial。〃

〃Come!〃 said our philosopher; 〃we are going to see all these magistrates devour human flesh。  'Tis as good a spectacle as any other。〃

〃Monsieur;〃 remarked his neighbor; 〃think you not; that Master Jacques Charmolue has a very sweet air?〃

〃Hum!〃 replied Gringoire。  〃I distrust a sweetness which hath pinched nostrils and thin lips。〃

Here the bystanders imposed silence upon the two chatterers。 They were listening to an important deposition。

〃Messeigneurs;〃 said an old woman in the middle of the hall; whose form was so concealed beneath her garments that one would have pronounced her a walking heap of rags; 〃Messeigneurs; the thing is as true as that I am la Falourdel; established these forty years at the Pont Saint Michel; and paying regularly my rents; lord's
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