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the hunchback of notre dame-第88章

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 of the trades; the standards of the parliaments; of the chamber of accounts; of the treasury of the generals; of the aides of the mint; a devilish fine array; in short!  I will conduct you to see the lions of the H?tel du Roi; which are wild beasts。  All women love that。〃

* Varieties of the crossbow。

For several moments the young girl; absorbed in her charming thoughts; was dreaming to the sound of his voice; without listening to the sense of his words。

〃Oh! how happy you will be!〃 continued the captain; and at the same time he gently unbuckled the gypsy's girdle。

〃What are you doing?〃 she said quickly。  This 〃act of violence〃 had roused her from her revery。

〃Nothing;〃 replied Phoebus; 〃I was only saying that you must abandon all this garb of folly; and the street corner when you are with me。〃

〃When I am with you; Phoebus!〃 said the young girl tenderly。

She became pensive and silent once more。

The captain; emboldened by her gentleness; clasped her waist without resistance; then began softly to unlace the poor child's corsage; and disarranged her tucker to such an extent that the panting priest beheld the gypsy's beautiful shoulder emerge from the gauze; as round and brown as the moon rising through the mists of the horizon。

The young girl allowed Phoebus to have his way。  She did not appear to perceive it。  The eye of the bold captain flashed。

Suddenly she turned towards him;

〃Phoebus;〃 she said; with an expression of infinite love; 〃instruct me in thy religion。〃

〃My religion!〃 exclaimed the captain; bursting with laughter; 〃I instruct you in my religion!  ~Corne et tonnerre~!  What do you want with my religion?〃

〃In order that we may be married;〃 she replied。

The captain's face assumed an expression of mingled surprise and disdain; of carelessness and libertine passion。

〃Ah; bah!〃 said he; 〃do people marry?〃

The Bohemian turned pale; and her head drooped sadly on her breast。

〃My beautiful love;〃 resumed Phoebus; tenderly; 〃what nonsense is this?  A great thing is marriage; truly!  one is none the less loving for not having spit Latin into a priest's shop!〃

While speaking thus in his softest voice; he approached extremely near the gypsy; his caressing hands resumed their place around her supple and delicate waist; his eye flashed more and more; and everything announced that Monsieur Phoebus was on the verge of one of those moments when Jupiter himself commits so many follies that Homer is obliged to summon a cloud to his rescue。

But Dom Claude saw everything。  The door was made of thoroughly rotten cask staves; which left large apertures for the passage of his hawklike gaze。  This brown…skinned; broad… shouldered priest; hitherto condemned to the austere virginity of the cloister; was quivering and boiling in the presence of this night scene of love and voluptuousness。  This young and beautiful girl given over in disarray to the ardent young man; made melted lead flow in his…veins; his eyes darted with sensual jealousy beneath all those loosened pins。  Any one who could; at that moment; have seen the face of the unhappy man glued to the wormeaten bars; would have thought that he beheld the face of a tiger glaring from the depths of a cage at some jackal devouring a gazelle。  His eye shone like a candle through the cracks of the door。

All at once; Phoebus; with a rapid gesture; removed the gypsy's gorgerette。  The poor child; who had remained pale and dreamy; awoke with a start; she recoiled hastily from the enterprising officer; and; casting a glance at her bare neck and shoulders; red; confused; mute with shame; she crossed her two beautiful arms on her breast to conceal it。  Had it not been for the flame which burned in her cheeks; at the sight of her so silent and motionless; one would have。 declared her a statue of Modesty。  Her eyes were lowered。

But the captain's gesture had revealed the mysterious amulet which she wore about her neck。

〃What is that?〃 he said; seizing this pretext to approach once more the beautiful creature whom he had just alarmed。

〃Don't touch it!〃 she replied; quickly; 〃'tis my guardian。 It will make me find my family again; if I remain worthy to do so。  Oh; leave me; monsieur le capitaine!  My mother! My poor mother!  My mother!  Where art thou?  Come to my rescue!  Have pity; Monsieur Phoebus; give me back my gorgerette!〃

Phoebus retreated amid said in a cold tone;

〃Oh; mademoiselle!  I see plainly that you do not love me!〃

〃I do not love him!〃 exclaimed the unhappy child; and at the same time she clung to the captain; whom she drew to a seat beside her。  〃I do not love thee; my Phoebus?  What art thou saying; wicked man; to break my heart?  Oh; take me! take all! do what you will with me; I am thine。  What matters to me the amulet!  What matters to me my mother! 'Tis thou who art my mother since I love thee!  Phoebus; my beloved Phoebus; dost thou see me?  'Tis I。  Look at me; 'tis the little one whom thou wilt surely not repulse; who comes; who comes herself to seek thee。  My soul; my life; my body; my person; all is one thingwhich is thine; my captain。 Well; no!  We will not marry; since that displeases thee; and then; what am I? a miserable girl of the gutters; whilst thou; my Phoebus; art a gentleman。  A fine thing; truly!  A dancer wed an officer!  I was mad。  No; Phoebus; no; I will be thy mistress; thy amusement; thy pleasure; when thou wilt; a girl who shall belong to thee。  I was only made for that; soiled; despised; dishonored; but what matters it?beloved。 I shall be the proudest and the most joyous of women。  And when I grow old or ugly; Phoebus; when I am no longer good to love you; you will suffer me to serve you still。  Others will embroider scarfs for you; 'tis I; the servant; who will care for them。  You will let me polish your spurs; brush your doublet; dust your riding…boots。  You will have that pity; will you not; Phoebus?  Meanwhile; take me! here; Phoebus; all this belongs to thee; only love me!  We gypsies need only air and love。〃

So saying; she threw her arms round the officer's neck; she looked up at him; supplicatingly; with a beautiful smile; and all in tears。  Her delicate neck rubbed against his cloth doublet with its rough embroideries。  She writhed on her knees; her beautiful body half naked。  The intoxicated captain pressed his ardent lips to those lovely African shoulders。 The young girl; her eyes bent on the ceiling; as she leaned backwards; quivered; all palpitating; beneath this kiss。

All at once; above Phoebus's head she beheld another head; a green; livid; convulsed face; with the look of a lost soul; near this face was a hand grasping a poniard。It was the face and hand of the priest; he had broken the door and he was there。  Phoebus could not see him。  The young girl remained motionless; frozen with terror; dumb; beneath that terrible apparition; like a dove which should raise its head at the moment when the hawk is gazing into her nest with its round eyes。

She could not even utter a cry。  She saw the poniard descend upon Phoebus; and rise again; reeking。

〃Maledictions!〃 said the captain; and fell。

She fainted。

At the moment when her eyes closed; when all feeling v
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